Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Federalists Essay - 1011 Words

The early years of the Constitution of the United States were full of political strife. The two prominent political ideals were complete opposites. The Jeffersonian Republicans were focused on giving power to the people and maintaining a pastoral economy, while the Federalists supported the control of the government by the elite class, and maintaining â€Å"positive† democracy. Both parties feared the influence and effect the other party would have on the public. In Linda K. Kerbers article, â€Å"The Fears of the Federalists†, the major concerns Federalists held in the early 19th century are described. Ever since the war with and separation from England, the citizens of America were seen to be continually drive to â€Å"patriotic rebellion† as a way to†¦show more content†¦Despite the vast amount of land available for agriculture, industry was created regardless, in order to become more independent from Europe. Machinery was developed that would elimina te the need for actually laborers, but at the same time this machinery needed laborers to work it6. Thus the Proletariat formed. This class was negatively viewed by the Federalists as they believed that any one who was dependent upon others was not virtuous and thus not a proper citizen. The condition of the proletariat class was also poor, and the Federalists believed that the poor were more prone to indecent behavior and unpredictability7. Kerber quotes Federalist Philip Barton Key, who stated that men and boys in workshops were not expected to have the same stable constitution as those who were in charge of their own salaries and independent in their lives8. What is meant is that those who are rich and assured of their social and economic standing are not going to rebel. They have influence in what matters to them politically, unlike those who are poor, who would have more reason to start an uprising. Federalists also feared that the Republicans would â€Å"...break down the ba rrier of habitual morality...both as it respects our civil religious institutions...†9. Of course, this referred to the cultivation of the public desire rather than the elite rich and educated. AsShow MoreRelatedThe Federalist And Anti Federalist1263 Words   |  6 Pages The Anti-Federalist put up a long and hard fight, however, they were not as organized as the Federalists. While the Anti- Federalist had great concerns about the Constitution and National government, the Federalist had good responses to combat these concerns. The Federalist were and for the Constitution and feel the Article of Confederation were not worth ratifying, these should be scrapped altogether. They felt that the Articles limited the power of congress, because congress had to request cooperationRead MoreFederalists vs. Anti-Federalists1723 Words   |  7 Pagesthe subject of numerous debates. 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