Thursday, August 27, 2020

How Marketing And the Communications Industry Transformed to the Research Paper

How Marketing And the Communications Industry Transformed to the Digital Marketing Era - Research Paper Example Presentation Publicis bunch is a worldwide organization situated in Paris. The gathering gives media administrations, conventional and advanced promoting, showcasing administrations and counseling administrations to the customers. In the time of globalization the mechanism of notice has been changed and the kind of promotion additionally getting modernized. In the promoting and correspondences industry there was a change seen from the 1990s decade. The offices change their crusade draws near. They are attempting to speaking with the clients as opposed to conveying at the clients. The Publicis bunch needs to change the group’s activity as they have purchased Digitas. They have started to recognize another model and for this they need to change the company’s organizations. Vivaki is another vital activity intended to improve the advertisers’ showcasing speculations and hence help the development of the Publicis gathering. In this cutting edge time of showcasing and interchanges industry needs some creative methodologies for holding the piece of the overall industry. The methodology of Publicis bunch was imaginative as four organizations went under one umbrella through which Vivaki can offer great types of assistance to the customers. Since dispatch Vivaki has not performed well but since of the monetary emergency. The paper is an endeavor to investigate about the issues with the gathering utilizing different devices of examination like TOWS and methodology tripod. The specialist has attempted to give a few proposals that what the organization ought to do in this circumstance for their long haul and transient benefit. Examination The procedure tripod model is the instrument an organization regarding three significant points of view of system. The three points of view are industry based view, asset based view and... This paper focuses on that advertising and the interchanges business has changed to the computerized showcasing period from the conventional promoting. Till 2006 there were no computerized shops in the best ten spots so the gathering has procured Digitas. Digitas is an incorporated computerized publicizing office. In 2007 Digitas was in the primary spot in the positioning of the top advanced stores. After that the administrator of the organization wants to incorporate the offices that were under the gathering and afterward give items to the customers. So the administration has propelled another endeavor Vivaki which offers the joined size of activities of four unique offices of the gathering. The writer of the article proclaims that At the beginning the gathering has not performed well as a result of monetary emergency. In this report the specialist has investigated the circumstance. This report makes an end that the firm should deal with the social issues emerging as this organization is global. The organization ought to assign the obligation of the offices who are working in coordinated effort so the gathering can stay away from the occasions like AT and T. They should utilize the parity scorecard for audit the input of the customers and representatives. As the methodology of the organization is inventive it very well may be said from the investigation that the gathering will have the option to build its piece of the pie on the off chance that they apply the proposals made by the specialist.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Strategic Analysis of Zara Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Key Analysis of Zara Inc - Essay Example Research demonstrates these elements incorporate escalated serious contention, purchaser power with shoppers, and even dangers of substitute items that can drive estimating lower. Research has likewise shown a lot of negative exposure for Zara, something requiring tending to by Zara administrators so as to improve and support a quality brand notoriety in its universal markets. In spite of the fact that Zara can successfully make a few obstructions, for example, new market contestants and by evacuating purchasing power by constraining re-appropriated provider nearness, Zara still requires more accentuation on understanding business sector qualities viably to give applicable items and addition more brand unwaveringness. Proposals for business improvement have been distinguished as directing progressively concentrated statistical surveying, more accentuation on the limited time capacity and usage of intelligent promoting, decentralization of certain business capacities along the worth c hain, and building increasingly self-possessed assembling and flexibly limit so as to increase upper hand. 1.0 Industry examination Buchanan and Huczynski (2010) give information on possibility hypothesis, a key model that shows as conditions in the market or industry change, the organisation’s structure should likewise be changed so as to adjust and remain significant. Zara is a prime case of a business that comprehends the market attributes and abilities of significant opponents, making possibility methodologies so as to react (rapidly) to changing business sector and industry elements. This is practiced, obviously, through keeping up a position in which Zara officials routinely examine the outer condition to distinguish dangers and openings that could add to a superior market position. Thompson, Gamble and Strickland (2005) offer the Five Forces Model proposed by Michael Porter recognizing five serious dangers that are industry-related that will either improve or upset keeping up gainfulness and upper hand. The most concentrated industry worry for Zara is danger of substitutes i n its working markets. H&M, Gap Inc. what's more, Benetton offer comparative design stock that is centered around either youth markets with a patterns centered arrangement of purchasing attributes or mass markets that are pulled in to in vogue styles at moderate costs. Large scale financial hypothesis demonstrates that danger of substitutes turns into an authentic concern when the interest for the item has been influenced by value changes related with substitute items (Boyes and Melvin 2007). For Zara, substitute items incorporate attire sold at resale shops, for example, with the developing pattern for retro-style designs. In this condition, attire is sold at an ostensible cost, yet offering customers items that are considered elegant. The capacity of customers to get product and style adornments from an assortment of lower-cost deals offices can influence interest for Zara’s stock. In this way, Zara must know about elective obtainment

Friday, August 21, 2020

Essays on Writing - The Most Important Tips

Essays on Writing - The Most Important TipsEssays on Writing can be a great help in the school and college application process. In fact, admissions officers love to get your essay writing. You will get more credit and information for writing a well written essay if you submit it on time, so be sure to get it done quickly.Before you start writing your essay, you need to know what information is required. The truth is that many colleges and universities require an essay as part of the admissions process. However, other schools may not require this. For example, some junior colleges may not require a specialized essay in the first place.Your admissions officer should give you advice on what to write and how to write it. Typically, the admissions officer will ask you to write about your interest and motivation for choosing this school or program. The admissions officer will want to know why you chose this specific program. This is called your 'Personal Statement.'After you have completed your personal statement, the admissions officer will ask you to write an essay on what you hope to gain from attending college. Again, the admissions officer will want to know why you are choosing this particular program. This is called your 'Opportunity Essay.'After the essays on writing are complete, the admissions officer will probably ask you to summarize your essays on writing with an outline of your possible career goals. Your career goals will vary depending on the school you are applying to, so be sure to write the summary based on what your admissions officer tells you to write your paper. Remember that your college admissions essay is a great opportunity to let the admissions officer know what kind of professional you want to be.You will also be asked to create a portfolio if the school you are applying to offers one. If it does not, then you should create oneso that your writing will look more professional. It's important to get this completed because the admissions offi cer will see this portfolio and might choose you based on your portfolio instead of your essay.Remember that the admissions officer is evaluating all of your materials and they will be looking for signs of yours. They will see your portfolio and see your extracurricular activities. If you are not submitting your work, then the admissions officer will not know what to look for and they will not realize that your portfolio looks less professional than it should.Writing an essay on writing is much like writing a story or a book. Your first draft might seem rough and the grammar is terrible. However, in time, you will polish up your skills and become a better writer.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Federalists Essay - 1011 Words

The early years of the Constitution of the United States were full of political strife. The two prominent political ideals were complete opposites. The Jeffersonian Republicans were focused on giving power to the people and maintaining a pastoral economy, while the Federalists supported the control of the government by the elite class, and maintaining â€Å"positive† democracy. Both parties feared the influence and effect the other party would have on the public. In Linda K. Kerbers article, â€Å"The Fears of the Federalists†, the major concerns Federalists held in the early 19th century are described. Ever since the war with and separation from England, the citizens of America were seen to be continually drive to â€Å"patriotic rebellion† as a way to†¦show more content†¦Despite the vast amount of land available for agriculture, industry was created regardless, in order to become more independent from Europe. Machinery was developed that would elimina te the need for actually laborers, but at the same time this machinery needed laborers to work it6. Thus the Proletariat formed. This class was negatively viewed by the Federalists as they believed that any one who was dependent upon others was not virtuous and thus not a proper citizen. The condition of the proletariat class was also poor, and the Federalists believed that the poor were more prone to indecent behavior and unpredictability7. Kerber quotes Federalist Philip Barton Key, who stated that men and boys in workshops were not expected to have the same stable constitution as those who were in charge of their own salaries and independent in their lives8. What is meant is that those who are rich and assured of their social and economic standing are not going to rebel. They have influence in what matters to them politically, unlike those who are poor, who would have more reason to start an uprising. Federalists also feared that the Republicans would â€Å"...break down the ba rrier of habitual morality...both as it respects our civil religious institutions...†9. Of course, this referred to the cultivation of the public desire rather than the elite rich and educated. AsShow MoreRelatedThe Federalist And Anti Federalist1263 Words   |  6 Pages The Anti-Federalist put up a long and hard fight, however, they were not as organized as the Federalists. While the Anti- Federalist had great concerns about the Constitution and National government, the Federalist had good responses to combat these concerns. The Federalist were and for the Constitution and feel the Article of Confederation were not worth ratifying, these should be scrapped altogether. They felt that the Articles limited the power of congress, because congress had to request cooperationRead MoreFederalists vs. Anti-Federalists1723 Words   |  7 Pagesthe subject of numerous debates. The contending groups consisted of Federalists, those who supported ratification, and Anti-Federalists, those opposed to the constitution. Each group published a series of letters known as the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers. The Anti-Federalist papers objected to provisions of the proposed constitution while the Federalist Papers defended the rationale behind the document. An ti-Federalist objections included that; the United States was too extensive to beRead More Beliefs of the Anti-Federalists Essay721 Words   |  3 PagesThe name, Anti-Federalists is not the best-suited name for what they truly are, or what they believe in. â€Å"They are called the Anti-Federalists, but it should be made clear at once that they were not Anti-Federal at all.† (Main xi) Originally, the word federalist, meant anyone who supported the Articles of Confederation. The term â€Å"Anti-Federalist† was placed on them to portray them as people who did not agree with the Federal Government, which was exactly opposite of what they are. AccordingRead MoreAnti Federalists Vs. Federalists1634 Words   |  7 Pages Anti Federalists vs. Federalists (Paper #1) The Federalists and the Anti - Federalists played an indispensable part in the establishment of the American Constitution. Federalists were supporters of the constitution, while Anti federalist were against the ratification of the Constitution. Federalists believed in the idea of a larger heterogeneous republic whereas anti federalists wanted a small homogenous republic. Famous federalists like James Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton are responsibleRead MoreFederalist Papers : The Federalist Paper1617 Words   |  7 PagesDaniel Gasca Mr. Brooks AP Government Period 1 10/27/15 The Federalist Papers The Federalist Papers Ten and Fifty-One were the ideal papers written by Madison to support th ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬e ratification of the Constitution. Out of all the federalist papers, these are two of the most important federalist papers. So what were the federalist papers? They were 85 essays written by three gentlemen: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay that explained particular provisions of the Constitution in detailRead MoreThe Federalist Papers 1250 Words   |  5 Pages Introduction The Federalist Papers present a series of essays written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. This volume of eighty-five essays, written between October 1787 and May 1788, is perhaps the most famous, and at the same time the most important newspaper column ever published. These essays are considered to be among the most important documents of the Founding period, together with the Constitution and Civil Rights Act. In these essays the authors provided facts and justificationRead MoreFederalist No. 10 And No Essay1454 Words   |  6 Pages Federalist No. 10 and No. 51, essays are Madison’s arguments about the fictions provides details about the cause, effect, and solutions to deal with factions. The two Federalist essays, which are highly regarded today, are the numbers 10 and 51. In these essays. Madison explained that in a large state a variety of factions and interests could terminate one another out and it makes it tough for any single faction to create a majority and hijack the government for its interests. Arguing and lobbyingRead More Federalist 10 Essay713 Words   |  3 PagesFederalist 10 Liberty. This word means many things to many people. There is no way to distinctly define the term without leaving someones crucial point of view out of the equation. One person might say that anarchy would be the only way to have complete and utter freedom, while others would go as far as to believe a controlled communist government is the best route to achieving liberation. Factions (a group of people who agree on certain topics) are inevitable, due to the nature of manRead MoreThe Federalist 10, By James Madison858 Words   |  4 PagesIn the Federalist 10, it is mostly about the constitution. It was written by James Madison, who oversaw it. The main purpose of this article is faction. In politics, faction is people that group themselves. Madison said that in the republic. Madison says that the number one common characteristic is the largest people. The democracy would be possible because you couldn’t create a majority group of people that would have a lot in common. However now, democracy become too big in this scale. People don’tRead MoreThe Federalist Papers By John Jay2011 Words   |  9 PagesThe Federalist Papers, written in New York by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, during the years of 1787 and 1788, were a collection of eighty-five essays that were written to augment and garner support and to defend those concepts set forth in The Constitution of the United States of America (hereafter â€Å"The Constitution†), which had not yet been ratified. The Federalist Papers not only championed The Constitution, but they also explained how the new government would operate in the

Friday, May 15, 2020

What Is A Brain Computer Interface - 2728 Words

BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE Tejaswi Palacharla University of Houston ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION What is a Brain Computer Interface? Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a communication channel between a brain and the computer. The BCI system transforms specific ‘thoughts’, into control signals. These are then converted to a computer readable form where the output is shown on the computer. This computer follows the instructions or thoughts given by the brain when a patient mentally visualizes the cursor reaching the target. The electrode is implanted in the human brain and the brain activity is interpreted by computer software. Then the computer software displays the activity on the monitored screen. This technology is mostly used for people with disabilities. The reason why a BCI works is all because of the way our brain functions. Our brain is filled with neurons. The neurons are at work when we move, think, feel or remember something. The work is completed by small electrical signals that zip from neuron to neuron as fast as 250mph. Now scientists can detect the signals, interpret them and make them to direct a device. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a method used in measuring the electrical activity of the brain. A few examples of Brain Computer Interface for the disabled people are †¢ â€Å"Bionic device is used for the people to restore a sense of vision to people with retinitis pigmentosa and age related macular degeneration.†( Bionic eye Australia,Show MoreRelatedCommunication Technology Research Project : How It Works, And Its Application919 Words   |  4 Pagescouldn’t believe all the different ways it could be used for all different types of people and the lengths it could reach. The technology that I decided to write my paper on is called Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI). I will discuss what exactly BCI is, how it works, and its application in today’s world. Brain-computer interface is a technology that has been around for a while, however the technology has really taken off in recent years. The thing that makes this technology so dynamic is the fact that itRead MoreNeural Technology : Brain Computer Interface934 Words   |  4 Pagestechnology is a field of engineering that specializes in taking information that is present in the brain and translating it to a medium that can be understood by a wide range of people. One of the ways this is done is with systems that take information directly from the brain and enable control over a computerized system. These are referred to as brain computer interfaces, also known as BCIs. Brain-computer interface (BCI) technology decodes neural signals in real time to control external devices (Rouse)Read MoreBrain-Computer Interfaces1221 Words   |  5 Pageschange with this new technology called, brain-computer interfaces. This amazing technology will not only revamp military applications, but most importantly help the medical community substantially. It brings the possibility of sound to the deaf, sight to the blind and movement to the physically challenged. However, with all great ideas there is a downside, there are many technical and ethical issues that people are not willing to risk. A brain-computer interface, also known as a BCI, is technologyRead MoreA Paper Presentation on Brain Controlled Car for Disabled Using Artificial Intelligence1667 Words   |  7 PagesA Paper Presentation on BRAIN CONTROLLED CAR FOR DISABLED USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Submitted on the event of Zeitgeist’09 At UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Read MoreFrom Toys to Practicality: Brain Computer Interface Technology900 Words   |  4 PagesFrom Toys to Practicality: Brain Computer Interface Technology The idea of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology is the subject of high interest for many people and families of the person experiencing considerable physical impairments, such as those with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). This knowledge is recognized by several monitors, such as BCI, Brain-Machine Interface (BMI), neuro-brain transmission and Direct Brain Interface (DBI). Conventional computer input and assistive technologyRead MoreThe Lateral Sclerosis ( Als ) Is A Neurodegenerative Disease That Causes Loss Of Motor Neurons And Progressive Weakness1476 Words   |  6 Pageshowever there are a few drugs which have been able to slow the progression of the disease in some patients. As a result affected individuals become â€Å"locked in† and unable to communicate. These patients can benefit greatly from the use of a brain computer interface (BCI)(Birbaumer, 2006; Coyle, Ward, Markham, McDarby, 2004). BCI can help individuals communicate without relying on muscular control, which is critical for clinical populations of neuromuscular disease patients, such ALS (Wolpaw, 2002)Read MoreThe First Task Of Either A Writer Or A Critical Book Reviewer1735 Words   |  7 PagesThe first task of either a writer or a critical book reviewer is to imagine the audience for whom the work is intended. For us at Interface, that is those interested in the impact of the Internet. Some works, however, like the one under review, defy easy classification, perhaps because they fail to target an appropriate audience or to speak consistently to it. This might be a sign of a weak book, not actually suitable for anybody; too much of its content may miss the mark. Both a reader’s time andRead MoreDevelopment Of Brain Interfacing Devices1426 Words   |  6 Pagesdevelopment of brain interfacing devices. Brain interfacing has been used with computers, animals, and other human beings. Harvard and researchers Pais-Vieira and Miguel were both successful in creating a brain interfacing device that could control the movements of lab rates. Scientist have managed to create devices that can manipulate the thoughts and movements of other human beings. Brain interfacing is when scientist use computers to communicate and manipulate other living things. One common brain interfacingRead MoreNeural Prosthetics And Its Effects1741 Words   |  7 Pagesolder we begin to lose a plethora of our abilities; through old age, an injury, or whatever the case may be, we all slowly deteriorate. With modern science we are now able to regain some of what we had lost or have never hard, through neural prosthetics. In this essay, I will be dissecting and explaining what exactly neural prosthetics are while delving into its past, its current present applications while making comparisons to other similar technologies, and its future and potential uses. WithRead MoreCMOS Essay / 1998 Words   |  4 Pageswhich is on the computers motherboard and it stores the BIOS settings. Also some of the BIOS settings include the systems time and date as well as hardware settings. Back Panel Port Used for/ Description Image PS/2 The PS/2 port is a 6-pin mini-DIN connector that is used for connecting some keyboards and mice to the computer system. USB A USB (universal serial bus) is a mini storage device that is portable and you can store your data on it and use it when it is connected to a computer/laptop. Ethernet

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Nature Of Science, Agriculture Practices, Fracking And...

Human beings are very fortunate to be living on Earth. Even though humans get everything we need from these precious lands, we always feel that we have to modify it. Reshaping our world to make it more suitable for individuals is not the way to go. Humans have the desire for scientific process, and are driven to make the world a better place; though in reality, the outcomes of our environment and our selves say otherwise. Our ways of science, agriculture practices, fracking and irrigation practices, ways of mining, inventions of plastics, and even our advancement in technology is leading us to the consequences of not only hurting our species, but our environment as a whole. People believe that mankind will learn to utilize Earth’s†¦show more content†¦It is a living thing, a celebration of human fallibility† (Thomas 304). Our discovery of science has changed over the years. At first it was seen as a systematic study of nature, but it has now come to a poin t where our source of inspiration has become abused, and it s taking a toll on our home. Scientific advancement plays a major role to the reason why our world has become greedy and wealthy. For example: fossil fuels, pollution, greenhouse gasses, advance weaponry (nuclear), and even modern technology is destroying the environment we live in. None of the examples were apparent in nature, until man mistreated the original uses of science. This proves that science is politics, and it is shaped by ideological plan by the user (science is a technique). We must prevent the misuses of science, because it is too late to stop progressing and go back to living in nature. Our misuse of science lead to the technique of hydraulic mining, which was used for the quest of gold in Sacramento, where these companies used enormous water cannons, called â€Å"monitors†, to annihilate large hills and small mountains. Once gold is removed, left over detritus found their way to the streams, w hich then flows into the larger waterways to the Sacramento River, that supplied a portion of the water. This resulted in the Sacrament River carrying too much silt, which was hazardous for the people to consume. This later caused floods in Sacramento to occur, which the

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Poetry and Piano Essay Example For Students

Poetry and Piano Essay SOUND and written word; two abstract concepts, but hidden are many underlying similarities. Like the hybrid pluot mix of a plum and apricot, taking two different fruits and finding a delightful product by intertwining them. To appreciate the similarities, we must first consider the differences. The piano is a musical instrument that unlike poetry, is tangible. You can touch and feel the cool keys as your hands glide over them as well as feel the resisting pressure as you press the peddle under your foot. Poetry on the other hand, while capable of being seen, you cannot touch the words themselves. Who of you can say what the word that feels like? The piano is also a harmonious instrument that is often accompanied by another instrument or even several different types. A whole orchestra can play, but if you listen closely the piano is still distinguishable. On the other hand, try having two people read two different poems at the same time. The task in itself is easy to do, but what you hear is not a harmonious melody, but a jumble of words that produce a confusing effect on the listener. Poetry and pianos are similar though, in that they contain a rhythm. Although, a poet wont sing his poem, an affluent reader can make his words vivid and smoothly transition between lines and stanzas, creating a music-like effect. In reading a poem it is important to capture the pace, intensity, and meaning of what the poet is trying to convey. Piano songs also contain a structured rhythm indicated after the clef on the music sheet from which you play. Often, youll even find yourself subconsciously tapping your foot to the rhythm of the song. The rhythm is the backbone to a song or poem and directs the flow and attitude. And obvious similarity, is that it takes somebody to write a poem or play the piano. A fact often unnoticed and unappreciated is that every song or poem created came from some persons imagination. It takes a persons hand to write down a word or strike a key and this combined with my previous statement on imagination leads to my next similarity. Having so many words and musical notes to pick from, the outcome of each persons creativity results in something completely different from the next person. One person motivated by sadness my create a more slow, somber, and melancholy piece. A person overwhelmed by happiness may create a faster, upbeat song or poem. It all depends on time, emotion and vastness of vocabulary in the case of a piano creativity with different keys and chords. The product of each persons imagination is almost endless. Both poems and songs are just scribbles on paper unless you have someone to bring them to life. They are similar in the respect that both poetry and sheet music can be read. The only difference is how it is read. While poems can be read in  their written form, just as it is, reading sheet music takes a little more effort and wouldnt sound that great if you read it for what it was. Reading off your sheet you might get: G chord, C chord, D, E, C and who would honestly enjoy that? No, the pianist must in effect read the music with his fingers after interpreting from the page which keys to play. Some have even combined piano and poetry together to form poetic songs. An example of this is French composer Maurice Ravels Gaspard de la Nuit. Ravel composed three pieces for piano in 1908, basing them on poems by Aloysius Bertrand. All three of which are beautiful and showcased his talent and mastery in the piano. Also translated into English by Michael Benedikt. Maurices piano compositions show that poems can be rendered, modified, or transformed into music that is pleasing to the ears. Below is an excerpt from one of his three songs, entitled Ondine: .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175 , .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175 .postImageUrl , .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175 , .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175:hover , .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175:visited , .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175:active { border:0!important; } .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175:active , .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175 .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf0d2a0b0c111591213d851d4e23b8175:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Poetry Persuasive EssayListen!Listen!its me down here, Ondine, splashing all these droplets against your casement windowpanes so that they echo, here in the dim, regretful moonlight; and up there, high above us in her black silk dress, is the chateaus lady upon her balcony, gazing out at this beautiful starry night and at my lovely, sleeping lake. We have just begun scratching the surface of the many marvels of poetry and the piano. All the more so, I hope my brief analysis of the differences and similarities of poetry and the piano has helped you appreciate a new aspect or unravel some sort of unfound revelation. Perhaps take a second glance at the seemingly boring, everyday things.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Family background influences how a person perceives the world free essay sample

A person’s view upon the world always changes in the process of growing up; he or she is not just getting around with family members but also the society, strangers and friends. However, family background does play a crucial and vital role in influencing a person perceives the world. Personally, a person means the child in a family; he or she is in the process of a child turning to be an adult. While, family background means education level, financial status, growing up environment, and the social skills possessed and practiced by the child’s parents, siblings and relatives. Therefore, as time goes by, these will influence a person mentally and physically perceive their surrounding and environment. Family is the first sources of information one receives. When one is still a child, parents are the one he or she takes as role model. Children tend to observe, imitate and follow the activities carried out by their parents and siblings. We will write a custom essay sample on Family background influences how a person perceives the world or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The family members’ feelings and point of view come into play as a model for the child. In the growing up stage, children always listen to their family members. For instance, parents are the one who teach and share with the child what they have learned and their perspectives towards issues, problems that occur. They are the one whom show the â€Å"proper manner† in handling and facing the challenges in life. The child takes the advice as his or her primary source for solution. In addition, family background plays an important role in inculcating a child in blending himself or herself in the society. The environment created shapes a person’s point of view about his or her surroundings. For example that one learns about sharing at home would be able to share when he or she is in the world. One learn to communicate in a proper manner, the child will know about manner and respect others. When one learnt about abuse at home, one grows up to be juvenile delinquents and murders, as well as the batterers of the next generation (Eli, Carolyn and Robert, 1983). It is crucial that one person is introduced and lived in a peaceful and tolerance environment as it influences one’s point of view towards their surroundings. Moreover, based on John Ermisch and Marco Francesconi (2000), parents’ educational attainments are found to be strongly associated with their children’s education attainments. When the family background is from an educated family, their children will be introduced to the importance of education in their future carrier and life. Most of the educated parents are able to coach, teach and guide the child in the subjects learned. Parents will also able to help in creating the child’s carrier path. Parents will be able to determine the path of carrier and needed criteria in study to achieve better. With the guidance from the family, he or she will have a smoother path in life as their basic is planned and designed. In Juliana ad Breno (2007), family background is one of the key determinants of children’s performance. Apart from it, family financial status also influences a person ways in perceiving the world. Based on Russell (2006), children from privileged backgrounds complete more schooling and earn higher wages than children from disadvantaged backgrounds. This can be clearly seen that children from better financial background, most of them are able to complete and having the chances to further studies. With higher education level, this group of children is capable to compete in the world. On top of that, with better financial status, a person has a fall back in whatever he or she likes to invest in and work on. Furthermore, family financial status also determines the social status one family is a society. The higher the financial status, it also means the higher level of social status. For instance, as prologue in Romeo and Juliet says â€Å"Two households, both alike in dignity†, this indicates the pressure put on the child to socialize in the status do exist for a long time. Children are sort of been through the process of ‘brain wash’ when they are looking for peers, friends and even partners, they will be advice to join in the same social class. The mentally of the person will change due to the perspectives and opinion from their family members. A person’s mind set will be influenced as critics and gossips run around the corner when he or she is in the society. This will develop a person in obtaining and maintaining a certain social status in the society. In conclusion, family background influences a person ways in perceiving the world mentally and physically. A person’s development is directly affected by the family surroundings. A person growing up stage is molded, shaped and formed due to the environment exposed to them. A person tends to trail and track, even wanting to be better in the world and prove that he or she is getting better than their current environment. Thus, it is proven that family background does help to influence how a person perceives the world.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Best Way to Use the Real ACT Prep Guide

The Best Way to Use the Real ACT Prep Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Want to prep for the ACT on you own? Chances are you’ve ordered a prep book to help you study. One of the most popular prep books around is The Real ACT Prep Guide. But how can you make sure you get your money’s worth out of the book – and make sure you actually study well enough to improve your ACT composite? Read our guide to using The Real ACT Prep Guide to find out. What’s in The Real ACT Prep Guide? The Prep Guide has two main components: an overview of each section of the ACT (English, Math, Reading, Science, and optional essay) and 5 full-length practice tests. The book is made by the ACT, so the practice tests are the best-quality ones you can get, which is why the book is so popular (at the time of writing, it’s the #1 best-selling ACT Test Guide on This book can be an excellent resource if you’re trying to improve your ACT score. However, there are ways to use it effectively and less effectively – we’ll show you how. How to Use the Content Overview Section The Real ACT Prep Guide contains a brief overview of each section on the ACT and the content you need to know for each. However, it doesn’t teach you the content. For example, it will say you need to know basic trigonometric identities for the math section and give an example problem, but it won’t explain what those identities are. So if there is a concept you don’t know, The Real ACT Prep Guide won’t help you learn it. Still, we advise you read through the content review so you know what you are being tested on. If you come across content areas you’re fuzzy on – whether that’s plane geometry or grammar rules – you’ll need to find a more specific prep book or source to help you actually learn it. Make a list of content areas (if any) that you’re shaky on as your read through the content review, and seek out other resources (like more specific prep books and websites) to learn them before embarking on the practice tests. You also might check out our free detailed guides on ACT English, ACT Math, ACT Reading, ACT Science, and ACT Writing. How to Use the 5 ACT Practice Tests These five practice tests are the main reason people go for The Real ACT Prep Guide. Since the tests are written by the test-makers themselves, they give you some of the best quality practice for the ACT you can get. However, if you go through the tests without a strategy, or without adequately checking your answers, you’ll waste them. Taking the tests alone will not help you get a higher ACT score. Point improvements can only come if you identify your weaknesses and drill them until they’re gone. By "perfect practice," we don't mean you should already be getting perfect scores on your practice tests. We mean treating the practice tests like real ones, and then taking adequate time to correct them and understand your mistakes. With that in mind, here’s how to make the most of the practice tests. Timing If you tend to run out of time on ACT sections, you can experiment with giving yourself time and a half, time and a quarter, and then strict timing on the practice tests, to build up your speed. (If you ever run out of time on a section, by the way, still answer the rest of the questions after you’re done with the test to maximize your knowledge-building.) In any case, be careful to time yourself strictly for each practice test, even if you’re starting with time-and-a-half. You’ll be the most prepared for the ACT if you’re able to deal with both the pacing and content. Wear a watch when you practice so you can get use to monitoring your time per question. You won’t be able to bring your phone with you to the test, so get used to using a more old-fashioned timer. Read more about ACT timing for more tips on timing (including the approximate time you have for each question). Stamina If you’re worried about getting through the whole test with enough energy and focus, make sure to take at least some of the practice tests in full blocks, as if you were taking the real ACT, with strict timing throughout. This will help you build your stamina so that on test day, you will have just as much energy on the Science section (which comes last) as you do on the English section (which comes first). If you have no problem with getting through long tests, and you have one particular section giving you trouble, you could focus on just that section and drill it. For example, say that you consistently score 32 and higher when you practice English, Reading, and Science, but are struggling to break 28 on the Math section. You may want to do more practice Math sections to make up for the discrepancy. However, keep in mind any time you take a section by itself, you won’t be able to use that practice test for a complete run-through. Don’t break up all five of the practice tests into their sections. Keep at least two for full run-throughs. Checking Answers When checking the answers on your practice tests, don’t just correct your multiple-choice sheet, tally a score, and wait to see improvement. Rushing through the tests won’t help you get any better. If you correct your practice tests like a Scantron, and only tally up right and wrong answers without further analysis, you're wasting your time. First of all, as you move through the test, mark any questions you are unsure about. This way, even if you get them right, you can examine why they were right and what prevented you from being sure. Next, look at what you got wrong. Figure out the skill, concept, or line of reasoning you didn’t have that prevented you from getting it right. For example, did you miss that reading question because you didn’t know the meaning of a word, or because you misunderstood the context of the passage? Also refer to the answer explanations the Real ACT Guide provides, but keep in mind that can be a bit shallow (â€Å"A is wrong because it is. B is right because†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Finally, log your mistakes in a notebook. This way you can begin to notice any patterns or consistent gaps in your knowledge. For example, when correcting the math section and logging your mistakes, you might find you missed three questions because you weren’t able to figure out plane geometry and seven questions because you made silly arithmetic errors (like forgetting a negative sign). By logging your mistakes and their causes, you will have a ready-made study guide to use in between practice tests. You can go right to the heart of your weaknesses and drill them. What To Do In Between Tests Don’t just jump from practice test to practice test without studying in between. That would be like a marathon runner jogging 26 miles every day instead of training in intervals – they would horribly injure themselves and not improve at all. While you likely won’t injure yourself from taking five ACT practice tests in a row (though your hand may cramp up pretty badly), you will lose the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and improve. Using your notebook of mistakes, go back to your other resources – the Real ACT content guide chapters, other prep books, the internet – to learn content you still don’t know and practice specific problems. This is also the time to develop and try new strategies. For example, say you keep running out of time on Science because you read the passages first then go to the questions. You might test out starting with the questions and seeing if that improves your time while maintaining accuracy while working through smaller blocks of practice problems. Only once you’re feeling confident about your progress should you attempt the next practice test. The Study Regimen You Should Follow By following the principles above, you can make the most out of the practice tests in The Real ACT Prep Guide. But you may be asking how often you should take practice tests, and what your study schedule should be like. We suggest, before you start studying, you take a full-length practice test. From your performance, figure out your weaknesses in each section. Find resources to improve your weaknesses, and also read through The Real ACT Prep Guide's content review. Depending on when your ACT test date is, take another practice test after two or three weeks of studying. This way you can give yourself adequate time to study and improve. Carefully analyze the results of your second practice test to see where you still need work. You can repeat this process as many times as you need. As you get closer to the test and you correct more of your weaknesses, you can shorten your time between practice tests. Keep studying until you feel confident you will hit your target score on test day. What Happens If I Run Out of Practice Tests? Unlike the SAT’s Official Guide, which has 10 (!) practice tests, ACT only gives you five in The Real ACT Prep Guide. For many students, this is more than enough. But it’s likely, especially if you’re a high-achieving student, you may run out of practice tests before you feel ready for the ACT – especially if you’re going for a 33 or higher. In that case, check out our links to free ACT practice tests online. These don’t come with answer explanations, so save them for after you’ve done the five Real ACT ones so you’ll be more skillful at identifying your mistakes anyway. What’s Next? What other principles should you be keeping in mind as you study for the ACT? Check out our guide to a perfect 36 by our resident full-scorer. Even if you’re not going for a 36, these study principles show you how to make the most of your time studying for the ACT, including the best way to analyze your mistakes. Want more background on the ACT? Get a guide to ACT timing, as well as what’s on each section (English, Math, Reading, Science). Wondering why you keep running out of time on your practice tests? Get in-depth guides for finishing the Math and Reading sections on time. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Outline a framework for assessing the effectiveness of aid in Essay

Outline a framework for assessing the effectiveness of aid in promoting economic development in developing countries. Critically - Essay Example Thus, the difference between government enacted foreign aid programs and private, charitable, or volunteer groups donating money and services to development causes can be distinguished as two categories of international development aid: public policy and private charity. What is classified as â€Å"foreign aid† for example under public policy and is â€Å"given† to foreign States as part of a nation like Britain or America’s foreign policy might include military and economic aid together in a package that is intended to strengthen State structures of authority rather than indigenous community economic development. Private groups that seek to implement assistance programs independently of foreign States may have different obstacles and program criteria than the government aid assistance programs. Therefore, it is important to understand the difference between public and private development initiatives, and to analyze each on its own unique set of standards and req uirements relating to the way the issues are framed and the policies set into practice. Government aid programs to developing countries may be undertaken unilaterally, as many of the developed economic States such as Britain, the U.S., Japan, France, Finland, China, Denmark and other countries enact as part of their foreign policy. At the same time, these same countries may also engage in official assistance to international aid programs as part of the UN, EU, OAS, or NATO. This foreign aid is intended as economic assistance but donated in relation to the political goals of the nations involved. Historically, this would be considered the aid most easily lost to corruption, most likely to land in the Swiss bank accounts of despots, to be wasted, funneled into military and police repression tectics, and generally used to encourage a greater system of inequality in the foreign country by exacerbating the division of wealth in the society, or the inequality of capital distribution among its citizens. This type of foreign aid may lead to crony capitalism, dictatorships, banana republics, or proxy States that exist in opposition to their populations and actually deter economic and social development through the production of a corrupt and unequal society. These patterns typified foreign assistance aid to Africa in the 1970’s, Central and South America in the 1980’s, and Pakistan, Egypt, and other countries considered vital in the war on terror in the current paradigm. The characteristic of this type of aid is that it goes to a corrupt or undemocratic and non-transparent proxy State of the superpowers and the resources are used exclusively by the corrupt or crony class of insiders related to the local national party structure. This type of foreign development aid is generally the least effective and the least likely to actually â€Å"trickle down† to the communities represented by three billion of the world’s poorest, families who live on less than $1 per day, often lacking any type of clean water, sanitation, education, or electrical facilities. Yet, the government policy driven types of foreign development assistance may also take the form of â€Å"Peace Corps†

Friday, February 7, 2020

Of Emilie Carles' book is The Transformation of a Countrywoman Essay

Of Emilie Carles' book is The Transformation of a Countrywoman - Essay Example This paper makes an attempt to show the challenges that Emilie Carles was confronted with as a teacher and a woman. Her contributions are also discussed. Emilie Carles Emilie Carles was born at a time when women were considered lesser human beings. Her life was full of challenges. When she was six, she fell off a two storey building, but fortunately survived (Carles and Robert 5). The village where she lived led a harsh life. When she was just four years, her mother passed on while working in a farm after being struck by lightning (Carles and Robert 7). Her siblings also passed on. It was fortunate that death spared her. Furthermore, when she started attending school, fate seemingly sided with her temporarily and she was sponsored to continue her studies to high school. She wanted to become a teacher and later she became one. Emilie Carles was an extraordinary teacher and woman. Despite going through a troubled childhood, she was able to pick the lessons that needed to be passed on t o the next generation. Her wish to be a teacher was more because of her strong desire to teach kids to question what they were told. She believed that children were very vulnerable and needed to be told the truth because what they were told was what would shape their lives. ... She believed that the real change in the society could be realized if teachers helped the youngsters to shatter the barriers they were locked in. The people were made to believe that participation in wars was a show of patriotism when in the real sense it was only the political leaders and career soldiers who benefited while the common people heavily suffered. After being married, she lost her child to a military truck. Her pain was intense, nevertheless she even became more formidable to stand up for what was right. During World War II, her husband was on top of the list for potential hostages for German soldiers. Despite all these, she was committed to telling the truth to the youngsters in schools. Her spirit to fight against the abuses of the government on its people continued even after her retirement from teaching. She went on to fight for her community and encouraged her people to fight for their rights. At one time, she led fellow citizens to stop a freeway being constructed through the valley (her village). This freeway was not going to benefit the local community in any manner but rather destroy it (Carles and Robert 250). The contributions that Emilie Carles made to her community are immeasurable. She was a watchdog for her community all her life. She knew her people were ignorant and that the politicians took advantage of this societal ignorance. She was disgusted by the fact that politicians could repeat the same words since 1789 and the people never seemed to note the monotony (Carles and Robert 252). Definitely, she is an example of a strong willed person who went against all odds to stand up for what was right. Her strong determination saw her overcome pain and the many challenges she faced. It is worth noting that the challenges were strong given

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Legal Ethics Assignment Essay Example for Free

Legal Ethics Assignment Essay 1. Food and Drug Administration. This agency and proposed regulation interests me because since it is something that has become popular in the recent years and that it affects many people in the united states and in the world today. Yes, many people in the gaming industry smoke on a regular basics. It will not affect the business directly; just the workers in the industry. 2. The proposal is a consideration of applicable approval mechanisms and additional indications for nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), and input on a report to Congress examining the regulation and development of innovative products and treatments for tobacco dependence. In more basic terms it is trying to get tobacco dependent treatments or mechanisms, such as electronic cigarettes, a chance to be officially approved by the FDA. 3. Six months after most people purchased e-cigarettes, 31% of these smokers said theyd quit cigarettes and two-thirds of them said theyd cut back on the number of cigarettes they smoked. A third of those whod quit smoking also quit using e-cigarettes. But E-cigarettes have not been tested for efficacy and safety. Additionally, they are produced overseas with little oversight to ensure good manufacturing practices. To regulate this product identified chemicals and quantities that is used in this product, release pros and cons for this product, and put a warning label on the product about the risk of addiction to nicotine. I wish to accomplish in my comment was to help the FDA is that there is pros in the use of E-cigarettes. Also, that the use of E-cigarettes is a lower and healthier risk then the use of regular tobacco cigarettes. 4. The deadline was Jan 16, 2013. 5.   a. Private citizens, government officials, industry representatives, businesspeople, and corporations can all send in comments based on provided proposed regulation during the public comment period. Anyone who wishes to challenge the validity of a federal regulation after it becomes law must participate in the comment period and voice his or her concerns at that time. Some agencies hold public hearings on proposed regulations. The purpose of the hearings is to take input on the proposals and consider additional evidence and consider additional evidence and factors relevant in promulgating the final version of the rule.† Business: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment, 9th Edition. b. 1) Arbitrary and Capricious. Standard for challenging administrative agency rules; used to show decisions or rules were not based on sufficient. 2) Substantial Evidence Test. Basis for challenging the action of an administrative agency on the grounds that the rule promulgated was not based on enough evidence. 3) Failure to comply with the Administrative Procedures Act requirements of notice, publication, and public comment or input. The procedures for rulemaking must be followed in order for the regulatory process, and the resulting rules, to be valid. 4) Constitutional challenge. The regulation is unconstitutional. Dealing with regulations giving an agency authority to search records, or impose discriminatory requirements for licensing professionals. 5) Ultra Vires. Action taken beyond the scope of authority; with federal agencies, action taken that is beyond the congressional authority given in the enabling statute. c. From five legal theories, I would use Substantial Evidence Test to challenge this proposed regulation of not ban the use of electronic cigarettes. I choose this theory is based on the fact that there is enough evidence to prove that electronic cigarettes will not do the same damage to human as real cigarettes do. Because electronic cigarettes contain different chemical other than liquid nicotine, there is enough research to prove that other chemical will not affect people’s health, meaning electronic cigarettes are still a healthy alternative of cigarettes. Also, companies that manufacture electronic cigarettes claim their products do not contain carcinogens or tar or produce secondhand smoke, should be the first concern of making this regulation.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

primates :: essays research papers

Article Abstract #two Human evolution is always a myth to most of the people. However, researchers who study human evolution have tried to find the evidences to explain human evolution. In the rain forest of Ivory Coast, a group of local chimpanzees has been observed by researchers Christophe Boesch and Hedwige Boesch-Achermann since 1979. The place where they conducted this research is called the Tai national park which is a 1,600 square Miles of a tropical forest in the republic of the Ivory Coast. In the beginning, they are interested in local chimpanzees of using natural-hammers which are stones and branches to open hard-shell nuts. They had never seen another primate using stones as a tool before except our human being. Not only the chimpanzees in the Tai national park know how to use the stones as a tool, but they also would select the appropriate size of stone which near the tree instead of running around to search the stone. The researchers think that this kind of mental ability is close to a nine -year-old human. As their work progressed, another significant discovery that surprised them is that chimpanzees are eating meat. Not only this, chimpanzees are also hunting cooperatively as a group. This notion of group hunting and cooperation is the key ingredient in the evolution of homo sapiens which is proposed by Raymond Dart in 1953. However, group hunting and sharing food could also be found in some social carnivores such as lions for instance. But many anthropologists still think that this kind of phenomenon is familiar with human in 1.8 million years ago when the time we first started to develop social system. Furthermore, anthropologists also believe that by observing the behavior of forest chimpanzees might help us to understand the theories of

Monday, January 13, 2020

Inequality in the Workplace, Still- Harriet Martineau

Inequality in the Workplace, Still. HARRIET MARTINEAU Harriet Martineau, the founding mother of sociology, was a very accomplished female. She was, among other things, a feminist, Unitarian, critic, social scientist, and an atheist. She began many methodological, theoretical and substantive studies that would now be considered the study of sociology. She analyzed women’s rights, disability, education slavery, history, health and religion within her lifetime. Long before Marx, Weber, or Durkheim, Martineau also studied and wrote about social class, suicide, forms of religions, domestic relations, delinquency, and the status of women† (Gordon). Her neglect by sociologists in later years is a perfect example of how academic sociology has excluded women sociologists from its study. Martineau stated that, â€Å"an American woman's life is equal to that of a slave's, (in that) they were both given indulgence rather than justice. † (Berleant) Harriet saw that women were denied education and had only one option and duty in the United States: marriage. Her attitude towards the injustice of women would most suit the feminist theory which focuses on analyzing gender inequality and promotes women’s rights, interests and issues. A recent incident, showing the inequality women still face today, occurred when a female was denied equal treatment at the workplace causing a gender discrimination lawsuit. Monday March 15th, 2010, a federal judge announced a $2. 5 million discrimination verdict in favor of Michelle Maher, who was forced out of the Fresno Fire Department’s training academy. Maher, a single mother, former professional mixed-martial arts fighter and certified EMT with 13 certificates in firefighting skills, was clearly qualified for the job at hand but apparently the fire training academy supervisors continuously focused on asking her personal questions and setting her up to fail certain tasks while unfairly grading her exam. Maher sued the Fire Department in 2008 due to the discrimination she faced. Maher says, â€Å"A supervisor repeatedly asked about my divorce and suggested that I was not giving my full effort in the academy because I was a single mother† (Ellis). She was also told that because she scored below an 80% on a midterm, she would have to resign or be fired from the academy, therefore she resigned. â€Å"After the three-week trial last fall, jurors said they believed Maher was not given adequate time to prove herself at the academy. They felt the evaluations were inconsistent since the men in the academy were given extra chances to improve in weak areas and nobody from the Fire Department could pinpoint the department standards† (Ellis). It is likely that Maher will win her lawsuit and the city of Fresno will have to pay $2. 6 million plus another million for attorney fees. The judge concluded that the evidence was â€Å"very substantial† in Maher’s favor. Martineau suggested â€Å"improving women’s position in the workforce including education, nondiscriminatory employment and training programs. † She also promoted â€Å"women’s admission into medical school and the importance of physical fitness and exercise for girls and women†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Soc, 10) In this case, Martineau was right on queue with the goals Maher set in working with the Fire Department. Maher was qualified physically and academically but unfortunately faced discrimination. The feminist theory concerning gender inequality and sexuality sees gender stratification as â€Å"benefiting men and the capitalist system. Sexuality is linked to gender inequality†¦ and that male dominance is especially harmful because it results in men controlling women’s sexual behavior† (Soc, 172). If Maher had applied to another profession, appropriate for her sex, her personal business and lower test grade wouldn’t be an issue. For her to apply for a â€Å"man’s job,† was bold and daring and unnecessary actions to prove she was inadequate was a poor risk the Fire Department chose to play. â€Å"All feminists agree that men and women should be valued equally, women should have more control over their lives and gender inequality can be remedied by changing political, economic, family and other institutions as well as everyday interactions, attitudes and behaviors† (Soc, 172) Change needs to occur and gender equality is possible through equal civil rights and opportunities. Women have been internalized to achieve the womanly roles based on gendered socialization. Teaching young girls how to be passive and maternal while promoting boys to take on the dominant roles and taught to strive to achieve educational and career success is how the gender inequality begins. Martineau was raised in a Unitarian community which focusing on rationalism, individualism and democracy. Amazingly Martineau, along with her seven brothers and sisters, received equal education until college when it came time for a higher education for the boys only. Being the feminist that she was, she wrote an anonymous article, â€Å"On Female Education† for a Unitarian journal expressing â€Å"Women's intellectual inferiority to men is based on women's lack of mental training, others' expectations of women, and women's circumstances rather than women's ability† (Berleant). Later her brother found out she wrote the article and said, â€Å"Now, dear, leave it to the other women to make skirts and darn stockings, and you devote yourself to this† (Webster. du). And indeed, Martineau was destined to become is monumental figure in sociology and to feminist history. Maher’s skills exceeded the qualifications for the Fire Department but the one opportunity she wasn’t given was the pinnacle for her demise. In the end, I’d say she won, since she made her voice heard and was awarded some major bank from her lawsuit! Work Cited Benokraitis, Nijole V. Soc + Review Cards + Bind-in Printed Access Card. Wadsworth Pub Co, 2009. Print Berleant, Riva. â€Å"Harriet Martineau: Biography and Bibliography. †Ã‚  Brycchan Carey – Home Page. 2004 Web. 18 Mar. 2010. . Gordon, Marshall. â€Å"Martineau, Harriet. †Ã‚  A Dictionary of Sociology. 1998. Encyclopedia. com. 18 Mar. 2010  . â€Å"Harriet Martineau. †Ã‚  Webster University. Web. 18 Mar. 2010. . Ellis, John. â€Å"Ruling Backs Woman's Suit against Fresno Fire Dept. †Ã‚  Covering Fresno and the San Joaquin Valley in Central California – Fresno Bee. 15 Mar. 2010. Web. 18 Mar. 2010. .

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Essay on Personality Disorders and Deviant Behavior

Personality Disorders and Deviant Behavior People who suffer from personality disorders often display deviant behavior. The mental illness itself is not deviant. They typically have problems with social skills, mood swings, emotional states, and are often unable to maintain healthy, stable relationships. Many sufferers do not possess the capability to have genuine emotions, including empathy for others. A personality disorder is the basis of many circumstances of maladaptive behavior including substance abuse, self-harm, suicide, and criminality. There are ten different personality disorders, each having specific symptoms, but all of them share certain characteristics. The first of these characteristics is that an†¦show more content†¦They may react to supposed character attracts with learned anger and counterattacks. They often project blame for their own failures onto other people and become very isolated and closed to others. Because of the isolation, paranoid personality disorders often turn to alcoholism and dru g use. Another personality disorder that often results in isolation is schizoid personality disorder. This person chooses solitary activities and takes pleasure in few, if any, activities involving others. Due to the fact that this person does not desire or enjoy close relationships, other than first-degree relatives, the interest in sexual experiences with another person is nonexistent. This lack of desire for attachment results in a show of emotional coldness. The main deviant behavior of a schizoid personality is the lack of social interaction. They usually have a restricted range of emotions in all social settings. They often prefer the life of the recluse or the isolated eccentric. This type of personality disorder often evolves into a serious psychotic condition known as schizophrenia. Another type of personality disorder that may turn into schizophrenia is schizotypal personality disorder. A person who displays this type of behavior also is uncomfortable close relationships. However, this type of personality disorder often displays eccentricsShow MoreRelatedSexual and Gender Identity, Personality, and Eating Disorders, classifications, components, and define DSM IV-TR of these disorders pluse Case Analysis1730 Words   |  7 PagesIdentity, Personality, and Eating Disorders Case Analysis Introduction Abnormal disorders diagnosed in the DSM-IV-TR, a multi-axial diagnostic tool, used by clinicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, and medical professionals for the classification of mental disorders (Hansell Damour, 2008). Axis I and Axis II of the DSM-IV-TR covers classifications of mental disorders that include unwelcome types of distress and impairment, that constitutes mental disease, disorder, andRead MoreSce1: Psychological Explanation of the Causes of Crime1502 Words   |  7 Pagesinappropriate, deviant, or even criminal behavior. b. 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Amy inflicts intense emotional, mental and physical pain on Nick, and sustained self-inflicted injuries asRead MoreThe Risk Factors Of Substance Use Disorder Among Adolescents875 Words   |  4 Pagesseverity disorder, those who present four or five symptoms are considered to have a moderate severity disorder, and individuals presenting with six or more symptoms are considered to have a severe disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 491). These criteria help care providers diagnose alcohol use disorder among a variety of populations, including adolescents, and are similar to the other substance use disorder criteria that a re listed in the DSM-V. Psychosocial. Both personality traitsRead MoreThe Death Of A Mad House By Elizabeth Cochran1292 Words   |  6 Pagesschizophrenia in remission. Of course, being dubbed in remission isn t exactly the same thing as being labeled sane, and that was just one of Rosenhan s criticisms of the system. It viewed mental illness as an irreversible condition, almost like a personality trait, rather than a curable illness. Part two of his experiment came later when Rosenhan shared his results with a teaching hospital and then told the staff that he d be sending more pseudopatients their way in the next few months, and challengedRead MorePsychopathic And Genetics : A Broken Chain1114 Words   |  5 Pagesbeen a growing topic in psychology in the past several years. Studies and research wonder what is the cause for this behavior, how does the disorder develop, and how it is linked through genetics. Since psychopathy can be linked to genetic traits these individuals are more dangerous compared to those who are labeled sociopaths. Environmental factors also play a role in the behavior of psychopaths, but in different ways since antisocial tendencies are developed. But the notion that genes play an importantRead MoreChallenges in Defining and Classifying Normal and Abnormal Behavior with Regards to Age695 Words   |  3 PagesChallenges in defining and classifying normal abnormal behavior with regards to age In the study of abnormal psychology, one of the contentions often debated upon is the determination of abnormal behavior in terms of specific demographics, such as age, gender, and race. However, determining abnormal behavior in terms of age (for example) is a problematic endeavor in that the concept of abnormal behavior itself is subject to different social (cultural) interpretations. One of the challengesRead MoreCriminal Behavior And Its Effects On Genetics1723 Words   |  7 PagesCriminal Behavior as seen in Genetics Criminal behavior is something that sociologists commonly study. There are many theories about criminal behavior and deviance that have been made. One that stands out is the theory that criminal behavior, or deviance, being closely related to genetics. This theory refers to cases in which different genetic groups phenotypically respond differently to the same array of environments. Basically, it states that through family a person can become or think like aRead MoreA Study On Twins, Twins Separated At Birth Through Adoption1275 Words   |  6 PagesAnother study carried out on twins, were twins separated at birth through adoption. The studies wanted to see if growing up in different environments with different families had any impact on whether or not the twins grew up to be deviants. (Blackburn, 1993a) Psychologists wanted to work out if there was interaction between the environment in which they grew up in and their genes. Schulsinger (1972) carried out the first adoption study i n Denmark. His theory was to compare adopted adults, some adultsRead MorePedophilia and Deviant Behavior1695 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Pedophilia and Deviant Behavior Sonja Johnson Sociology of Deviant Behavior Professor Grant Pikes Peak Community College August 3, 2014 There exists a group of people possessing what some refer to as a mental disorder, while others refer to it as a personality or behavioral disorder characterized by the urge to have sexual relations with those of a non-consenting age. Initially this paper will examine why exactly this is a deviant behavior. We will then go on to analyze