Monday, September 2, 2019

How Human Centric Computing Affects the Economy :: Essays Papers

How Human Centric Computing Affects the Economy Our economy was taken by storm when the world of computers was introduced to large companies and businesses. It was like an unstoppable trend that everyone had to follow. If a company chose not to bring in mass computers for all employees, they lagged behind and were forgotten. The economy is about to experience a new wave of change. Human centric computing is on the verge of breaking out into the light. As of right now human centric computing lurks in the shadows, just waiting to be introduced to businesses, to governments, to our silicone valley, and tons of other related things. Human centric computing will allow people to interact with their computers more than use them. Instead of having to read instructions and other time wasting tasks, human centric computing will allow you to talk to your computer. All of your questions will be answered by talking to your computer and having it talk back to you. Instead of sorting through your computer searching for a file, wouldn’t it be nice if you just asked your computer to find it, and it was found? Human centric computing is also about having computers skip steps for you. Instead of having to deal with B and C, it is essentially going from A to D. When using a computer these days, it can become frustrating and stressful when computers regularly crash on you. This new improvement to computers supposedly will end the horrid of most the crashes people experience. Whenever you go to the bank to make a transaction, you make sure its during open hours, you fill out a form pertaining to your objective, and wait in a long line. Human centric computing, in the future, should eliminate all this clutter and save a priceless amount of time. After planning a trip to a distant land, you first need to buy plane tickets, reserve a hotel room, and maybe research the area. If you are a businessperson working the heart of New York, you have absolutely no time to do all this. But if you asked your computer, I need the first available plane ticket to Taiwan on November 23, the time, a hotel, ECT.

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