Friday, May 31, 2019

Julius Caesar :: essays research papers

In Julius Caesar Brutus displays the traits of a tragic hero through out this play only when being a good person but makes an error in judgment, and when this error occurred it causes his own dilapidation. First off is that Brutus makes an error in judgment by joining the conclave to over throw Caesar. But the only reason that Brutus had linked was because his tragic flaw was honor he lived his life on the guidelines of honor and loyalty. Now eventually Brutus had caused his very own downfall when after killing Caesar all of Rome has now turned against the conspirators. Those are some of the reasons that display Brutus is a tragic hero.Brutus had joined the confederation for honor and for the good of Rome. Yet by joining this group his honor is authentically being put to the test because when he joined the conspiracy he pledged to take part in the murder of Julius Caesar. Brutus and Caesar are best friends, so now how is it honorable to kill one of your friends? But Brutus an d the other conspirators had claimed that Caesar was just about to claim himself the superpower of Rome. When one has claimed themselves the king of Rome the people of Rome have the right to kill that person. So by verbalize this when the conspirators knew that Caesar was about to claim the thrown they strike and kill him. But another one of Brutus traits has now appeared, loyalty. Loyalty and honor are the only tragic flaws that Brutus has but these are the reason that he has killed Caesar. Brutus had said that he had killed Caesar for the good of Rome and that his ancestors would have wanted this. Which is true that his ancestors had said that if any man were to claim themselves the king of Rome to kill them, but Caesar had never claimed himself king. The conspirators had only assumed that. So in reality by killing Caesar it wasnt displaying loyalty and honor it was really showing stupidity. But Brutus tragic flaws are the real reason of his own downfall, as well as Romes. Unfo rtunately Romes downfall was because Brutus had caused his own downfall. It first started when the conspirators killed Caesar, but what had made the situation worse was allowing Antony to speak at Caesars funeral. After the funeral the locals of Rome was so moved by Antonys speech that they were in a blind fury and had to kill any conspirator that they had found, which ended up in the death of Cinna the poet.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Free Pride and Prejudice Essays: Life and Love :: Pride Prejudice Essays

Life and Love in Pride and Prejudice How would life be different if you lived in the early 1800s in a small town of England? How did the courtship rituals exist at that time? These questions are the main subjects of the book, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, who wrote the book about the time that these things took place. When you open to the first page and begin reading, the Bennet family is instantly introduced, along with Mr. Bingley. The Bennet family , which is composed of parents who generally have polar opinions, and four daughters, each with their own special abilities, play the main role, especially the second daughter Elizabeth. The whole story is narrated through her point of view, so the opinions of separate people that eventually become your own are taken from whom Elizabeth is close to and whom she dislikes. That brings us to the other characters, namely the Bingley family and Mr. Darcy. The Bingley family represents a very wealthy family, whose son would be a pr ize for any girl, and who is deeply interested in Jane, the eldest, beautiful Bennet daughter. The family though doesnt believe the Bennets to be of a high enough standard, and start their brother to London to distract him with Mr. Darcys sister, who supposedly was as unlikable as Mr. Darcy himself. Disliked by many because of his pompousness and pride, Mr. Darcy ruined his chances with Elizabeth for himself. In his own desire, he would have easily married her, she even hated to dance with the man. This type of love triangle, with one person liking a certain someone, but having to get back with someone else, happens throughout the book, just with different people. Most of the time all the characters were either in the a household or at a formal party where these loves, courtships, and dislikes began. This form of settings in the book I found rather boring, and it made it very difficult for me to continue reading, though I now agnise it is Jane Austen style to not have much acti on but to develop more of the characters personalities. This book is a great suggestion if you love to really control a character and her feelings towards others. The neat idea is what Austen did with the title of the book. With this book, Pride and

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Graduation Speech: The Quest for Wisdom :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

There is a distinct difference between knowledge and wisdom. I can tell you that as honor society electric chair I have seen many smart people do stupid things. Lets just say that mixing a very large lunch with a bobbing ship and an admissions officer from the University of California equals a vomitous situation. Today, we are sitting here celebrating the fact that we spent four long years in high groom matriculating, which means actually learning to use words like matriculation. But I am going to go out on a outgrowth and say that while we have acquired all of this knowledge, we are still incredibly dumb, and I am not referring to WASL scores, I mean that we have not had the hazard to apply our knowledge. Just as I was completely unaware of my propensity for sea sickness, many of us have not had the opportunity to grow wiser. The manikin of 2006 has advanced technology at its fingertips. However, we must remember that the Internet, television, and cell phones really are imitat ive intelligence, all they do is retain information. It is our job to apply it. inside the past year we have had many unfortunate reminders of the difference between knowledge and wisdom, now we are learning that certain bureaus within the federal establishment were aware of the possibility of a terrorist attacks, except clearly the appropriate proactive measures were not taken. You see knowledge merely being aware of information is suddenly useless. Wisdom knowing what to do with information is invaluable- in this case it meant the difference between discourse and recourse, and the loss of thousands of lives. So while we are accustomed to our artificial intelligence, it is time we become wise. More than ever it is important that we are wise about our rights. After Sept. 11 there was an immediate scramble to tighten security. haphazard searches of our persons, our vehicles and our homes suddenly become acceptable because of fear. The most common response to these encroachments i s as one passive Washington state ferry rider put it wherefore should i care? I have nothing to hide. We should care because unwarranted searches are a regression of everything we have built this nation to be. We know what our rights are, but what are we doing to protect them? In an effort to protect the U.S. our first step is to unravel many of the things we stand for.

Tom Robinson’s Conviction in Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird Essays

Tom Robinsons Conviction in Harper lees To Kill A Mockingbird Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird is an almost faultless representation of how the white word dominated the black word in the South. The novel shows that a white persons word, no matter how faulted, was more readily accepted than any black persons word. Allowing a Negros word to be accepted over white word would make southern society less secure in its assumed favourable position.The southern superiority over Negroes had existed since the time of the slave trade and continued after the emancipation, out of fear. As long as Negroes were considered property, they were protected by their value. Following the abolition of profound slavery, their economic protection vanished, and the southern white population feared their infiltration with society. Out of fear came hate in the white southern community. Organizations reflecting their hate were created, such as the Ku Klux Klan. Lynchings, unjustified convictions, and p ure(a) economic oppression were all part of Negro-life in the south between 1925-1935.With the Stock Market Crash in October of 1929 the United States suffered severe economic depression. With the closing of many mills and plants, unemployment skyrocketed. The economic collapse was painful to all communities, but to the blacks of the South who were already severely oppressed, it was devastating. Farming communities, which were already in a depression before the crash, went hungry and rarely had surplus crop to sell for profit. Crop prices fell nigh 50% between 1929 and 1930. During the depression it was nearly impossible for blacks to find work because unemployed whites were chosen over blacks no matter what their qualific... ...ession, and Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird is an consummate example of how the historic South treated blacks with severe prejudice. Works CitedCarter, Dan T. Scottsboro A Tragedy of the American South. Baton Rouge Louisiana State University Pres s, 1969.Chalmers, Allan K. They Shall Be Free. garden City Doubleday & Company, 1951.Lee, Harper. To Kill A Mockingbird. Philadelphia Warner Books, 1960.Ransdell, Hollace. The First Scottsboro Trials (April, 1931) . The First Scottsboro Trials (April, 1931). 27 May 1931. American Civil Liberties Union. 11 March 2001. <http// ON THE SCOTTSBORO, ALA..Vassel, Olive. The Scottsboro Boys. The Scottsboro Boys. . AFRO-Americ. 11 March 20001. <http//

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Planning a Karaoke Party :: Process Essays

Youre sitting at home planning a party. Youve got your list of invitees down. A cupboard full of chips and dips, and a cooler full of beer. You go to your computer and start putting together some mix Cds of your favorite music. As you gather the songs you notice yourself singing along with one, and your eyes widen, lit up as you a struck with an idea. I should have Karaoke at my partyBrilliant What could be more fun that a Karaoke party? The answer a lot of things, if youre not c atomic number 18ful While Karaoke is a pass time enjoyed by people of every age, race and gender, its also something you have to be in the mood for. So what happens if people attest up to your party and arent in the mood for Karaoke? Get them in the mood.There are three basic locomote to throwing an amazing Karaoke party, and it all starts with invitations. measuring stick 1 Inviting your guests With any luck, everyone at your party will have a blast, but do you know who wont? The people who dont show up K araoke is al federal agencys fun with a good sized crowd, but if you arent careful, you may loose half of your guests. Its all about how you present your invitation. There are two different types of people you will be inviting to the party people who love karaoke, and people who like karaoke. The difference is this...People who LOVE karaoke - Make original they know this is a karaoke party This will be the smaller of the two types, but they are also the most important. They will go out of their way to attend, and you will need them during the party.People who LIKE karaoke - The easiest way to help ensure they will come is to avoid mentioning karaoke, and just tell them you are having a party. wherefore? While it is true that they enjoy karaoke, if they realize your party will focus around this activity, come party day they may think, Im not really in the mood. With people who just like karaoke, this can often be the case, and the number of people attending can make or break a part y.Step 2 The supplies First and foremost is the karaoke machine. RENT ONE Unless you own a professional karaoke machine, you should get one. This might seem a little expensive, if you buy yourself a cheap one and then try to supply yourself with a good selection of music, youll end up spending a lot more, and getting a lot less.

Planning a Karaoke Party :: Process Essays

Youre sitting at home planning a party. Youve got your list of invitees down. A loo full of chips and dips, and a cooler full of beer. You go to your computer and start putting together some mix Cds of your favorite music. As you gather the songs you disclose yourself singing along with one, and your eyes widen, lit up as you a struck with an idea. I should have Karaoke at my partyBrilliant What could be more fun that a Karaoke party? The answer a lot of things, if youre not careful While Karaoke is a pass time enjoyed by people of each age, race and gender, its besides something you have to be in the mood for. So what happens if people show up to your party and arent in the mood for Karaoke? Get them in the mood.There are three basic steps to throwing an amazing Karaoke party, and it all starts with invitations.Step 1 Inviting your guests With any luck, everyone at your party will have a blast, but do you know who wont? The people who dont show up Karaoke is always fun with a good sized crowd, but if you arent careful, you may loose half of your guests. Its all about how you present your invitation. There are two different types of people you will be inviting to the party people who love karaoke, and people who handle karaoke. The difference is this...People who LOVE karaoke - Make sure they know this is a karaoke party This will be the smaller of the two types, but they are also the most important. They will go out of their way to attend, and you will need them during the party.People who LIKE karaoke - The easiest way to help ensure they will come is to subdue mentioning karaoke, and just tell them you are having a party. Why? While it is true that they enjoy karaoke, if they realize your party will focus around this activity, come party day they may think, Im not really in the mood. With people who just like karaoke, this push aside often be the case, and the number of people attending can make or break a party.Step 2 The supplies First and foremo st is the karaoke machine. RENT ONE Unless you own a professional karaoke machine, you should get one. This capability seem a little expensive, if you buy yourself a cheap one and then try to supply yourself with a good selection of music, youll end up spending a lot more, and getting a lot less.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Persuasive Speech Essay

It has been proven that wellness programs in the make waterplace evict increase productivity and elevate work environment moods while decreasing health related work issues and decreasing overall companywide health care costs. By taking some simple go toward work throughing a wellness program in the workplace we will be able to save money on health care, cut down on health issues that increase absenteeism, and increase productivity through more energy and upbeat attitudes. Why do we as a company lack to implement a wellness program? There are many beneficial reasons for doing so. We will decrease unnecessary costs due to unhealthy lifestyles. For example healthier employees leads to lower premiums and healthier employees also lead to less missed days and injuries. Also, healthy employees are more success oriented. This can be seen by increased productivity and the fact that healthy minds bring healthy attitudes and stronger morale. So now you are saying to yourself that this sou nds great, but it must be complicated to uprise a program of this nature.Well lets look at the steps needed to implement a wellness program in our office. To begin, we would want to survey our employees to find the goals we want to achieve, and then determine what we need to accomplish these goals. After setting our goals it may be in our best interests to consult with a firm that specializes in designing and implementing workplace wellness programs. By setting the goals and consulting with specialists we can now start to create a budget through the put on of data that is based on our investment to return ratio. It is principal(prenominal) to determine our companys monetary investment so that the program itself will non suffer from interruptions or lack of funding. It may also help to create a rewards system to enhance companywide involvement.So now we have a wellness program designed that is based off of our group goals, a budget in place, and the program is ready to be impleme nted. It will now become important to keep the program running smoothly. By the use of meetings we can discuss our movement towards our goals and highlight positive personal stories. We could also provide health and wellness screening that can give both the employees and our company important feedback. Also we could look into group packages for gyms and health clubs. Lastly, by using reward based games we can continue to provide motivation and this will assist in keeping maximum involvement in the company wellness program. In closing, I cope that if we as a company initiate a workplace

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Paradise Lost – What Do We Learn About Satan’s Character from Line 84 To Line 191?

Miltons portrait of friction match has fascinated critics since Paradise Losts first publication, leading some in the romantic period to claim that daemon is, in fact, the heroic protagonist of the whole work. Certainly Miltons description of Satan has greatly influenced the devils image in western art and literature since the books publication. From lines 84 to 191 in Paradise Lost Book 1, we are introduced to the character of Satan, who has just been hurled from heaven, be drift he trusted to have equalled the Most High.As a reader, integrity first meets a stunned Satan, chained down to the fiery lake of hell, surrounded by his co-conspirators. From lines 84 to 127, where Satan is speaking to his good friend, Beelzebub, Milton presents him as macrocosm nostalgic about heaven, Myriads, though bright something one sees significantly for the first and last quantify throughout the poem. Satans great yearning for heaven is brief, and when finally suppressed, Milton offers a fine and revealing role model of Satans rhetoric and quick-moving contradictions, as he instantly expresses excuses for his failure.Firstly, he declares that Till then who knew, the force of those dire arms? explaining how they were una contende of Gods kings before testing him. This is supportive evidence, okay up the suggestion that Satan is the supposed Father Of Lies, as he is seen to be directly manipulating the truth. He manages to make He with his thunder sound as though God had taken unfair advantage by using an illegal weapon. More all over, he never refers to God by his name, but as He, The potent victor, or Our grand foe.He makes a virtue out of his unwillingness to Repent or change the very unwillingness which imprisons him eternally in the hell of himself. Much of what Satan says makes him sound grand and admirable because of the rhetorical force with which it is expressed, however when studied more closely it is seen to be more hollow, and even absurd. Satan claims tha t in the war against God, He shook his throne, and that the battle was dubious that it could have gone either way. This is evidently untrue, and again contributes to the image of him being a rather desperate liar.Satans remarkably obvious sense of optimism becomes greatly evident towards the end of his speech, where he describes all the positive things that have been the outcome of their war. Firstly he boasts of how they have now gained experience of Gods power through experience of this great event, and then he persuades himself they have learnt a lesson from defeat, and in foresight frequently advanced, will do better next time in the eternal war. In my opinion however, Satans brave face is merely superficial.Beneath, he is racked with deep despair, his essential spiritual condition. His public face, is that of supreme dissembler, and it is impossible to lie with the extent to which he is deceived by his own rhetoric. This idea, creates effects of sympathy towards Satans cha racter as it almost suggests that he is hopeless and possibly even doomed. Throughout this token speech, Milton in my opinion, indirectly forces juxtaposing emotions upon his readers in relation to the character of Satan being that of sympathy Vs perplexity.The get holding of sympathy, as he seems so determined to be a successful leader, however it is clear that he does not really know himself where he is leading to. Even though one might feel this pity, the admiration of his great courage to rebel against authority makes Satan more appealing and likable as a rebel. From lines 128 55, Beelzebub, the born second-in-command replies to Satan beginning by being sycophantic towards him, and then continuing the myth that their rebellion had endangered god.In contrast to Miltons confident and optimistic portrayal of Satan, he presents Beelzebub in a much dimmer light portraying him as being heavily depressed through the repetitive use of emotive language, using words such as destruct ion, misery, pain and fire. This key difference in character highlights the extent of Satans sheer optimism in their situation, making him appear plausible for his determination and great courage, of which he appears to possess over the other rebel angel.Following Beelzebubs pessimistic and sorrowful reply, Satan forcefully attacks him with a powerful and persuasive speech, desperately hoping to uplift his despair. From comments such as, to be worn is miserable, one learns that Satan is determined to scotch such defeatist talk and to abolish any sense of weakness. Although Satan shows signs of great commitment in his want to pervert Gods providence, I think that he knows in his heart that he is on a hiding to nothing and the worst he can do is cause God temporary inconvenience.Words such as disturb and perhaps grieve illustrate Satans rather poor plans to merely irritate God, with his language generally lacking the vigour one would expect from Satan. Although Satan lacks in the qu ality of his plans, he does successfully manage to in-force a sense of time and place as well as a feeling of unity, for example through Our enemy, Our Own loss. The effect of this is that it brings the rebels closer together reminding them that they have each-other, and therefore have a side.This shows us that Satan has great lead skills, in that he holds the situation together and persuades his friends to follow his plans. Overall, I believe that from lines 84 to 191, Milton offers his readers an extremely complex and diverse view of Satans character, indicating rather important aspects that his nature appears to dominate. As the image created is rather dependable, my personal attitude towards him so far is greatly ambiguous, feeling both attraction, and repulsion many people, it is relevant to add feel the same about snakes.The most notable aspects that have so far had effect shaping my view of his personality are his sheer courage and skill that he appears to have on such an enormous scale. However, when analysing the value of these qualities in themselves one is forced to question their significance. In actual fact, when studying all study aspects of Satans character so far the discussion of him rapidly turns into a series of endless questions, which I hope will soon be answered as the poem develops.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Comprehensive Strategic Plan for Google Essay

This paper will discuss a comprehensive strategic plan for google. First, an analysis of Googles competitors Microsoft, yokel and Amazon analyzed. A critical analysis of Googles operational and business scheme follows that. Then Googles approach to corporal strategies that include vertical integration, diversification and Googles global reach. The comprehensive strategic plan (CSP) is extrapolated from the critical evaluation of business and corporate strategy and based on the degree in which strategy is aligned to support Googles espoused values and support its mission.The CSP includes strategic recommendation and measures in three aras change to either corporate or business strategy, supplement resources that can drive sustained competitive advantage and align organization structure and management to enable resources and capabilities that will drive sustained competitive advantage. Googles competitive environment With the advent of the earnings, competition within the ind ustry of assaying the network has intensified. The completion for google has always been other search engines like Bing, metacrawler and yahoo.In directlys valet competition for google is not merely other search engines, but it has reached to advertisement, product and better. For instance google are trying their hand in spoil computing. Google offers a wide range of usefulnesss, so it only practical that google has its fair light up do of competitors. Google considers a wide range of services on the inter terminal to be its competitor (Goodstein, Nolan & Pfeiffer, 2006). Google competition comes from those businesses that seek to offer the public with information and provide them with advertisement.These competitions include traditional search engines yahoo and Bing. Just like google, E-commerce sites and vertical search engines kayak, amazon. com and eBay, that offer product and services to consumers. Therefore, substance abusers go directly to these sites instead of goi ng done google. Sites like facebook and twitter offer competition because users are now relying on these services for referrals instead of using traditional search engines. Google also has competition for the ad dollar from the traditional form of advertising TV, radio, Newspapers,magazines and billboards. In addition, with the development of apps, users are now accessing e-commerce directly from these apps, instead of search engines. Google also offers product and services that comprise of Gmail, YouTube and google docs that competes with new and established companies that offer information, communication and entertainment services. Therefore, google competes with most of the internet (Dess & Miller, 2007). Google receives competition from its rivals on the internet for the market component part and financial surgical procedure.Google has introduced google chrome, which is cloud-computing software that allows its users to upload and d give birthload documents on the internet. Ho wever, the heavy(p) market share is held by Microsofts office. Moreover, google has competition in the mobile industry from its humanoid operating system. (Gru? nig & Ku? hn, 2005). To compete with Apples iPhone and to increase market share of ads displayed on smart phones, Google launched their android operating system. Although google receives stiff competition from its rivals, it still holds a high market share because of its brand positioning (Casson, 2004).Hence, Google holds such a great market share advertisers would not receive nearly the same amount of ad exposure using a different search engine. Google has continued to make a net profit even as its rivals net plummeted probably the most important aspect of a companys financial performance to a potency investor is the earnings per share ratio. It is widely acknowledged that Google puts great stock in being able to show investors that their money is safe. This companys earnings per share ratio had grown impressively in th e four year period from 2007 to 2010, with only a slight decline when the recession hit the hardest.This shows that Google is a professedly powerhouse, especially when compared to their crystallize competitors, Yahoo and Microsoft. With Google increasing their percentage of searches, in comparison to all other search entities, it is easy to see that Yahoo and Microsoft are losing the interlocking against this Internet behemoth. In the period from 2008 to 2010, Microsoft maintained a constant net profit margin (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2009). This would indicate that Microsoft is outperforming Google, but these impressive numbers do not tell the story for the segment of Microsoft that is competing against Google.The operating profit margins during this period for Microsofts online services business unit are embarrassing at best, with negative margins in 2009 and 2010. This indicates that Microsoft is hemorrhaging money at an increasing rate while it tries to compete with Google. Similarly, Yahoo shows declining net profit margins for every year from 2007 to 2010, with margins for 2009 and 2010 dropping below 0. 1. (see appendix). Overall, while its top competitors are losing money and market share, Google continues to grow and provide investors with profits.Several factors are what make customers prefer google to its competitor. The search industry giants success is a cause of many key resource strengths and competitive capabilities. Google gains the trust of users through reliable, accurate searches and a clear bill of upfront ads in searches. Their online business conducted with borderline physical locations and a low fixed cost. Instead of looking at these locations as burdens, they maximize the creativity and high-spirit of their work environment. The reason that makes google stay ahead of the issue is its faculty to provide main resources to the users.Google would not be highly valued without the high content that it provides to its users. (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2009).. Googles Operational and Business Strategy The relevant searches that google provides, and the large amount of available information, is what makes google attractive to its users. Amazon a company that deals in downloading books, music and videos, offers google competition in the provision of content. The applied science for providing relevant searches to end users, so competition has become stiff. Therefore, google has to develop new ways to remain ahead of its competitors.So google has gone to develop its technological expertise as its key resource. (Centindamar, 2013). before long as the geniuser in the industry, Google is attracting the best and the brightest. However, technology is a rapidly developing field that is continuously changing and improving. For Google to maintain the high standard of performance expected by users, they must attract and retain top technological experts. The search industry is changing to encompass not only searching te chnology any longer. Users preferences are constantly growing.A service provider provides mobile phone search and business technology software. There has also been a sacking in how search engine users are using the product. This is mainly due to the emerging new capabilities of the Internet. For example, ever since Google acquired Keyhole, a digital mapping company in 2004, they are able to show users satellite and street view images of any location in the world using Google Maps. Google has added over 40 different tools and services aimed at providing the user the best experience possible (Hitt, 2002).Google is also able to customize which advertisements appear next to the users search results by tracking their history. While round may like this idea, the lack of user privacy has raised ethical concerns. In the next three to five eld, the industry will most in all likelihood continue to change and evolve even further, adding more tools and features to further cater to the needs of the typical user, the mobile on-the-go traveler and the business person alike. The search industry giants success is a cause of many key resource strengths and competitive capabilities.Google gains the trust of users through reliable, accurate searches and a clear distinction of upfront ads in searches. Their online business conducted with minimal physical locations and a low fixed cost. Instead of looking at these locations as burdens, they maximize the creativity and high-spirit of their work environment (Volberda, 2011). Employees are hired selectively amongst some of the greatest minds in technology and related fields, and are given the tools, freedom, and encouragement to be innovative and finish by their job.Several iconic features of Google remain unparalleled, including their extensive Google Earth and Google Maps capabilities, YouTube video streaming, and Google Search Appliances that allow other companies to feature Google search bars within their own sites (Hitt, 200 2). Google has continued to have an edge over its competitors because of its goals and values. Googles number one priority is to offer value to their users. Enshrined in their ten values, that makes up Googles corporate philosophy. At the top of the list is, Focus on the user and all else will follow. Google has veritable a certain trust factor with its users over the years that many companies strive to become. Google has always made decisions with their users in mind, and has not ever chosen to make a change in order to increase shareholder value if it did not also improve the user experience (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2009). By resisting the desire to make a quick profit that many other companies give in to, Google has made a lasting impression. That is evidenced by the emergence in their percent of searches from July 2006 to June 2009.While Google led the pack back in 2006 with 43. 7% of searches, Yahoo was not far behind with 28. 8% of searches. In the following three years, however, Google has been able to increase their percentage of searches to 65% and increase the gap among itself and Yahoo from 14. 9% to 45. 4%. Googles Corporate Strategy Corporate strategy refers to the overarching strategy of the diversified firm (Colley, Doyle & Hardie, 2008). Such corporate strategy delves in which businesses should we compete? moreover, how one business add to the competitive benefit of another portfolio firm, as well as the competitive gain of google as a whole. Google has relied on vertical integration to stay ahead of its competitors by diversifying their products and services (Casson, 2004). In September 2008 before google chrome was launched, companies like Microsoft wanted to prevent Google from collecting user specific information. They allowed users of Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox to block their viewing history and Internet address so that Google could not collect this information.When Google Chrome was released, it gave Google a way just a bout this Internet firewall. Google understood that as the Internet shifts toward cloud computing there would be a need to have a browser that is able to support multiple programs at once. Getting users used to Google Chrome now before the switch to cloud computing begins, gives Google an upper hand when that switch occurs. This Googles diversification development represents some kind vertical integration, though, google was known for being just a search engine (Chopra, & Meindl, 2007).Google has diversified to same-day delivery by the provision of a courier services for it users. As online users are embracing e-commerce, online retailing is skyrocketing. Therefore, same-day delivery is going to be a commonplace thing in the succeeding(a). Google has gone to exertion this opportunity, thus edging its competitors. Google same day delivery has already rolled out in the United States. Therefore, Googles diversification strategy is going to make it the top e-commerce technological too l. Google is soon to own the browsing and buying and finally the delivery to homes.Therefore, the so-called google shopping express provides diversification on technology and data. already google is ahead of its e-commerce rivals with its easy to use user interface (Volberda, 2011). From Googles mission statement, it exemplifies this idea of being a global brand. Its mission statement is to organize the world information to be globally accessible to users. Google is not only available to English speaking countries, but available in other languages of the world Casson, 2004). Furthermore, google has developed an app specific language, therefore being global.Again, google has taken up over fifty companies to export itself globally. The co-founders have expanded into foreign markets to satisfy the internet experience globally. omnibus(prenominal) Strategic Plan Googles weaknesses, while fewer in number than their strengths, could have serious implications on the future of their busine ss. The low revenue earned from YouTube represents a lost opportunity for such a large online presence. Their grasp on the comprehensive social networking market is far behind those of their competitors.Although, they remain an industry leader, their planetary reach in emerging markets such as China leave much lacking (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2009). The organization and management system should align resources and address several(prenominal) strategic issues to remain competitive in the coming years. Recommendation is that the management system must encourage innovation in their strong labor force back and expand enquiry and development to its fullest achievable potential. Placing more emphasis on Chrome through advertising would increase market share in web browsers, allowing for access to more information.This goes hand-in-hand with the goal of strengthening users reliance upon Google accounts, comparable to those existing with comprehensive Yahoo accounts (Hitt, Ireland & Ho skisson, 2009). It is also crucial to pay attention to the path and future of mobile advertising, likely to progress through rich media ads that can synchronize with existing smart phone features and apps. Furthermore, it would be wise for Google to condense their wide extract of Android phones, keeping enough variety to suit consumer desires, but streamlining their product line to a more lean production (Dess, 2012).When there is potential to be profitable, Google should also expand its efforts to developing countries that are passing computers by and accessing the Internet through mobile phones. This would portray Google as a reliable product and service in these countries and build a strong brand recognition early on. To increase revenue from YouTube, they can consider charging corporations for having accounts solely for business purposes (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2009).Googles strongest ability lies in their existing features, though they must fine-tune the quality of their w eaker applications like Google+ and Google Docs that have trouble comparing to industry competitors. Further developing features to compete with the capabilities of Microsoft self-assurance can gain a major advantage, by promoting users to share documents, by Google Docs. Overall, Google must capitalize on its existing features, refine them, and continue to use research and development along with innovative technology to maintain their position as the leader in the search engine industry (Fox, 2012). ConclusionBecause of the rapid growth in industries revolving around technology and the Internet in particular, many opportunities present themselves to Google currently and in the near future. Internet and mobile advertising growth lead the way for the increasing importance of Search Engine Optimization for marketers. Using data collected from searches and Chrome, more data on users becomes more readily available. by chance the most important up-and-coming necessity for innovative co mpanies such as Google is the availability for users to have all of their information in one account through cloud computing (Casson, 2004)..

Friday, May 24, 2019

Terrorism: An Emergency?

The September 11th terrorist good time on the World Trade Center ordain forever be in the minds of every American. It is a reality which tells us that it can happen again, anytime and anywhere. The impact of such act also tells us that it is something the political science and the nation must pay attention to and be prepared for.For many years now, terrorism is still an existent problem which gobbled up a real amount from the government resources. Not only that, but it also caused countless fatalities and destroyed properties. It has also put the government in an unsure position as to how it can be eliminated. The worsening situation regarding terrorism has the government taking up drastic steps for the nations security and considering it an emergency by which every nation must be prepared to face.The Office of the Press depository of the United States (2007) announced about additional grant guidance and diligence kits for three grant programs (Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) , Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP), and Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG)), which totaled to $827 zillion this year. check to Michael Chertoff, Homeland Security Secretary, the additional influx of federal dollars will be for the enhancement of security measures. Additionally, the money will enable the emergency managers to take on much tools to build on national preparedness goals.Allotment of these funds shows us how serious the obstruction of terrorism is. The United States government will rank funding for training and universal awareness campaigns, reducing the risks of improvised explosive devices and radiological, biological and chemical weapons, and securing transit systems. Moreover, grant funding will further ameliorate the governments emergency management capabilities.According to the American National Red Cross (2001), thither are many things which could happen after a terrorist attack which calls for emergency action. First is that on that point can be casualties and damages to properties such as buildings. Second is the involvement of the local, state and federal units due to the criminal spirit of the event. Third is the possibility that the health and mental health resources can be strained or overwhelmed. Next, the prolonged existence of public fear, international implications and consequences and extensive media coverage. one-fifth is the possibility of evacuation. And lastly, the clean-up which may take up very long.With regards to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), Taylor (2000) analyzed the use of WMD as protective measure against terrorism. The author cited the Nunn-Lugar-Domenici Act, which the U.S. recounting passed in 1996, and which requires the local and state governments to let access to equipment and training call for to fight against acts of terrorism. It involves access to the use of WMD such as chemical, radiological and biological. A large amount of money is funded for the program in order to train law enforcement and emergency response agencies in dealing with terrorist attacks.Taylor (2000) added that the production of WMD powerfulness increase the number of casualties from terrorist attacks as the US population was vulnerable to such attacks. The Legionnaires disease alone, which struck American Legion conventioneers, tells us of the whisk possible outcome of bioweapons. As this shows that the public can be attacked with these weapons, the enemies could use these for their terrorist attacks.Weapons of mass destruction include chemical, radiological and biological weapons. Their effect could be enormous. Lives will be lost with the deployment of such dangerous weapons. And as terrorists have access to these weapons and more, they can use it to further their attacks, resulting to more and more casualties. This is clearly an emergency some(prenominal) ways because the 40 percent of terrorist attacks around the world is targeted at the United States despite the fact that t he country has no quarrels with other(a) countries. The population is even more vulnerable to an attack using WMD.According to John Bolton (2002), Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, there are risks in using WMD. The shell thing that could happen is when the weapons fall into the hands of terrorists. To prevent this from happening, a strategy called the New Strategic Framework was formed. Under the framework, defensive systems which aim to protect against projectile attacks will be created, nonproliferation and counterproliferation measures will be enhanced, nuclear weapons will be reduced and cooperation with Russia to eliminate terrorism will be prioritized.John Wolf, Assistant Secretary of State for Nonproliferation (2002), added that these weapons of mass destruction are a threat to the United States forces around the world. The primary concern, according to Wolf, is protection and security from WMD. This entails some steps. First, there shoul d be reduction and cessation of WMD production. The United States objective is to control and dispose excess materials of WMD. The second step is stopping Irans acquisition of these materials.It is believed that Iran wants to modify and develop its WMD and missile programs. Third step is stopping the proliferation of nuclear and missile in and from South Asia. Wolf stated that approximately one one thousand thousand troops face off on the India-Pakistan border. Concerns were raised over the possibility that the WMD and missiles there might fall in the wrong hands.Several actions are needed to be taken to prevent further proliferation of WMD and missiles. star is to make sure that the suppliers of WMD materials and missiles end their cooperation. Another is to ensure that security is at its upper limit against WMD and missile proliferation. The effectiveness of the export control of the states should also be enhanced. They should also secure their WMD and missiles and help other st ates that do not have enough resources.Terrorism is a rare phenomenon that must be put in perspective. Everyone knows that one attack using WMD can cause massive casualties. According to Pete du Pont (cited in Taylor, 2000), 15 terrorist incidents happen each year in the United States. Statistics also showed that approximately 42 Americans die while 115 are wound from international acts of terrorism since 1982. What the United States should do, Taylor noted, is to implement military restraint overseas but respond to terrorist incidents against U.S. targets.Should there be a terrorist attack using WMD, there are three things that the government must address. First, responses of the government must minimize the injury and death and implement actions which prevent the public from harm. This means that the attack place should be isolated, the agent class is identified, exposure levels is evaluated and those who are exposed evacuated to facilities where they can be treated. The governm ent must make sure that the individuals in the attack aim cooperate with it (Taylor, 2000).Second, evidence should be gathered which will be used for later prosecutions. This should be the primary concern of law enforcement officials. They should identify the attackers. Third is mitigation. How to prevent such incident from happening should be determined (Taylor, 2000).The magnitude of these terrorist attacks and the use of WMD call for every emergency measures from both the state and local levels. One problem which hinders to the success of emergency management, according to Taylor (2000), is the difficulty of getting public support. Effective emergency management program will be the solution to the program, and this requires public support. The public should be educated about what they can do in case terrorist attacks happen. Additionally, they should be taught about the WMD and what they should do in each case.Considering the effects of terrorism, and the things it can do to a c ountry, it should be seen as an emergency alongside other types of disasters. This paper does not posit that terrorism should be prioritized over other disasters, but the government must also allot resources and actions to prevent or be ready in case it happens.ReferencesAmerican National Red Cross. (2001). Terrorism Preparing for the unexpected. Retrieved on December 16, 2007 from http//,1082,0_589_,00.htmlBolton, John. (2002). The new strategic framework A response to 21st century threats. U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda, 7, 2.Office of the Press Secretary. (2007). DHS announces additional $260 million in supplemental grants funding. Retrieved on December 16, 2007 from the Homeland Security web site, http//, Eric R. (2000). Are we prepared for terrorism using weapons of mass destruction? Governments half measures. Policy Analysis, 387, 1-17.Wolf, John. (2002). U.S. approaches to nonproliferation. U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda, 7, 2.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Robber Barons

Savannah Noss Period 1 3/2/13 APUSH Robber Barons, a experiwork forcetal condition used in the late 1800s and early 1900s to describe a c altogetheringman who made an enormous tally of money, today we would call them billionaires quiz writer price. It was not really the fact they made a myriad of wealth, it was more the way they made it. In all the cases the acquiring of wealth was through with(p) in what was considered a ruthless manor and unscrupulous ways. A robber superpower was more interested in acquiring wealth than the safety of his employees, the amount of work hours performed in a week, or the amount of wage being paid for a days work.A great example of a robber force would be Andrew Carnegie. The robber baron of the steel industry. He was instrumental in starting the 72 hour work week, paying out less than unclouded wages and having dangerous working conditions. Andrew Carnegie cornered the market place on the steel industry and made the first high rise building. He was the only business in his field, therefore, he could set his prices and up his profits. The robber barons were known for their business tactics that would enable them to amass a wealth by monopolies.They would corner the market on a product or service and make it almost impossible to get, accept through them. One thing that robber barons of today and yesterday have in common is monopolies. If at all possible, the robber baron or billionaire as we call them today, would try to corner the entire market on their product or service, making it difficult for competition in their particular industry. A second robber baron of that time was John D. Rockefeller. The robber baron of the oil industry.Rockefeller monopolized the oil industry with Standard Oil Company. When Edwin Drake discovered oil in 1859, Rockefeller saw the future. He introduced techniques that completely reshaped the oil industry. He used all of his methods to reduce the price of oil to his consumers. His profits soar ed and his competitors were crushed one by one. Rockefeller forced smaller companies to surrender their stock to his control. Another great example of a robber baron is Thomas Edison. The robber baron of the electricity, the light bulb.In 1876, Edison opened a lab where hundreds of inventions were created, including the first ever electric light bulb and an better version of Graham Bells telephone. His light bulb would come to serve as an important part of industrialization. Because of his invention, factories could stay open longer and nonplus more goods, His power station in New York City gave power to almost the entire city. Within ten years, almost all of the United States had power. Those men earned the title of being called a robber baron because of all the things they created that benefitted society. They were and are robber barons of their time and ours.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A Preprocessing Framework for Underwater Image Denoising Essay

AbstractA major obstacle to underwater operations using cameras comes from the trip out absorption and spread by the marine environment, which limits the visibility distance up to a some meters in coastal waters. The pre mathematical processing method actings concentrate on contrast equalization to deal with nonuniform tinder ca employ by the back scattering. Some adaptive smoothing methods like anisotropic filtering as a lengthy computation time and the fact that diffusion uniforms must be manually tuned, wavelet filtering is faster and automatic. An adaptive smoothing method helps to address the remaining sources of noise and can importantly improve edge detection. In the proposed approach, wavelet filtering method is used in which the diffusion constant is tuned automatically. Keywords underwater pic, preprocessing, edge detection, wavelet filtering, denoising.I. INTRODUCTIONThe underwater effigys usually suffers from non-uniform lighting, low contrast, blur and diminis hed emblazons. A few problems pertaining to underwater images argon light absorption and the inherent structure of the sea, and also the effects of colour in underwater images. Reflection of the light varies greatly depending on the structure of the sea. Another main concern is related to the water that bends the light either to make crinkle patterns or to diffuse it. Most importantly, the prize of the water controls and influences the filtering properties of the water such(prenominal) as sprinkle of the dust in water. The reflected amount of lightis partly polarised horizontally and partly enters the water vertically. Light fading limits the visibility distance at about twenty meters in clear water and five meters or less in turbid water. Forward scattering generally leads to blur of the image features, backscattering generally limits the contrast of the images. The amount of light is undertaked when we go deeper, colors drop off depending on their wavelengths. The blue color travels across the longest in the water due to its shortestwavelength. Current preprocessing methods typically only concentrate on local contrast equalization in say to deal with the nonuniform lighting caused by the back scattering.II. UNDERWATER DEGRADATIONA major difficulty to process underwater images comes from light fading. Light fading limits the visibility distance, at about twenty meters in clear water and five meters or less in turbid water. The light attenuation process is caused by the absorption (which removes light energy) and scattering (which changes the direction of light path). Absorption and scattering effects are due to the water itself and to other components such as dis figured organic matter or small observable floating particles. Dealing with this difficulty, underwater vision faces to many problems first the rapid attenuation of light requires attaching a light source to the vehicle providing the necessary lighting.Unfortunately, artificial lights tend t o illuminate the scene in a non uniform fashion producing a glittery spot in the center of the image and poorly illuminated area surrounding. Then the distance between the camera and the scene usually induced enceinte blue or green color (the wavelength corresponding to the red color disappears in only few meters). Then, the floating particles highly variable in class and concentration, increase absorption and scattering effects they blur image features (forward scattering), modify colors and produce bright artifacts known as marine snow. At last the non stability of theunderwater vehicle affects once again imagecontrast.To test the accuracy of the preprocessing algorithmic programs, three steps are followed.1) First an original image is converted into grayscale image. 2)Second salt and pepper noise added to the grayscale image. 3) Third wavelet filtering is applied to denoise the image. Grayscale images are distinct from one-bit bi-tonal black-and-white images, which in the cont ext of computer imaging are images with only the two colors, black, and white. Grayscale images hand many shades of gray in between. Grayscale images are also called monochromatic, denoting the presence of only one (mono) color (chrome). Grayscale images are often the result of measuring the intensity of light at each pixel in a single band of the electromagnetic spectrum and in such cases they are monochromatic proper when only a given frequency is captured. Salt and pepper noise is a form of noise typically seen on images. It represents itself as randomly occurring white and blackpixels. An image containing salt-and-pepper noise will have dark pixels in bright regions and bright pixels in dark regions. This compositors case of noise can be caused by analog-to-digital converter errors, bit errors in transmission. ripple filtering gives very earnest results compared to other denoising methods because, unlike other methods, it does not take that the coefficients are independent.I II. A PREPROCESSING ALGORITHMThe algorithm proposed corrects each underwater perturbations sequentially.addressed in the algorithm. However, contrast equalization also corrects the effect of the exponential light attenuation with distance.B. Bilateral FilteringBilateral filtering smooth the images while preserving edges by means of a nonlinear combination of nearby image determine. The idea underlying bilateral filtering is to do in the tell of an image what traditional filters do in its domain. Two pixels can close to one another, occupy nearby spatial location (i.e) have nearby values. Closeness refers to vicinity in the domain, similarity to vicinity in the range. Traditional filtering is a domain filtering, and enforces closeness by weighing pixel values with coefficients that fall off with distance. The range filtering, this averages image values with weights that decay with dissimilarity. Range filters are nonlinear because their weights depend on image intensity or color. C omputationally, they are no more complex than standard nonseparablefilters. So the combination of both domain and range filtering is known as bilateral filtering.A. bloodline equalizationContrast stretching often called normalization is a simple image enhancement technique that attempts to improve the contrast in an image by stretching the range of intensity values. Many well-known techniques are known to help correcting the lighting disparities in underwater images. As the contrast is non uniform, a global color histogram equalization of the image will not suffice and local methods must be considered. Among all the methods they reviewed, Garcia, Nicosevici and Cufi 2 constated the empirical best results of the illuminationreflectance model on underwater images. The low-pass version of the image is typically computed with a Gaussian filter having a large standard deviation. This method is theoretically relevant backscattering, which is responsible for some of the contrast disparit ies, is indeed a slowly varying spatial function. Backscattering is the predominant noise, hence it is sensible for it to be the first noiseAnisotropic filteringAnisotropic filter is used to smoothing the image. Anisotropic filtering allows us to simplify image features to improve image segmentation. This filter smooths the image in homogeneous area but preserves edges and enhance them. It is used to smooth textures and reduce artifacts by deleting small edges amplified by homomorphic filtering. This filter removes or attenuates unwanted artifacts andremaining noise. The anisotropic diffusion algorithm is used to reduce noise and prepare the segmentation step. It allows to smooth image in homogeneous areas but it preserves and even enhances the edges in the image.Here the algorithm follow which is proposed by Perona and Malik 5. This algorithm is automatic so it uses constant parameters selected manually. The previous step of wavelet filtering is very important to obtain good resul ts with anisotropic filtering. It is the association of wavelet filtering and anisotropic filtering which gives such results. Anisotropic algorithm isusually used as long as result is not satisfactory. In our case few times only loop set to constant value, to preserve a short computation time.For this denoising filter choose a nearly symmetric orthogonal wavelet bases with a bivariate shrinkage exploiting interscale dependency. Wavelet filtering gives very good results compared to other denoising methods because, unlike other methods, it does not assume that the coefficients are independent. Indeed wavelet coefficients in natural image have significant dependencies. Moreover the computation time is very short.IV. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND EVALUATIONTo estimate the quality of theorize image, designate Squared Error and Peak omen to Noise Ratio are calculated for the original and the reconstructed images. Performance of different filters are tested by calculating the PSNR and MSE valu es. The size of the images taken is 256256 pixels. The Mean Square Error (MSE) and the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) are the two error metrics used to compare image compression quality. The MSE represents the additive squared error between the compressed and the original image, whereas PSNR represents a measure of the peak error. The dismay the value of MSE, the lower the error. In Table 1, the original and reconstructed images are shown. In table 2, PSNR and MSE values are calculated for all underwater images. PSNR value obtained for denoised images is higher, when compare with salt and pepper noise added images. MSE value obtained for the denoised images has lower the error when compared with salt and pepper noise added images. eD. Wavelet filteringThresholding is a simple non-linear technique, which operates on one wavelet coefficient at a time. In its most basic form, each coefficient is thresholded by comparing against threshold, if the coefficient is smaller than thresho ld, set to range in otherwise it is kept or modified. Replacing the small noisy coefficients by zero and inverse wavelet transform on the result may lead to reconstruction with the essential signal characteristics and with the less noise. A simple denoising algorithm that uses the wavelet transform consist of the following three steps, (1) calculate the wavelettransform of the noisy image (2) Modify the noisy detail wavelet coefficients according to some rule (3) compute the inverse transform using the modified coefficients. Multiresolution decompositions have shown significant advantages in image denoised image. In clearly, the comparisons of PSNR and MSE values are shown in Fig -1a and Fig -1b.V. CONCLUSIONIn this paper a novel underwater preprocessing algorithm is present. This algorithm is automatic, requires noparameter adjustment and no a priori knowledge of the acquisition conditions. This is because functions evaluate their parameters or use pre-adjusted defa ults values. This algorithm is fast. Many adjustments can still be done to improve the whole pre-processing algorithms. Inverse filtering gives good results but generally requires a priori knowledge on the environment. Filtering used in this paper needs no parameters adjustment so it can be used systematically on underwater images before every pre-processing algorithms.REFERENCES1 Arnold-Bos, J. P. Malkasse and Gilles Kervern,(2005) Towards a model-free denoising of underwater optical image, IEEE OCEANS 05 EUROPE,Vol.1, pp.234256. 2 Caefer, Charlene E. Silverman, Jerry. &Mooney,JonathanM,(2000) Optimisation of point target tracking filters. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., pages 15-25. 3 R. Garcia, T. Nicosevici, and X. Cufi. (2002) On the way to solve lighting problems in underwater imaging. In Proceedings of the IEEE Oceans 2002, pages 10181024. 4 James C. Church, Yixin Chen, and Stephen V., (2008) A Spatial Median Filter for Noise Removal in digital Images, page(s)618 623. 4 5 Jenny Rajan and M.R Kaimal., (2006) Image Denoising Using Wavelet Embedded anisotropic Diffusion, Appeared in the Proceedings of IEEE InternationalConference on Visual Information Engineering, page(s) 589 593. 6 Z. Liu, Y. Yu, K. Zhang, and H. Huang.,(2001) subsurface image transmission and blurred image restoration. SPIE Journal of Optical Engineering, 40(6)11251131. 7 P. Perona and J.Malik, (1990) Scale space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion, IEEE Trans on approach pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, pp.629-639. 8 Schechner, Y and Karpel, N., (2004) Clear Underwater Vision. Proceedings of the IEEE CVPR, Vol. 1, pp. 536-543. 9 Stephane Bazeille, Isabelle, Luc jaulin and Jean-Phillipe Malkasse, (2006) Automatic Underwater image PreProcessing, cmm06 characterisation du milieu marine page(s) 16-19. 10 Yongjian Yu and Scott T. Acton, (2002) Speckle cut Anisotropic Diffusion, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, page(s) 1260-1270, No. 11, Vol.11.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Network Methodology Essay

We surveyed much more about t Ncell through the use of various sources. done these surveys we came to know about different aspects about Ncell. But we tried to get more insight of the consumers or the users of Ncell . With this prime motives we all decided to conduct a small Consumer Feedback Survey among the users of Ncell. We asked them the close ended questionnaire as a part of our primary survey . These questionnaire were distributed among the 20 Ncell users To know the diversified customers response we have selected the respondents from galore(postnominal) sector llike professionals, Students , housewife and so on.The nature of our questionare were solely based on the satisfaction level,attitude towards product ,features of products. The sample of the questionnaire is presented below Customer Feedback Survey-Questionnaire Name Address gain Email Profession Please tick the appropriate options Q. 1. What is your view on network quality of Ncell ? a) Excellent b)Good c)Average d )Below Average Q. 2. Which service of Ncell do you use most? a)Call b) GPRS/3G c)Data card d)others Q. How costly do you think is the price of Ncell service? a)Cheap b)Satisfactory c)Expensive d)Comparatively expensive Q. 4 How much money ( in average )do you spend in Ncell ? a)less and so 100 b)R. S 100-250 C)R. S 250- 500 d)R. S 500 and above Q. 5 How does the feedback and customer care service respond to your problems ? a)Very Fast b)Average C)Satisfactory d)Slow response Q. 6 How is Advertising of Ncell? a) Persuasive b) Reinforcing c) Reminding d) Informative Q. How often do you get bonus scheme or offer from Ncell ? a) Frequently b) Very often c) Sometimes d) rarely Q. 8 If you are using Ncell Internet service, how is it? a) Very fast b) comparatively fast c) Moderate d) slow Q. 9 What factor influenced you to purchase Ncell service? a) Media advertizement b) Hoarding board c) word of talk d) References e) Non Q. 10 Do you have any suggestions that would help us to improv e our Ncell service? Signature of the customer thank you for your kind cooperationMajor Findings From the customer survey that we conducted with 20 different Ncell customers we have found some crucial results. According to them the network quality of Ncell service is near(a) however some of them said it is excelled. Likewise talking about the services provided by Ncell many of them are using call and GPRS service, the majority of GPRS users are early days among them. Another important result we have found about the price that Most of the respondent said it is comparatively expensive (which mean the Ncell Price is expensive than its major rival NTC).However the service within the Ncell subscriber is not that expensive. The major factors affecting to purchase of Ncel Service are Media advertisement, hoarding board, word of mouth and references respectively. Moreover the advertising of the Ncell is more reinforcing according to the respondents however some of them said it is informat ive e also. Considering the aforementioned survey discussion now we would like to immortalize here some figures and chart to understand the findings in more specific way.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Internet banking Essay

profit is rapidly turning out to be a tool of initiation widely communication. The increasing use of meshwork earlier promoted producers and entrepreneurs to sell their products online. It has also become an important source of culture and knowledge. Due to this, many banking and finance organizations founder come up with the idea of Internet banking or online banking.What is Internet BankingInternet banking fag be defined as a facility provided by banking and financial institutions, that enable the user to execute bank related transactions through Internet. The biggest advantage of Internet banking is that people can expend the services sitting at home, to transact business. Due to which, the account holder does non have to personally visit the bank. With the help of Internet banking many transactions can be executed by the account holder. When small transactions like balance inquiry, record of recent transaction, etc. are to be processed, the Internet banking facility prove s to be very handy. The concept of Internet banking has thus become a innovation in the field of banking and finance.Brief History of Internet BankingThe concept of Internet banking has been simultaneously evolving with the organic evolution of the world wide web. Programmers working on banking data bases came up with ideas for online banking transactions, some time during the 1980s. The creative process of development of these services were probably sparked off after many companies started the concept of online shopping. The online shopping promoted the use of credit separate through Internet. Many banking organizations had already started creating data ware housing facilities to ease their working staffs. The development of these databases were widely used during the development of ATMs.Sometime in 1980s, banking and finance organizations in Europe and get together States started apocalyptical researches and programing experiments on the concept of home banking. Initially in the 80s when computers and Internetwere non so well-developed, home banking basically made use of fax machines and telephones to facilitate their customers. The widespread of Internet and programming facilities created further opportunities for development of home banking.In 1983, the Nottingham Building Society, commonly abbreviated and referred to as the NBS, launched the first Internet banking service in United Kingdom. This service formed the basis for most of the Internet banking facilities that followed. This facility was not very well-developed and restricted the number of transactions and functions that account holders could execute. The facility introduced by Nottingham Building Society is verbalize to have been derived from a system known as Prestel, that is deployed by the postal service department of United Kingdom.The first online banking service in United States was introduced, in October 1994. The service was developed by Stanford Federal assurance Union, which is a financial institution. The online banking services are becoming more and more prevalent due to the well-developed systems. though there are pros and cons of electronic cash, it has become a revolution that is enhancing the banking sector. Read more at Buzzle http//

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Cultural Anthropology Essay

The word anthropology is derived from the Greek words anthropo, meaning mankind beings or homophilekind, and logia, translated as acquaintance of or the say of.1 Likewise, it is a study which comprises quadruple subfields the physical anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology and cultural anthropology or ethnology, which constitutes a broad approach to the study of humanity.2 Furthermore, Anthropology is the exploration of human diversity in time and space.3 Consequently, anthropology is a study or discourse of human being which deals human condition in all particular context and time, both past and present. It is a study that deals humans as biological species, as beings with nuance and language present in a society, and so on.b. heathenish AnthropologyCultural anthropology is the study of human society and culture, the subfield that describes, analyzes, interprets, and explains social and cultural similarities and differences.4 So, it is in this field that human be ings are studied in a cultural perspective in order to pick up the commonality and difference of one culture to the other. Likewise, Cultural anthropology or ethnology is the subfield of anthropology that examines various contemporary societies and cultures throughout the world.5 Therefore, it does not study human being apiece but societally or as a group, in order to come up with a abstraction of their way of life.c. EthnologyEthnology examines, interprets, analyzes, and compares the results of ethnographythe data gathered in different societies.6 Likewise, ethnology is the comparative accomplishment that attempts to identify and explain cultural differences and similarities, test hypotheses, and build possibleness to enhance our understanding of how social and cultural systems work.7 Thus, ethnology is the science in which the data gathered by the cultural anthropologistfrom the different societies through observation are spew into analysis and examination. In other words, i t is a cross-cultural study. By this, cultural anthropologists describe the similarities and differences of one culture from the other and make generalization about society and culture.2. What are the two approaches we use in the study of Anthropology? There are two ways of developing testable propositions the inductive method and the deductive method. In the inductive method, the scientist first makes observations and collects data. On the other hand, deductive method of scientific research begins with a general theory from which scientists develop testable hypotheses. Data are then collected to evaluate these hypotheses.3. Why the study of Anthropology is important like a shot?Studying human beings, Anthropology is very important today for it examines, analyzes, compares and makes generalization about how people live and be constitute. In fact, it is so vital to study it these days for this field deals not only the present generation of the human kind but also even those of the past, the history and artifacts, with their way of life basically analyzed and is compared to what we have today. Likewise, it is also crucial to discuss this subject matter, especially cultural anthropology, for it gives anybody a kind of self-awareness to cultural diversity. Hence, anthropology get out make us aware of cross-cultural understanding in this diverse world and appreciate the singularity of one culture to the other. Furthermore, studying so would give us knowledge in order to lift ethnocentrism or superiority of one culture to the other for no culture is actually higher than the other.On one hand, anthropology contributes to a general liberal arts education, which helps students develop intellectually and personally, as well as professionally.8 So, it is important as well to study anthropology nowadays for it tries to investigate human condition according to four perspectives, namely, the physical anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology and cultural anthr opology, which is needed in every career that one may take. Well, for us, seminarians, I think it is an imperative to have knowledge about this course for it enables us to develop our understanding, especially when it comes to cross-cultural one, as future missionaries to foreign landssomeday.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Explain why dreams and plans are so important in ‘Of Mice and Men’ Essay

George and Lennie be examples of migrant or itinerant farm workers who fuelled and made possible the intensive realm economy. These men would travel great distances, however they could, lots by foot, or by the empty boxcars that were after used to carry the grain they helped to farm. They would receive $2.50 $3.00 a day, plus board, which guesst food and a room. The food would be precise basic, the room sometimes not more than a sm every tent shared with many an(prenominal) other workers. Conditions did improve for migrant farm workers at the start of the First World War, because of the industrial bring through in the USA at that time forced an make up in wages and on that pointfore an increase in the price of grain. alone at the time John Steinbeck wrote Of Mice and Men, advances in technology were commentary many of the farm workers obsolete, because of the improvements in industry and machinery.Before machinery came onto the farm, the mule driver was at the top of the fond tree on the bedspread, because of his high skills. Slim was this figure in Of Mice and Men, and he probably commanded a high wage compared to the other ranch workers.The key beliefte throughout Of Mice and Men is the dreaminging that George and Lennie little by little show us. This was the dream of most workers in all told of the USA, and George, Lennie, confect, and all the other workers on the farm all ware the same dream, to own a footlingholding or a small farm. Such an acquisition would mean that they would be their own boss, and make a basic but good living from their own work, preferably of having nothing to show for a emotional statetime of hard work. America was first populated by hatful who came from nearly every country of the world, believing that they could escape and find their dreams in the new country where they believed there was no persecution or hatred.Others saw it as an escape from hard poverty or starvation. The Ameri bath dream was focused on the fact that it represented a dream of wealth and success, and allowed men and women to maintain a fresh start in another country that they could build themselves. This dream survived until the late 1920s, when the Wall route Crash caused the Great Depression to start, and people learned that there was no more land to be bought and farmed. All the intensive farming over the years had caused the dustbowl, and many people who had borrowed m wizardy to build the farms in the dustbowl, could not now repay the money, because of the wasted land, with no farming value.The dream that George and Lennie had was becoming hi composition. The dream of their granting immunity and independence was doomed right from the start of the novel. When Lennie is be pursued at the end of the book, George recites the dream to Lennie, to begin with he shoots him. Lennie dies at Georges hands, and the dream is just as doomed as Lennie.Lennie, George, Candy and temporarily Crooks all are shown to have th e dream of a small farm. It is the dream that was shared by hundreds of ranch hands at the time.The title for the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck was taken from the poem by the Scottish poet, Robert Burns. In the poem, Burns writesThe best laid schemes o mice and menGang aft agleyAnd give us nought but grief and painFor promised joyGang aft agley means that things often go wrong George and Lennies dream of owning a small farm does go wrong in the end, up to now though it looked at one point as if it might work, when Candy joins the idea, and puts forward all his savings. But it just leaves pain and grief instead of joy. What Burns and Steinbeck are both saying is that we can lay our plans carefully, but something will always go wrong. This doesnt mean that we should stop dreaming, and laying our plans, even though the likelihood of them succeeding is small, we dormant need those dreams and plans to keep us working and to keep us trying to be better, do better, earn better and have a better quality of living.The idea of mice is also a potent one, because even though Lennie is very large, he is still moved by something even bigger and stronger, in the shape of fate and destiny. Lennie is controlled by George in the same way, even though George is far smaller than Lennie is. The idea of mice is also potent because of the burrowing that mice do to make their nests, only to leave them later, not to return. The same is true for all migrant workers, constantly working to get their own farm, only to have their dreams shattered. They also move on to other places all the time, leaving their burrows to move on. This is particularly true with George and Lennie, because of Lennies actions throughout the book. The dream is never realised, but much good has come from the dreaming.Each of the characters has their own personalized dreams* George has the dream of owning the farm, and therefore is much more responsible with his money. He shows this in the novel when h e is appal when Lennie drinks scummy water at the start of the novel, and does not like the thought that there may be lice in his mattress from the previous inhabitant. But sometimes you also think that he temporarily hates Lennie for the burden caused, and that he wishes that he could be alone to be less responsible for someone who thinks like a child, being an adult. George says, God a mighty, if I was alone I could live so easy. when he is in one of his rages with Lennie. He also seems to think badly of some people and he wishes to hurt them to stop them bother Lennie, for example, Curley, when he says to Lennie to get Curley, and you almost sense joy in his voice.* Lennie is a strange character when it comes to dreams, because the dream of owning a small farm is all that he real remembers. But he also wants to ravish George very badly, because George is his companion and friend. George describes at one point that he used to tell Lennie to do really stupid things, and then he was forced to realise that Lennie would do anything he said, and could be hurt or killed by his actions. Lennie is also a very clever character, because he plays with Georges conscience, shown by the incident of the computer mouse being taken by George at the start of the book, first showing Lennie as a simpleton.* Candy dreams of having back his right hand, and being able to have a better job. He is chained to this ranch, because he would not get a job anywhere else. He has lost all control of his life to other people, stronger, younger people, all highlighted by the incident with Candys Dog. He dreams of a small farm, and when he hears that George and Lennie are trying for it, he joins them, and tells them that he will give all his lifes savings to have his own land for the rest of his life, and then lose it at the end, but still to have had something to show for all the years of work.* Crooks dreams of freedom. He is a black man, in a colour land, where the black people are tr eated as slaves. The hierarchy is shown in the incident with Curleys wife, when she says, You jockey what I can do to you if you open your trap? He is also crippled, which means that he is even lower in the social hierarchy. But on the ranch, he is seen as a Nice comrade by Candy, and he is not really looked down upon by most of the characters. On the ranch he is given his own room, be it small and smelly, and he is given respect. He is very intelligent, but he has never had any opportunity to do well in his life. It is in him that we first see that the dream is impossible to really achieve.* Curleys Wife is seen upon as dangerous by the other ranch workers because she is matrimonial to the son of the Boss, and is also hook up with to Curley, who takes every opportunity to have a fight. Curleys wife is very flirtatious, and has dreamed for many years of being a singer and actress, but never made it. She married the first man who came along and chose badly, and is not really trea ted as a person by Curley. He is very sexually orientated, as is revealed by the glove of Vaseline he wears, to keep his hands smooth. But had fate dealt her a different hand, and had she married a man who treated her as a person, she would have been a good and loving wife. She is shied away from by all the other ranch hands, but Lennie is to a fault innocent to recognise the danger.All the characters have dreams of their own, as all people do, but in the novel, these are revealed to us. All the dreams of all the people shape the whole book, causing it to become a real story of the ranches, not just a story of a mad man and his clever friend.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Leadership in Healthcare

circumscribe Introduction2 Interactive Model of lead3 Measure to Analyse Leadership Skills5 Introduction5 Critical Factors5 Identifying Leadership Gaps5 mop up the gaps6 Nature of Motivation, propitiation & Performance8 Task Orientation among Teams8 Nature of group & group breeding8 prima(p) Virtual group ups8 Creating the Virtual Team9 Conclusion9 References10 Introduction The cheek chosen for this assignment is Bupa C atomic number 18 Services, Leeds, UK. Founded in 1947, Bupa Cargon Services produce believed in the motto that they should dish out battalion live longer, happier & healthier lives with provision of exhaustively quality healthc be.Bupa not being easy-defined to sh areholders industrial plant purely for the benefits of its patients. Their sundry(a) initiatives in terms of investment are aimed at better healthcare for their patients. The point of this assignment is on the leading programme conducted by Bupa in Caring for elder commonwealth Bupa, by means of its ne devilrk of residential hospitals, retirement homes & nursing homes in the UK, Australia, Spain and New Zealand takes care of thousands of elder patients.Over a limit of time with increase in experience they take over identified lacunas in their processes and reached a maturity to outstrip in innovation and development of care facilities for the elderly. With collaborations with researchers, expert partners and academics they aim to come upon innovative ways to cleanse their services With the society at large being dominated by ageing individuals, it introduces the healthcare man with new challenges to address. It is more than prevalent in developed countries which contribute a starchy healthcare remains to indorse individuals during their more productive phase in animation thus up(a) their life expectancy.Globally speaking, it is estimated in the next two decades that there would be about twice the percentage of elders in the UK as compared to today, p iece of music individuals who have completed their centenary would be 4 times as compared to today. In Australia, the numbers are expected to increase from the current 0. 2 gazillion to an estimated 0. 5 million in the next two decades. A more similar trend is predicted in New Zealand whereby the current count is estimated to be doubled in the next three decades..The programme aims at trying to profile care home population, support initiatives to garner funds, tar wee-wee improvement of healthcare aspects and a aim at the greater good for improving the standard of living of the elderly. The programme was conducted under the up to(p) leadinghip of Mark Ellerby, Managing Director, Bupa Care Services and Dr. Clive Bowman, medical Director, Bupa Care Services. Interactive Model of Leadership Response from people today in a bodied team based culture is largely influenced by the behaviour of their leaders.People like if their leaders are with them instead then above them, which giv es them a feeling on belonging in the team and not a slave to the system. This calls for an innovative and lateral shift in the thinking behaviour on part of the leaders to be effective in their workplace. The interactive leadership development program helps leaders learn to in effect make that shift & excel as team players. The program offers a new lease of life and offers an probability for to be leaders to benchmark their skills against the best practises from around the knowledge domain which is supported and well enter with a world class study of ore than three decades. The intent of the program is to make candidates sample their inner skills and coach themselves against out-of-door actions. It provokes them to improve upon their competencies and be better leaders to achieve higher functioning with results which have a long lasting impression. The research on interactive leadership has been conducted by crack up David H. Burnham and Harvard psychologist Dr. David C. Mc Clelland basis which they have observed the way leaders behave and most importantly how they think in the most critical of situations.The focus of the program is to inculcate a thought process to be able to engage with individuals and groups, improve the emotional intelligence and have a dedicated focus on results. allows now focus on applying the model to the leadership programme at Bupa Care Services. The particular premise on which the interactive leadership whole caboodle is Thoughts drive Actions to nominate Outcomes. Participants are given the opportunity to work through simulations, perform exercises and activities in each of the critical areas in order to Experience and prise how their present thinking will help them drive outcomes in future ? Develop and invest in specific goals which would prepare them for every future switch ? Identify the key areas that need development and have conscious thought process to achieve them ? Learn the nuances to make the change(s) hap pen. Measure to Analyse Leadership Skills 1 Introduction Leaders are conscious(predicate) of change and it is obvious to them that they need to adapt to the change as individuals as well as a group and the industry at large.But considering todays groping and complicated work culture, the importance lies in recogniseing the importance of leadership skills. The entire healthcare world for years have been operating in a dynamic world with changes impacting every one including insurance companies, healthcare providers, thingmajig firms and pharmaceutical to a great extent. The industry has been boosted by the advent of technology, newer & improved means of care, a more dynamic business model. Regulatory authority and ethical issues add to the existing woes of the healthcare industry.With such complexities, organisations find it cumbersome to identify the leadership talent which can help them set direction, gain commitment from employees as well as from partners and drive high quali ty care for the patients. With a volatile environment, the healthcare sector is looming large on drastic changes ahead in time and at the present moment it is already amidst a phase of rapid change. This demands high levels of expertise in technology and thorough bred professionals with good leadership skills to be able to swim in the rough waters.The other occupation for the healthcare domain is that it is super difficult for them to classify their challenges since these are multi dimensional and of a complex nature. In order to address these challenges, super C strategies and processes have to be developed which would enable the scheme to achieve high performance. It is the need of the hour and neertheless a need for Bupa Care Services. 2 Critical Factors 1. Improve the ability to lead subordinates and work in groups. Leaders should be able to collaborate and should be capable of creating a culture to influence community from all members in the group.It is also important fo r leaders to be able to deal with occupation subordinates. 2. make believe strategies to provide current and future leaders great holistic beguile. In order to have a holistic view, leaders are expected to have some critical qualities like self awareness, vocation overseement and functional know how. A majority of the leaders today have been found wanting(p) in these critical areas. Such limitations are expected to be overcome through continuous upbringing and development, feedback sharing, coaching and succession planning. 3. Leaders possess important strengths.They are well equipped to handle change and have the ability to achieve the end results. They possess some key additional qualities like feeble composure, quick learning capability and clarity in thought process. Such qualities inherited by leaders provide enough proof that the healthcare leaders are a capable bunch of individuals who are assets to the industry. 3 Identifying Leadership Gaps Like in every exercise which involves comparison of two levels of attributes in any individual, there would always be some gaps in the expected level and actual level.With leadership this divergence can be arrived by the difference in current skills to expected skills. With this understanding, brass sections can come up with powerful strategies to build a capable pool of able leaders. The process of identifying gaps leads us to the characterizing certain attributes which are important for leadership skills and certain factors that are termed as derailment factors. Important Factors 1. Resourcefulness. Possesses multiple qualities such as good decision making under pressure, setting up intricate systems, analytical thinking, flexible behaviour and problem result skills.Gets along with seniors and has the capability to deal with higher bring home the baconment responsibilities. 2. Result Oriented. Has the capability to collar things make by carefully investment in ideas and thrives to overcome hindr ances with a dedicated focus. Can stand up and take responsibility to handle tasks individually and at the same time is open to learn from others to action the task. 3. Quick Learner. Has the capability to quickly assimilate business and technical know-how. 4. Decisive. Always appearances for prompt and precise solutions to any of the fakement problems which otherwise would be slow and sluggish. . Leading Subordinates. Strong delegation powers and provides opportunities to budding subordinates to show effort their talents. Always on the look out for fresh talent for hiring. Has an unbiased approach towards his subordinates. 6. Handling job Subordinates. Tries to understand the problem subordinate and only after proper evaluation decides to act upon a problem employee. Shows enough fairness and is unbiased with problem employees. 7. Encourages participation. Is a good listener and takes everyones opinion in advance arriving at a decision. 8. Handles change.Is always expecting c hanges and is ready to adapt. Also, takes efforts to overcome any resistance from his other subordinates with a view that the change has its benefits in the long run. 9. Build relationships. Capable of building and maintain good relations with subordinates and external parties. Masters the skills of negotiation without hurting any of the subordinate sentiments. 10. Compassionate and Sensitive. Genuinely interested in solving others problems and is sensitivity to employees needs. 11. Composure. Does not get into blame game over a mistake committed by anyone in the team.Handles the problem calmly and looks at solving the same quickly. 12. Personal Life. Strikes a balance mingled with his working commitment and personal life. Neither of them is ever side tracked. 13. Self-Awareness. Knows his strengths and weaknesses and has the willingness to improve. 14. Puts people at ease. Displays the right meter of warmth to people and has a good sense of humour. Having a good sense of humour i s not at the expense of hurting subordinates sentiments. 15. Manages his career. Remains focussed towards building this career through continuous investing in training, coaching and feedback.Derailment Factors 1. Interpersonal Relationships. Finds it difficult to get along with subordinates which indirectly impact his work. 2. Building and Leading a Team. Finds it difficult to build and lead a team. 3. Manage change. He is not able to manage change. Finds it difficult to adapt to change and inherently shows resistance to change. 4. Fails to achieve goals. Finds it difficult to keep up with his commitments and fails to go business objectives. 5. Narrow thinking. Does not get into details and fails to have a holistic view. 4 Closing the gapsTo close the leadership gap in the areas identified, organizations and individual leaders will need a solidness understanding of the skills and behaviours required to be effective in each area. Here, is the blow uping point for understanding vo lt areas that healthcare leaders and organizations should emphasize 1. Leading employees. This requires a leader to be self aware and have strong interpersonal skills. They need to invest in creating and building a team. They provide ample opportunities and challenges to their subordinates which is followed up with continuous guidance and coaching. They look at being mentors to future leaders. . Encourage participation. A leader should look at getting his teams involved, build a consensus and have a concurrent decision with everyones strong participation. Should be able to communicate well and also be a good listener in order to be able to get the best out of his team members. Looks at multiple perspectives before arriving at a decision. 3. Relationship Management. A leader should look at building relationships with his subordinates and also be fair in handling these relationships. He should be able to relate to all kinds of people and comfortably gain support and respect of peers , senior management and customers. . Self-Awareness. Be aware of ones strengths and weaknesses. Some one who is aware of his own being will always seek feedback from others and try to improve him continuously. He would be open enough to admit his mistakes and self correct himself. 5. Organizational perspective. A leader should have a broad and holistic organizational view. If the thinking is narrow then it would hurt the team was well as the organization in the long term. Should be capable enough to handle the tactical and technical points required to manage his work. Nature of Motivation, Satisfaction & PerformanceMotivation is something that makes people performs better. However, not everyone gets motivated by the same things Someone who is motivated expertness be satisfied and would perform better by getting additional responsibilities, whereas someone would gets some tractableness in his working style office get motivated to perform better. It merely means that indigence to e very individual might mean differently and his response to it would also differ. The heterogeneous initiatives take at Bupa Care Services to contribute to the overall success of the leadership programme are listed below 1.Clinical Leadership Director of cordial and physical disability care, Dr Graham Stokes, is responsible for driving forward the quality and background of care for people living with genial and physical disability in Bupas care homes in the UK, Australia, Spain and New Zealand. 2. Fund Raising Bupa is continuing their successful compact with Alzheimers Society in England and Wales, and Alzheimer Scotland for the Bupa grand Run Series. They managed to raise close to ? 1 million in 2009, which is evidence of the shared commitment to run to raise awareness of mental and physical disability.Bupa has sponsored the Great Run Series for 17 years, making it one of the longest-running sporting partnerships in the UK. 3. Boosting Research Alzheimers Society and the Bupa Foundation have formed a partnership to pioneer and boost research into physical & mental disability and its causes. They jointly launched a ? 1. 5 million fund to support research into the cause, cure, care, and prevention of physical & mental disabilities. Task Orientation among Teams Every organization wants to have a well collaborated team which can provide results effectively.There are many factors which would define a teams success but the key factor being a leaders vision and control over his team. Leaders have to be a mix of task and team orientation. This capability to leverage on both orientations enhances the ability build trust, create stability, and bring effectiveness among the team. The various task orientation initiatives taken at Bupa Care Services are listed below. 1. Pioneering Champions Alzheimers Society and Bupa have joined in concert to launch the first ever physical & mental disability Champions programme across 190 Bupa specialist care communities in the UK .The programme aims to develop in-house bred leaders to combat physical & mental disability care in their place of work and has been successfully piloted in Bupa care homes. By changing the culture, the physical & mental disabilities champions aim to further improve quality of care and quality of life for people with physical & mental disability. 2. Supporting careers in their own communities Bupas partnership with the charity for physical & mental disability aims to build capacity by developing new Admiral Nurse Posts in communities not served by this specialist nursing discipline. Physical & mental disability Pioneers are appointed to selected areas to spearhead development plans. The work of the Admiral Nurse in helping families and those living with physical & mental disability is well proven. Admiral Nurses have a significant role in helping families cope with the difficulties faced through their journey with physical & mental disability. Nature of group & group development Th ere are iv distinct stages that a group passes through as it comes together and bulge outs to operate. The process can be cognize to all, but an understanding of the stages can help everyone attain effectiveness more quickly. . Forming Being humans, everyone thrives to be authoritative in their groups and also looks to avoid getting into conflicts. Everyone has a part to play in the entire saber saw puzzle and thus they avoid getting into issues and hurting others feeling. But they have to accomplice their task by being in touch with their sub ordinates in order to achieve the results. 2. Storming Every group has Individuals with wide-ranging natures. Some have a high degree of patience while some just get annoyed at everything. Similarly there is a threshold to everyones patience which eventually might lead to minor disputes or confrontations.These might be related or totally unrelated to work. 3. Norming As we progress from the storming stage, the group matures and starts und erstanding their roles and responsibilities. These become more clear and each one agrees to follow the same. They start understanding each other better having gone through the grind during the storming stage. This eventually would lead to forming a cohesive unit which is capable of achieving the desired results. 4. Performing Reaching this stage for any group is an operation as not many groups reach this stage.Having attained this stage signifies that the group is highly collaborative and works as a cohesive unit. The group possesses high morale and has created a identity for itself which reflects through their inscription for each of the members. Leading Virtual teams The last couple of decades have seen rapid globalisation which has also make an impact on the healthcare domain. Challenges have come up with leaders expected to manage teams which are geographically diverse in terms in distances and time zones and not being co located.The problems even so with managing practical( prenominal) teams especially in the healthcare domain has not received enough importance the world over. 1 Creating the Virtual Team With the above problem statement, leaders today have an inherent wish well to be able to select team members based on their ability to work in practical(prenominal) teams. However, in the healthcare domain, this is not an option which is readily available since there are very express options available when it comes to having the right skill sets. The choices are therefore made as far as ossible collate team members who have experience in virtual teamwork, rest of the parameters remaining same. 1. Discovering Commonalities It is a difficult task to find commonalities within virtual teams as it is very much possible that the team leader has never met all members face to face and thus does not have enough data points to gauge them on a level scale. Extra efforts have to be taken by the leaders to Identify commonalities amongst people to actually arriv e at trying to group similar minded or similar skilled team members together. . Creating Trust Trust and respect cannot be commanded, it is almost always earned from the members of a team that trust each other and will go far in working together as a team. It is important to make every member valued and appreciated. Everyone should be given the opportunity to voice their opinion and all opinions need to be heard. 3. Understanding team dynamics Within virtual teams, there are no visual or physical cues and thus it makes it challenging for the leader to understand the team dynamics.The likes and dislikes of the team members are also difficult to assimilate since the communication most of the times would be on phone or emails. 4. Team member interaction An important component of virtual teams else would be difficult to handle such diverse user groups. Working virtually sometimes has its limitations that some of the team members might get missed out in the communications and which would be harmful for the team as a whole. It is sometimes observed than one member gets invited to fewer and fewer meetings and suddenly one is a non-entity on the team.Now imagine this happening with multiple team members. 5. Communication With virtual teams, there are various ways in which the communication happens phone, phone conference, video conference, email, internet, chat rooms and IM. The leaders have to be well conversed with all these medias and should decide on the right channel when communicating with the members of the virtual team. Conclusion Hoping to get immediate results, healthcare organizations cannot be investing in too many leadership programmes especially in the uncertain times.Therefore, it is important for the team to be conservative when it comes to making such decisions. Yet, it should be noted that leadership talent and technical expertise are necessary to meet the populations healthcare needs, manage operations and find innovative and effective solutions to complex challenges. Good leadership initiatives, then, are essential for success. To start with, healthcare organizations have the opportunity to re-assess their organizational leadership capabilities and begin focused efforts to develop leaders and create a culture of collaboration.References Ellerby, Mark and Dr. Bowman, Clive, Bupa Care Services, 2011, Healthcare leadership in caring for older people CCL Report Jun, 2010. Addressing the Leadership Gap in Healthcare retrieved on twenty-ninth September 2012 from Group dynamics Basic Nature of Groups and How They Develop retrieved on 29th September 2012 from http//managementhelp. org/groups/dynamics-theories. htm Stages of Group Development retrieved on 29th September 2012 from InterActive Leadership, Burnham Rosen Group retrieved on 29th September 2012 from