Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Legal Ethics Assignment Essay Example for Free

Legal Ethics Assignment Essay 1. Food and Drug Administration. This agency and proposed regulation interests me because since it is something that has become popular in the recent years and that it affects many people in the united states and in the world today. Yes, many people in the gaming industry smoke on a regular basics. It will not affect the business directly; just the workers in the industry. 2. The proposal is a consideration of applicable approval mechanisms and additional indications for nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), and input on a report to Congress examining the regulation and development of innovative products and treatments for tobacco dependence. In more basic terms it is trying to get tobacco dependent treatments or mechanisms, such as electronic cigarettes, a chance to be officially approved by the FDA. 3. Six months after most people purchased e-cigarettes, 31% of these smokers said theyd quit cigarettes and two-thirds of them said theyd cut back on the number of cigarettes they smoked. A third of those whod quit smoking also quit using e-cigarettes. But E-cigarettes have not been tested for efficacy and safety. Additionally, they are produced overseas with little oversight to ensure good manufacturing practices. To regulate this product identified chemicals and quantities that is used in this product, release pros and cons for this product, and put a warning label on the product about the risk of addiction to nicotine. I wish to accomplish in my comment was to help the FDA is that there is pros in the use of E-cigarettes. Also, that the use of E-cigarettes is a lower and healthier risk then the use of regular tobacco cigarettes. 4. The deadline was Jan 16, 2013. 5.   a. Private citizens, government officials, industry representatives, businesspeople, and corporations can all send in comments based on provided proposed regulation during the public comment period. Anyone who wishes to challenge the validity of a federal regulation after it becomes law must participate in the comment period and voice his or her concerns at that time. Some agencies hold public hearings on proposed regulations. The purpose of the hearings is to take input on the proposals and consider additional evidence and consider additional evidence and factors relevant in promulgating the final version of the rule.† Business: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment, 9th Edition. b. 1) Arbitrary and Capricious. Standard for challenging administrative agency rules; used to show decisions or rules were not based on sufficient. 2) Substantial Evidence Test. Basis for challenging the action of an administrative agency on the grounds that the rule promulgated was not based on enough evidence. 3) Failure to comply with the Administrative Procedures Act requirements of notice, publication, and public comment or input. The procedures for rulemaking must be followed in order for the regulatory process, and the resulting rules, to be valid. 4) Constitutional challenge. The regulation is unconstitutional. Dealing with regulations giving an agency authority to search records, or impose discriminatory requirements for licensing professionals. 5) Ultra Vires. Action taken beyond the scope of authority; with federal agencies, action taken that is beyond the congressional authority given in the enabling statute. c. From five legal theories, I would use Substantial Evidence Test to challenge this proposed regulation of not ban the use of electronic cigarettes. I choose this theory is based on the fact that there is enough evidence to prove that electronic cigarettes will not do the same damage to human as real cigarettes do. Because electronic cigarettes contain different chemical other than liquid nicotine, there is enough research to prove that other chemical will not affect people’s health, meaning electronic cigarettes are still a healthy alternative of cigarettes. Also, companies that manufacture electronic cigarettes claim their products do not contain carcinogens or tar or produce secondhand smoke, should be the first concern of making this regulation.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

primates :: essays research papers

Article Abstract #two Human evolution is always a myth to most of the people. However, researchers who study human evolution have tried to find the evidences to explain human evolution. In the rain forest of Ivory Coast, a group of local chimpanzees has been observed by researchers Christophe Boesch and Hedwige Boesch-Achermann since 1979. The place where they conducted this research is called the Tai national park which is a 1,600 square Miles of a tropical forest in the republic of the Ivory Coast. In the beginning, they are interested in local chimpanzees of using natural-hammers which are stones and branches to open hard-shell nuts. They had never seen another primate using stones as a tool before except our human being. Not only the chimpanzees in the Tai national park know how to use the stones as a tool, but they also would select the appropriate size of stone which near the tree instead of running around to search the stone. The researchers think that this kind of mental ability is close to a nine -year-old human. As their work progressed, another significant discovery that surprised them is that chimpanzees are eating meat. Not only this, chimpanzees are also hunting cooperatively as a group. This notion of group hunting and cooperation is the key ingredient in the evolution of homo sapiens which is proposed by Raymond Dart in 1953. However, group hunting and sharing food could also be found in some social carnivores such as lions for instance. But many anthropologists still think that this kind of phenomenon is familiar with human in 1.8 million years ago when the time we first started to develop social system. Furthermore, anthropologists also believe that by observing the behavior of forest chimpanzees might help us to understand the theories of

Monday, January 13, 2020

Inequality in the Workplace, Still- Harriet Martineau

Inequality in the Workplace, Still. HARRIET MARTINEAU Harriet Martineau, the founding mother of sociology, was a very accomplished female. She was, among other things, a feminist, Unitarian, critic, social scientist, and an atheist. She began many methodological, theoretical and substantive studies that would now be considered the study of sociology. She analyzed women’s rights, disability, education slavery, history, health and religion within her lifetime. Long before Marx, Weber, or Durkheim, Martineau also studied and wrote about social class, suicide, forms of religions, domestic relations, delinquency, and the status of women† (Gordon). Her neglect by sociologists in later years is a perfect example of how academic sociology has excluded women sociologists from its study. Martineau stated that, â€Å"an American woman's life is equal to that of a slave's, (in that) they were both given indulgence rather than justice. † (Berleant) Harriet saw that women were denied education and had only one option and duty in the United States: marriage. Her attitude towards the injustice of women would most suit the feminist theory which focuses on analyzing gender inequality and promotes women’s rights, interests and issues. A recent incident, showing the inequality women still face today, occurred when a female was denied equal treatment at the workplace causing a gender discrimination lawsuit. Monday March 15th, 2010, a federal judge announced a $2. 5 million discrimination verdict in favor of Michelle Maher, who was forced out of the Fresno Fire Department’s training academy. Maher, a single mother, former professional mixed-martial arts fighter and certified EMT with 13 certificates in firefighting skills, was clearly qualified for the job at hand but apparently the fire training academy supervisors continuously focused on asking her personal questions and setting her up to fail certain tasks while unfairly grading her exam. Maher sued the Fire Department in 2008 due to the discrimination she faced. Maher says, â€Å"A supervisor repeatedly asked about my divorce and suggested that I was not giving my full effort in the academy because I was a single mother† (Ellis). She was also told that because she scored below an 80% on a midterm, she would have to resign or be fired from the academy, therefore she resigned. â€Å"After the three-week trial last fall, jurors said they believed Maher was not given adequate time to prove herself at the academy. They felt the evaluations were inconsistent since the men in the academy were given extra chances to improve in weak areas and nobody from the Fire Department could pinpoint the department standards† (Ellis). It is likely that Maher will win her lawsuit and the city of Fresno will have to pay $2. 6 million plus another million for attorney fees. The judge concluded that the evidence was â€Å"very substantial† in Maher’s favor. Martineau suggested â€Å"improving women’s position in the workforce including education, nondiscriminatory employment and training programs. † She also promoted â€Å"women’s admission into medical school and the importance of physical fitness and exercise for girls and women†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Soc, 10) In this case, Martineau was right on queue with the goals Maher set in working with the Fire Department. Maher was qualified physically and academically but unfortunately faced discrimination. The feminist theory concerning gender inequality and sexuality sees gender stratification as â€Å"benefiting men and the capitalist system. Sexuality is linked to gender inequality†¦ and that male dominance is especially harmful because it results in men controlling women’s sexual behavior† (Soc, 172). If Maher had applied to another profession, appropriate for her sex, her personal business and lower test grade wouldn’t be an issue. For her to apply for a â€Å"man’s job,† was bold and daring and unnecessary actions to prove she was inadequate was a poor risk the Fire Department chose to play. â€Å"All feminists agree that men and women should be valued equally, women should have more control over their lives and gender inequality can be remedied by changing political, economic, family and other institutions as well as everyday interactions, attitudes and behaviors† (Soc, 172) Change needs to occur and gender equality is possible through equal civil rights and opportunities. Women have been internalized to achieve the womanly roles based on gendered socialization. Teaching young girls how to be passive and maternal while promoting boys to take on the dominant roles and taught to strive to achieve educational and career success is how the gender inequality begins. Martineau was raised in a Unitarian community which focusing on rationalism, individualism and democracy. Amazingly Martineau, along with her seven brothers and sisters, received equal education until college when it came time for a higher education for the boys only. Being the feminist that she was, she wrote an anonymous article, â€Å"On Female Education† for a Unitarian journal expressing â€Å"Women's intellectual inferiority to men is based on women's lack of mental training, others' expectations of women, and women's circumstances rather than women's ability† (Berleant). Later her brother found out she wrote the article and said, â€Å"Now, dear, leave it to the other women to make skirts and darn stockings, and you devote yourself to this† (Webster. du). And indeed, Martineau was destined to become is monumental figure in sociology and to feminist history. Maher’s skills exceeded the qualifications for the Fire Department but the one opportunity she wasn’t given was the pinnacle for her demise. In the end, I’d say she won, since she made her voice heard and was awarded some major bank from her lawsuit! Work Cited Benokraitis, Nijole V. Soc + Review Cards + Bind-in Printed Access Card. Wadsworth Pub Co, 2009. Print Berleant, Riva. â€Å"Harriet Martineau: Biography and Bibliography. †Ã‚  Brycchan Carey – Home Page. 2004 Web. 18 Mar. 2010. . Gordon, Marshall. â€Å"Martineau, Harriet. †Ã‚  A Dictionary of Sociology. 1998. Encyclopedia. com. 18 Mar. 2010  . â€Å"Harriet Martineau. †Ã‚  Webster University. Web. 18 Mar. 2010. . Ellis, John. â€Å"Ruling Backs Woman's Suit against Fresno Fire Dept. †Ã‚  Covering Fresno and the San Joaquin Valley in Central California – Fresno Bee. 15 Mar. 2010. Web. 18 Mar. 2010. .

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Essay on Personality Disorders and Deviant Behavior

Personality Disorders and Deviant Behavior People who suffer from personality disorders often display deviant behavior. The mental illness itself is not deviant. They typically have problems with social skills, mood swings, emotional states, and are often unable to maintain healthy, stable relationships. Many sufferers do not possess the capability to have genuine emotions, including empathy for others. A personality disorder is the basis of many circumstances of maladaptive behavior including substance abuse, self-harm, suicide, and criminality. There are ten different personality disorders, each having specific symptoms, but all of them share certain characteristics. The first of these characteristics is that an†¦show more content†¦They may react to supposed character attracts with learned anger and counterattacks. They often project blame for their own failures onto other people and become very isolated and closed to others. Because of the isolation, paranoid personality disorders often turn to alcoholism and dru g use. Another personality disorder that often results in isolation is schizoid personality disorder. This person chooses solitary activities and takes pleasure in few, if any, activities involving others. Due to the fact that this person does not desire or enjoy close relationships, other than first-degree relatives, the interest in sexual experiences with another person is nonexistent. This lack of desire for attachment results in a show of emotional coldness. The main deviant behavior of a schizoid personality is the lack of social interaction. They usually have a restricted range of emotions in all social settings. They often prefer the life of the recluse or the isolated eccentric. This type of personality disorder often evolves into a serious psychotic condition known as schizophrenia. Another type of personality disorder that may turn into schizophrenia is schizotypal personality disorder. A person who displays this type of behavior also is uncomfortable close relationships. However, this type of personality disorder often displays eccentricsShow MoreRelatedSexual and Gender Identity, Personality, and Eating Disorders, classifications, components, and define DSM IV-TR of these disorders pluse Case Analysis1730 Words   |  7 PagesIdentity, Personality, and Eating Disorders Case Analysis Introduction Abnormal disorders diagnosed in the DSM-IV-TR, a multi-axial diagnostic tool, used by clinicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, and medical professionals for the classification of mental disorders (Hansell Damour, 2008). Axis I and Axis II of the DSM-IV-TR covers classifications of mental disorders that include unwelcome types of distress and impairment, that constitutes mental disease, disorder, andRead MoreSce1: Psychological Explanation of the Causes of Crime1502 Words   |  7 Pagesinappropriate, deviant, or even criminal behavior. b. 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