Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sociology Notes

The childhood anecdote from the beginning of the chapter shows that racial prejudices and differences are not inborn and they are a result of the way that society shaped a persons image of the different races. Based on this assumption, it is safe to believe that a non-white three year old would be likely to bring home a white â€Å"baby sister† because the three year old wouldn’t realize that there is a difference. White people are put at an advantage with an â€Å"invisible knapsack of privileges†.There is a link between real estate value and school segregation. Inequalities in wealth have contributed to the long-term inequality between blacks and whites in the United States. As a general statement, whites are usually more wealthy and blacks are usually less wealthy. This contributed greatly to the inequalities between blacks and whites.As much as the idea of race should not necessarily play a role in the differences between people, statistics show that there de finitely is a correlation between many things in reference to race. So although politically speaking, race shouldn’t play a factor, it still does and therefore sociologists study it because it has to do with the study of people and where they fall into society at large.Science is informed by culture because sociology, which is the science of people, wouldn’t exist unless there were people and cultures to study. Culture is what makes up sociology. Science, in turn, fueled racism because of what was studied. Science came to the conclusion that racism exists and in turned, fueled it.Eugenics and physiognomy contradict the saying, â€Å"You can’t judge a book by its cover† because they explain it in terms of people. They say that the external of a person is not the determining factor and people should not be judged based on that. Today, although in theory it is nice, people still judge based on color, race etc.Racialization is â€Å"the formation of a new ra dical identity, in which ideological boundaries of difference are drawn around a formerly unnoticed  group of people†. Muslims have negative stereotyping in the mainstream media. They are often depicted as being extremely wealthy. They are also shown and uncivilized and barbaric. Many people associate them with terrorists. When the Irish first came to America, although they have physical white skin, they were not treated as such and instead were treated in the same way as African Americans.Race and Ethnicity are two separate things. Race refers the physical appearance of a person, such as the color of his/her skin. Ethnicity on the other hand, is defined by cultural factors such as beliefs and culture. Therefore, stating your ethnicity is more similar to stating you like the Beatles than describing your race because the Beetles give an example of culture.Rwanda- conflict United States- Pluralism Minority groups in America respond to domination in different ways depending on many factors including where they come from. It is difficult to generalize to answer this question thoroughly. Groups in Rwanda responded with mass genocide.  As time goes on, society seems to be more and more tolerant of everything, whether it be race, sexual identity etc. we have already majorly minimized the gap between people and race. I think that it will continue. It might even come to the point of complete integration and acceptance with no prejudices. Society at large is definitely moving towards a more tolerant place.

Code of Ethics Comparison Essay

Differences and similarities were described in the Code of Ethics of the American Counseling Association and the American Association of Christian Counselors. The two codes are comparable in many ways. The American Association of Christian Counselors focus on the Christian aspect and the American Counseling Association is based on world views. It is important to understand that counselors should not impose their personal values on clients, however religion mainly consist of beliefs that individuals adapt and practice. All counselors should remain subtle when providing services clients and allow them to make the decision if they choose to adopt a certain value or religious belief to help them cope with life. The general similarities of the ethic codes American Counseling Association and American Association of Christian Counselors consists of providing help to clients who are in a crisis situation. According to the text, The ACA & AACC codes both encourage client growth and development which fosters healthy relationships. They both seek to avoid harm and personal values when assisting clients. They both inform clients of informed consent and protect clients to earn their trust so that they can create an ongoing partnership, by maintaining confidentiality. They both find it important to maintain trust in awareness of sensitivity regarding cultural diversity. Both ACA & AACC respect the rights of privacy of their clients (Corey, G, Corey M & Callanan, 2011, pg. 94). I feel it is essential for all counselors to understand a client’s cultural background, religious belief and values to effectively provide appropriate care when making decisions. This information will allow counselors to make better informed decisions and build a stronger partnership. According to the text, both ACA & AACC maintain records to ensure clients are provided with the best service which allows the counselor to maintain a continuity record for future sessions (Corey, G, Corey M & Callanan, 2011, pg. 173). The differences in the two ethics codes consist of the following: According to the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) mission is to bring honor to Jesus Christ and his church, promote excellence in Christian counseling, and bring unity to Christian counselors. A more detailed and behavior-specific ethical code is needed for Christian counselors simply because of incompetent services among Christian counselors, unprotected legal status, and the vitality and growing maturity of Christian counseling. This code shows four streams of influence which include the bible; standards of Christian counseling and the established mental health disciplines; Christian and mental health professions; current and developing standards derived from mental health and ministry-related law. According to the text, Christian counselors should maintain the highest standards of competence with integrity. Christian counselors are viewed truthful, educated, and experienced. Christian counselors do not disrespect other professional counselors, mental health professionals (Clinton & Ohlschlager, 2012, pg. 264). Comparing and contrast duties to client and to the Profession According to the American Association of Christian Counselors, Christian counselors will protect clients and do no harm which is the first rule of professional-ministerial ethical conduct. Christian counselors will express a loving care to any client, service-inquiring person, or anyone encountered in the course of practice or ministry, without regard to race, ethnicity, gender sexual behavior or orientation, socio-economic status, education, denomination, belief system, values or political affiliation. Christian counselors acknowledge that client conflicts are unavoidable. Christian counselors take proper action against the harmful behavior of other counselors and pastors. Clients will be protected against harm and danger wherever it is found. Christian counselors refuse to condone or advocate for abortion and the abortion-related activities of clients. All counselors will consider and inform clients of alternative means to abortion and as far as it is possible, will continue to serve clients and work compassionately with them through the abortion crisis. According to the American Association of Christian Counselors, Compared to other professionals, Christian counselors refuse to condone or advocate for the pursuit of or active involvement in homosexual, transgendered, and cross-dressing behavior, and in the adoption gay & lesbian & transgendered lifestyles by clients. Christian counselors will not advocate for or support clients who wish to die due to medical reasons, or support the use of drugs to be utilized to end a life. The death of a patient may occur however, initiating action to end a terminally ill patient’s pain is unethical. According to the American Association of Christian Counselors, Christian counselors do not provide counseling to close family or friends due to the conflict of interest. They presume that dual relations with other family members, acquaintances, and fraternal, club, association, or group members are potentially troublesome and best avoided. Often times, family and friends may get offended when offering professional assistance. Christian counselors along with other counselors will secure client consent for all counseling and related services. This may include video/audio taping of client sessions, the use of supervisory and consultative help, the application of special procedures and evaluations, and the communication of client data. According to the text, Christian counselors may refer clients who are beyond their ability or scope of practice or when consultation is inappropriate, unavailable, or unsuccessful. Referrals should be coordinated after the client is provided with informed choices of referrals (Clinton & Ohlschlager, 2012, pg. 264). According to the American Association of Christian Counselors, Christian counselors are encouraged, beyond their fee schedule, to make a portion of their time and services available without cost or at greatly reduced fee to those who are unable to pay. On the other hand, counselors may not provide services to clients without some form of payment. Often times, Christian counselors enjoy what they do and may avoid financial practices that could result in greed. Christian counselors feel negative toward high fees and prolonged treatment for monetary gains. According to the text, Christian counselors do not withhold services to anyone of a different faith, religion, denomination, or value system. It is essential for Christian counselors as ell as other counselors to understand the client’s belief system and cultural background in order to provide the best care possible (Clinton & Ohlschlager, 2012, pg. 273). Christian counselors should not impose their personal values however support the client’s values in a professional manner. It is important to understand that Christian counselors do not abandon clients. Services should never abruptly end without sufficient notice and proper notification for termination or referral.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Benefits of Fast Food Restaurants I Essay

The popularity of fast food restaurants is growing every day. The popularity of fast food restaurants is growing because of three main causes: the low cost, the fast service, and how fast food restaurants are available anywhere. The most evident advantage of fast food is than it saves time. In today’s fast-paced life, there is nothing better than getting a ready meal. No matter how much the chefs praise the benefits of fresh food, at the end of a hard-working day, when one returns home all tiered and hungry? A pizza or a burger can be godsend. Besides the time an individual has to spend in the kitchen, cooking a meal also requires one to make a trip to the supermarket to buy the ingredients for the dish. Then there is the added effort and time consumed in washing and reeling the vegetables. All this makes eating fast food score more preferably over cooking a meal for a busy individual. Besides time, cost saving gives fast food an edge over the meal prepared in the kitchen. If one lives alone, then it is cheaper to buy or order a meal in the fast foods’ restaurant instead of cooking it at home. Also certain fast foods like fries and burgers come pretty cheap. Fast food does raised health concerns. However if careful, you can find some options on the menu of fast food restaurant that could be healthier. Salads are a smart choice. Go for bread products that are made from wheat bread. Opt for lean meat. If you could choose between the fried and boiled options, order the boiled preparation. Avoid ordering carbonic drinks, when you are thirsty. Go for fruit juices, low-fat milk, diet soda. It there anything better than plain water to quench your always resort to the â€Å" make to order† option that certain fast food outlets offer, where you could restrict the use of ingredients that are not healthy. As dessert does not play on important role in the fast food meal menu, you can keep yourself away from delicious and tempting sugary dishes.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Case study of Starbucks 03055 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Case study of Starbucks 03055 - Essay Example Entire study is backed up by relevant case information collected from credible sources. Finally an overall assessment of the company’s strategy has been done highlighting the organizational activities that has lead to the firm’s sustainability and increased competitive advantage. The business pursuit strategy of Starbucks can also be discussed in the light of Porter’s generic strategies. The Porter’s generic strategies highlight a firm’s position in terms of four parameters, cost leadership, cost focus, differentiation and differentiation focus (Porter, 1980). The generic strategies define the nature of business strategy that is most profitable for a business concern. Differentiation strategy is implemented to ensure that an organisation’s product is different from that of its competitors. Differentiation strategy allows an organisation to remain agile in terms of new product development. Innovation is essential for implementation of differentiation strategy. The cost leadership strategy, on the contrary, is mainly about achieving cost advantage in every direction of the business. In cost leadership strategy, a company targets to maximise its profit by minimising its net cost of sales. Focus strategy is not considered as an appropriate competitive strategy as it is focused on a relatively narrow segment of the consumer base. Starbucks as a parent brand has positioned itself to follow differentiation strategy. This can be justified by the company’s high quality product offering of specialty and unique in-store experience (Grant, 2013). This helps Starbucks to distinguish itself from the rival brands. Although the parent company falls in the differentiation segment, however some of the products of Starbucks fall under other categories as well. Starbucks introduced a new brand of instant coffee called VIA which falls under two categories, Cost Leadership and Differentiation. VIA acts as a lower cost alternatives to the highly

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The role group membership theories play in subprime home mortgage Essay

The role group membership theories play in subprime home mortgage lending - Essay Example there is no evidence defending this position of Predatory Lending; however, it is the intent of this paper to supply an additional theory to the prevalence of subprime lending to lower income families. I postulate that the prevalence of this type of lending is, in part, due to the effects of group memberships. Numerous studies have been conducted over the past decade concerning the prevalence of subprime lending for low income families. The studies have shown that low income families have a higher rate of subprime loans when compared to their middle and upper class counterparts, and that payment history makes little difference. According to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (2000); Unequal Burden: Income and Racial Disparities in Subprime Lending in America, â€Å"Subprime loans are three times more likely to be found among low-income neighborhoods than in high-income neighborhoods - In low-income neighborhoods, subprime loans accounted for 26 percent of total loans in 1998 – compared with only 11 percent in moderate-income neighborhoods and just 7 percent in upper-income neighborhoods† (p. 2). In addition, Association of Community Organizations Organized for Reform Now (ACORN), released a study (1999) â€Å"Financial Apartheid† in Mortgage Interest R ates which stated that high cost mortgage financing was disproportionately more prevalent in lower income borrowers whether it was for home purchase or the refinancing of an existing home. The previous statements are what this paper is set to examine from the perspective that group membership plays an integral role in the presence of subprime home mortgage lending to lower income families. The following pages provide a thorough description of the subprime home mortgage lending market, the refinancing practices of lenders and a description of what is known as Predatory Lending. After that I will lay out group membership theories and describe the attributes of the target group: lower income

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Legal Aspects Of Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Legal Aspects Of Nursing - Essay Example The bed restraints were meant for not only securing the patient from much movement but also for ensuring his safety against falling from the height of the bed, which would be fatal. In this regard therefore, the nurses would be said to have responded appropriately to ensure the safety of the patient through the application of the principles. However, as the excerpt reveals, despite the great effort taken by the nurses to ensure the safety of Mr. Abraham, he eventually manages to untie himself from the restraints and in efforts to climb down the bed, he falls and sustains serious head injuries from which he later succumbs. From a legal point of view, the nurses would have applied other principles to ensure more safety to the patient besides what had been done. For instance, when they noted the patient’s unrest, they would have probably administered sleep-inducing medicine to the patient in order to have him asleep as they carried out their tests. Besides, one-hour intervals of monitoring such a patient who showed higher chances of untying himself was long durations and the nurses ought to have adopted lesser periods in order to be effective. Through the relatively shorter periods, the nurses would have probably chanced on the patient before the fall. Moreover, we would reason that the nurses failed to prioritize on the patient as is seen from the statement that they visited him on hourly intervals from the room he was restrained from as he awaited tests and treatment. From a legal point, this would be interpreted as negligence on the part of nurses because they would have prioritized on attending to the patient as a safety measure. Failure to have employed these measures by nurses in effect is blamed to have resulted to the injury, which... There is no greater ethical duty to such a patient than as accorded in the case scenario. Ethics explain an acceptable code of conduct by individuals within a given context. In this case, therefore, the patient portrayed no ethical behavior as described by his intention to leave the hospital and go for revenge in the bar besides being assisted by the nurses and the fire rescue to safety. It would be interpreted morally wrong and ethically accepted behavior where the patient shows no sense of cooperation when being assisted by the nurses. In fact, it is more wrong to have the patient struggle to untie the wrist and chest restraints as applied by the medical staff for having him cooperate as tests and treatment were done on him. Such efforts by the practicing nurses and the fire rescue indicate very high ethical concerns towards the patient and under such, no higher duty would be accorded to him than this. Life is interpreted to be very precious and as such, despite his condition of being drunk and unruly, the nurses and other persons in contact with such a patient has the ethical responsibility of saving his life. It is also ethical to handle the patient with care as the family members would reiterate and accord him the respect due to human beings. Finally, it would be ethical to have such a patient attended to quickly, which would reduce the level of suffering that the patient would be undergoing from the injuries sustained before. It is ethically correct for the nurses to minimize the level of pain suffered by a patient.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Cultural Sensitivity Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cultural Sensitivity Reflection - Essay Example A culturally competent teacher knows perfectly well how to relate the skill of cultural awareness with his/her work which includes dealings with the students, parents, staff, and community members almost on daily basis. Acting in a culturally competent manner becomes especially important in a classroom as that is the place where a teacher has to deal with the students in a very direct manner. â€Å"Culturally responsive teaching does not incorporate traditional educational practices with respect to students of color† (Gay, 2000). Parents often have a hard time adjusting to the reality of teaching their children in a culturally sensitive environment. This is why teachers should take care to acknowledge cultural sensitivity when dealing with the parents of their students and they can do so by effectively bridging the communication gap in order to win the trust of the parents. When dealing with parents, a teacher should help them understand how he/she intends to use cultural refe rents to groom the students academically, emotionally, and intellectually in a culturally sensitive environment. A teacher can also relate cultural competency with his/her work when dealing with students in a classroom by deeply acknowledging the cultural heritages of various ethnic groups and regarding them. He/she should also stimulate the entire class to respect each other’s cultural heritages. There also exists a difference in the extent to which each student adapts to the learning process which is why a culturally competent and sensitive teacher should employ a variety of instructional strategies addressing different learning styles. Cultural sensitivity should be practiced whether a teacher teaches a multilingual or a monolingual class (Stubbs, 2011). Moreover, cultural sensitivity requires a teacher to instill the same sense and skill into other staff members as the learning process can never be controlled by a single teacher alone. It is the job of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Research Methods - Essay Example Hence, it is the research question B which is least suitable for hypothesis testing. The purpose is to find out different sources of income that are being currently utilized by the households, living in the communities surrounding the national park. The question is mainly exploratory in nature. It would not be appropriate to predict one particular livelihood as the answer of the question and develop a hypothesis on the basis of such prediction. Hypothesis corresponding to question D: Environmental education causes significant changes in the behavior of local people. In other words to say, environmental education makes local people more environment friendly. Hypothesis corresponding to question E: The Third species of tomato among the three proposed varieties of tomato is the most suitable variety for the local farming system for the purpose of cash cropping. Since the basic objective here is to find out what changes have occurred in the composition of the forest over time since the creation of the park. Here composition of the forest is the variable to be examined. Here relationship between two variables – the distance from the transport routs and nature of livelihood- will be examined. The objective here is to find out whether people living in proximity to the transport routs have a tendency to adopt commercial farming as their livelihood. Hence Cross sectional Comparison would be appropriate for testing this hypothesis. Purpose is to find out which variety of the tomato proposed for cash cropping in the areas adjacent to the park is best suited to the local farming system. The extent of suitability will be measured in terms of the yield that each of the variety is capable of producing within a particular time period using same local technique under same environmental and other required conditions for farming. The hypothesis is that â€Å"the third species of tomato among the three proposed varieties of tomato is the most

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 228

Assignment Example The executive director of New Yorkers Against the Death Penalty David Kaczynski claimed that medicine is supposed to heal people; it is not sets as its purpose to heal them in order to kill. There appears to be a strong controversy. One point is that he conducted a crime and deserves death penalty. Another point is that he is not sane to be executed. Thus, Singleton has to bear the responsibility for own actions. The goals of court and medicine appear to be in a conflict regarding this issue. There are three main possible outcomes: he is being cured and killed; he is insane and would not be executed; he remains insane but still he is being executed – without conscious perception, just murdered like an animal. Each argument has its sense. Supporting the first variant, I cannot accept the second one. If a person conducted a crime, he has to face the consequences. If he is already a death row prisoner, no reason could be strong enough to change the decision. Another aspect is that he has to be conscious enough to realize the weight of the crime he conducted. Just eliminating him may help society, yet such extent of punishment has no conscious and moral element. There is a probable claim that medications and efforts of doctors are applied not properly. Doctors spend their time, drugs are bought and used for accomplishing a short-turn goal – to heal to execute immediately. It all may happen the same time when people are ill and suffering, they may have no money to buy medications; while the government spends money and medicine for those who will be executed shortly. It is a kind of waste of resources. If there is a person, who is dangerous and destructive, he or she has to be isolated; murder is a reason for death penalty. There are objections to such measure of punishment and debates are still held. Anyhow, doctors and medicines have to be used for healing people. Medicine values reject healing for killing. I would

Friday, August 23, 2019

Financial Markets and Bank Management Coursework

Financial Markets and Bank Management - Coursework Example The banking and financial system in Cyprus is significantly large when compared to the Cypriot economy. Total asset held by the country’s banking system is close to 900% of the gross domestic product generated by the country (Stephanou, 2011a). This number is strikingly high when compared to EU and Euro zone asset acquisition of 357% and 334% respectively (Stephanou, 2011a). Even if the overseas operations conducted by the country’s domestic banks are excluded, the size of the country’s banking system will still be large thereby exceeding the gross domestic product by the multiple of 7 (Stephanou, 2011a). Nevertheless Cyprus is not exclusive in this respect. This is precisely because a number of EU member countries have similar or larger banking system. The banking system in Cyprus grew considerably over the last decade. The underlying reason behind this rapid enlargement is the accommodation of a global environment as well as the policy enacted by regulatory aut horities in the country in order to highlight them as international financial centre. It is only off late that the financial crisis-provoked deleveraging of globally active banks and delay in cross border capital flows have stopped that trend (Michaelides, 2012). Two aspects that differentiate Cyprus from another country with a large banking system are domestically owned credit institutions such as commercial banks and cooperatives which have an instrumental role in ensuring economic stability and the country’s domestic banks which are although small in absolute terms but are considerably large as far as their asset acquisition is concerned (Milesi†Ferretti and Tille, 2011). While the domestic owned credit institutions account for nearly 64% of the total banking system assets, the domestic owned banks own a considerable proportion of assets as a proportion of the country’s GDP (Stephanou, 2011a). Not many European countries are

Strategic Management Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Strategic Management Analysis - Essay Example The EVs use electricity for propulsion. Customers that purchased electric vehicles incurred problems such as: they were unable to use the cars for longer distances due to the limited capacity of the battery, the charge spots were few and the service costs for EV were high. Better Place came into business with the aim of popularizing the use EVs. The first thing the company worked on is a better battery that could last longer. Secondly, they increased the number of charging spot for the EV customers. They then introduced service packages that were suitable for all classes of customers. Without Better Place Company in business, there could be difficulties for EV users. Vision Agassi, in his bid to reduce pollution, vowed to only purchase electricity produced from the renewable sources of energy. Better Place believed that the EVs could significantly reduce the costs incurred by drivers. Feasibility studies conducted showed that electricity costs relatively cheaper than gasoline in most of the countries. Better Place Company is working to reduce the number of Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) which will be replaced by EVs. With EVs, environmental degradation will be significantly reduced and motor vehicle costs reduced. Stakeholders ... The company entirely depends on investor for capital. This makes investors important stakeholders to the company. Investors influence the financial decisions of the company. The company cannot undertake any capital investment without investors’ approval. Investors will always check the financial performance of the company to ensure it is within track. Customers: these are the drivers, individuals, governments and firms who purchase the Better Place products. They are the major source of revenue to the company and the main reason why the company exists. Customer will always be concerned with product pricing and quality. The company will always produce high quality products and sell them at customer friendly prices so as to keep customers. Suppliers: this includes car manufactures, electricity producers, battery manufacturers and other suppliers to the company. Without these stakeholders, the company will neither produce nor sell. The company depends on the suppliers for resourc e inputs whereas the suppliers depend on the company as a market for their products. Governments: the company must relate well with the governments of the countries it establishes its business in. governments depend on the company for taxes and creation of employment opportunities. The company expects good business regulations in the country and a good economy to operate in. The company should always acts ethically in all decisions. To address stakeholder concerns, the company must ensure it adheres to the corporate social responsibility regulations. Stakeholder prioritization matrix High Power Low Interest High A stakeholder’s position on the grid shows the treatment they are given. For instance, those with high power and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Healthy Lifestyle Essay Example for Free

Healthy Lifestyle Essay The Role and Issues that arise of the GetFitCrossFit Organization among adults in Brunei. Health, a fortune I wish upon every woman or man I see for without it she or he will not be able to explore the seas. Although the ideal concept would be for everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, the world is evident that this is difficult to achieve. The leading causes of worldwide deaths are diseases which I believe can be prevented (Grifantini, 2010). Simply, health is a necessary commodity to carry out everyday tasks, and if one would like to carry out a task well, one needs to have a healthy mind, body and soul (World Health Organization, 1948). In Brunei, in the recent years, the government keeps campaigning for healthy lifestyles, banks and other companies hold marathons, GetFitCrossFit organization has been rising and is very popular now. However, although these efforts have its role and aim on maintaining and achieving a healthy lifestyle, it may not be affective. Hence, this essay will elaborate on the role and the effectiveness on the GetFitCrossFit organization among adults in Brunei. First and foremost, it is the members’ responsibility to understand the elements of fitness, examine their present fitness status, decide to begin or continue suitable exercise habits and lastly to determine their health behaviors that need to be changed following appropriate steps (Howley Franks, 1991, p.10). The role of this organization is basically to keep fit and practice a healthy lifestyle. Adding to that, their aim is to make people fast and strong. This organization concentrates on mainly on three fundamental factors that must collaborate in order to benefit from workouts which are exercise, nutrition and recovery. Weightlifting, gymnastics and running are the components used for the exercise in balancing strength an d conditioning. Balanced diet is really important in terms of reducing processed food and sugar and more natural foods (Rodriguez, 2009). As for the recovery, proper sleeping habits are needed, stretching and make the soft tissues work by massage therapy. The GetFitCrossFit organization is organized and thorough with what they do. Members will have a full fitness assessment before starting because each individual will have a safely designed workout done by the committee. Not only will the members be coached during the workout but also in and out of the gym. Everyone in this organization motivates one another and improves by working hard, having determination and a persevering attitude. This organization’s slogan is  Forging Elite Fitness (GetFitCrossFit, 2012). An individual that enters this organization has definitely made a crucial move towards improving or maintaining their present fitness level but there are issues that may arise among adults in Brunei (Howley Franks, 1991, p.10). Firstly, setting goals is important so that there is an aim to strive. If there are no goals, there is no motivation and a clear plan. This will lead to not being able to see any results from start although GetFitCrossFit assist one person in making healthy changes; one person still have to decide on what changes to make. Secondly, some people are afraid of pain, injury and torture that they might encounter hence not wanting to join this organization. Some people may go for the first time and after finding out what it is all about, they give up as they do not have the mindset of putting in efforts to be fit and healthy. Thirdly, GetFitCrossFit has a fixed time resulting in the main biggest reason to not join or stop this organization is that they have no time. This shows that prioritizing is really poor among adults in Brunei. Fourthly, some people are afraid of their reputation. They may be embarrassed on their appearance, the mistakes they may make, having weak health and poor stam ina (Why people stop exercising, 2012). Letting go of bad habits such as reductions in smoking, alcoholic drinking, weight, eating unhealthy food and stress are also the major issues (Howley Franks, 1991, p.211). Lastly, this is rare but some people can’t afford the membership payment which costs hundred dollars per month. Moving on will be the effectiveness of this organization. GetFitCrossFit organization meets every day except on Sundays after 6pm onwards and in the mornings on Saturday. Amazingly, every Tuesday, the GetFitCrossFit outdoor session is held at the University of Brunei Darussalam. The rest of the days, it is held at their gym which is called the box (GetFitCrossFit, 2010). This organization has a blog which will be updated daily to guide their members before the actual workouts in the evenings occur. According to Tobey (1920, p.649), Emerson once stated â€Å"The first wealth is health.† Therefore the members in this organization do not take this as an expense but instead a necessity and money well spent. They see this as an activity of making new friends and having fun as well as getting or keeping fit. Some people get motivated by having a group of people in an organization having to follow rules and regulations rather than exercising alone (Too, 2011). Exercising  and keeping fit does not only improve and maintain fitness level but it can have a huge impact on living longer even not losing weight (Gard ner, 2011). Besides that, GetFitCrossFit promotes its organization really well. For every first Tuesday and Wednesday of the month, eligible students and unemployed may attend their sessions for free (GetFitCrossFit, 2010). The Social Medias such as Facebook, Twitter, Ranoadidas and Bruneitweet plays a big role in advertising their organization (Sheridan, 2012). Even the bruneitweet, Delwin Keasberry, is a member of this organization. Current members share their e xperiences and goals with their colleagues at work, school and their social peers which really motivate them and hence joining this organization. GetFitCrossFit are also known through the newspapers as they help for charities. They also hold motivational talks to different institutions and participate in road shows. In conclusion, exercise and fitness are necessary elements in order to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is definitely clear that in order to live long, one needs to have a healthy life. Although Brunei is trying their best to promote and campaign for healthy lifestyles, the issues as mentioned above may arise. GetFitCrossFit organization has a very good intention, motivation and role but it really depends on how effective the organization is. Advertisement and promotion is really important to show adults in Brunei what GetFitCrossFit clearly does and their aim. To wrap it all up Benjamin Franklin once said that â€Å"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.† (

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Exploring Legal Professional And Ethical Issues In Bathing Nursing Essay

Exploring Legal Professional And Ethical Issues In Bathing Nursing Essay Introduction In this assignment I will be exploring the legal, professional and ethical issues involved in bed bathing a patient/client in a hospital setting. I will be reflecting on a personal experience, experience during a seven week placement on a diabetic ward. I have decided to use a reflective cycle which is an adaptation from Gibbs (1988) model.This reflection has provided a systematic approach to my learning and to my nursing practice. Within this essay I intend to discuss approaches to assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating care. Heron (1977) refers to the process of reflecting as a conscious use of the self. Once one becomes consciously aware of their actions, it is easer to recognise the reason for doing them in the first instance. The first stage of this process is to acknowledge our actions by reflecting we reveal to our selves how we act, such actions are spontaneous and without forethought attention. To maintain my clients autonomy I am unable to disclose any client information, accordingly I have given my client the name Mrs Jones this is to protect and respect my clients confidentiality as stated by the NMC Code of Professional Conduct. Gibbs model of reflection (1988)DescriptionDuring any clients admission stage an assessment on the clients skin care regime is made, this takes into account the clients personal preferences, the level of function the client may have to provide self-care and the amount of assistance required to promote optimal hygiene procedures in the form of bed baths, in respect of encouraging independence. The reason why we bed bath clients is to promote personal hygiene and to give them a sense of well-being it also maintain intact skin i.e. prevention of pressure sours. Bed bathing allows the caregivers to monitor changes in the clients skin condition. (Staff Nurse, during placement)It was approximately 07:45 Friday morning of mid June, three weeks into my placement. After handover I was given the task of bed bathing a female client. Mrs Jones, what I learned about Mrs Jones in handover was very brief. She was admitted to hospital as she was suffering shortness of breath, she had been suffering from Parkinsons disease for ten years, she also had a catheter instituted, she had very little control of the lower half of her body, her right shoulder was dislocated and she was MRSA+. Mrs Jones took part in a trial drug many years ago this was to help her control her Parkinsons disease coming off the drug became impossible and as a result Mr Jones is reliant on this drug, this drug was referred to as apple morphine on the ward. The basic bed bathing equipment I required was one bath towel, one hand towel, several disposable swipes, clean bed linen, (2 x sheets) laundry bags, (in this case red bags as the client is MRSA+) a slide sheet, small yellow bag for clinical waste, pad and incontinence sheet, bowl of warm water and a set of pyjamas and or gown all provided by the hospital. The client had acquired her own personal toiletries before admission this consisted of a bar of soap, shower gel, talcum powder, perfume, two flannels, (one for the upper part of the torso and the other for the lower half) moisturiser, a comb, dentures pot, tooth brush and tooth past. In addition to this the client required saline solution, disposable wipes, new dressing cut to size and tape and a yellow clinical waste bag for the disposal of old dressings. Myself and Claire the Auxiliary Nurse who I was paired with to work alongside put on our protective disposable gloves and red aprons on after collection the supplies from the linen room. I greeted Mrs Jones and introduced myself and Claire. Morning Mrs Jones, how are you this morning? She replied Oh, hello, I could be better I continued my name is Sharon (as this was easier for people to pronounce, after consulting Sister) Im a student nurse and Im going to be looking after you today, and Im Claire, and Im also going to be looking after you today too. I continued can we help you to get ready for breakfast? Yes please, Replied Mrs Jones. Before we began we asked if Mrs Jones if she had any objections to either me or Claire giving her a bed bath, as she looked apprehensive, she replied that this would be fine. We also asked if she had any pain and how her night was, she stated that she was in pain quite a bit but that it was normal for her at this time in the morning. She also stated t hat her night was awful, as patients in the next bay kept her awake most of the night. Myself and Claire consulted the staff nurse about Mrs Jones pain, the staff nurse spoke to Mrs Jones about her medication and said that it was not due until 8:30 and so we were asked to continue as long as the Mrs Jones was happy for us to do so. Mrs Jones replied if that was the case there was nothing she could do other than for me and Claire to continue. We explained the procedure to Mrs Jones and gain her consent she allowed us to obtain any necessary toiletries from her draws whilst I did this Claire prepared a bowl of warm water. I removed Mrs Joness personal belongings from the table and placed them in the draws for safe keeping. I wipe over the table with an alcohol wipe to sanitize the surface and place on there the necessary items we would need to give Mrs Jones a bed bath. We draw the curtains closed to maintain Mrs Joness privacy and dignity at all times. Before we began I asked Mrs Jones if she would like to use a bed pan before we continued any further. She informed us that it was probably too late and she felt she had already made a mess. We reassured her that everything was alright and we would help to get her cleaned up as quickly as possible. Mrs Jones apologised a number of time and started to get upset. We again tried to reassure her again and clam her down, we in forced the reason that we were there and that was to help her in any way to see that she is alright. She agreed with us and asked us to continue. We raised the bed to the appropriate height to avoid putting undue strain on our backs, whilst I did this Claire emptied Mr Jones Catheter and placed the bag on the bed. We decided to place a sliding sheet under the client to assist us in rolling the client. I took the liberty of explaining the procedure to Mr Jones as we carried out the task. I asked if it was possible for her to roll on her right side as I was aware the Mrs Jones right shoulder was dislocated, she insisted that this was fine as it had been seen by the doctors and nothing could be done about it and insisted that she had rolled on it sever times before. We assisted Mrs Jones in removing her night gown, we freed her left arm first then her over her head and then gently freeing her right arm avoiding injuring her arm any further, to maintain Mrs Jones dignity we placed a large bath towel over her covering her private areas. I helped Mrs Jones to bend her left leg and asked her to hold on to the cot side with her left h and. I placed my right hand on the left side of Mrs Joness waist and my arm across her left leg to provide added support. I placed my left hand on her left upper back. Claire had prepared the slide sheet, clean linen sheet and an incontinence sheet to go under her. On the instruction ready steady (then the manoeuvre intended, in this case it was) roll, we all assisted in rolling. Claire placed one of her hands on Mrs Joness back to provide added support and prevent her from rolling back. Claire folded the old linen in to its self, to as far as it would go until it reached Mrs Jones. Claire placed the clean slide sheet, linen sheet and incontinence sheet already folded in preparation under the old linen sheet. On Claire say so we rolled Mrs Jones on to her back, Claire were rolling you over a slight bump now, ready steady roll. To roll Mrs Jones on to her other side me and Claire switched roles and this time Mrs Jones was holding on to right side of the cot side but with her left han d. I removed the old linen and placed it inside the red linen bags. I took the liberty of cleaning Mrs Jones with her permission. I used a damp disposable wipe which Clair handed over to me and wiped away from the genital area, I placed the soiled wipe on the soiled incontinence sheet I continued doing this until the are was clean, once this was clean I washed the area with soap and water. I folded the soiled incontinence sheet into its self and disposed of it in the yellow clinical waste bag. I took this opportunity to wash Mr Joness back, neck and the backs of her legs with soap and water, I then wash off the soap and dried. I straightened out the clean slide sheet, linen sheet and the incontinence sheet and then Mrs Jones lied on her back. After a few minute, I placed the hand towel over the clients chest and with her permission began to wash her face at the clients request I used water only on the face. I used separate wipes for each eye to prevent any cross contamination and a separate wipe for the rest of the face and then dried. Whilst I was doing this Claire began to wash Mrs Joness hands with soup and water after gaining permission to do so, Claire continued down the arms and rinsed off, whilst I dried the hands and arms Claire continued to wash the clients chest. Claire removed the dressing from around the tube of the catheter and disposed of it and her gloves in the clinical waste bag, she then went to wash her hands. When Claire retuned she had a fresh pair of gloves on she began to cleanse the skin from the tube outwards and then dried the area, she decided not to reapply another dressing as she felt it was not required but did tape down the tube to Mrs Joness stomach to prevent it from dislodging. Claire car ried on washing and rinsing Mrs Jones (Underarms, stomach, waste, genital area, (working outward to prevent infection) legs and feet) and I dried following Claire as she washed. The water that we used was kept clean at all times, as the used deposable wipes were not re-entered into the bowl. Whilst carrying out the bed bath myself and Claire assessed the Mrs Joness skin condition for any sours or broken skin. We applied talc to those areas Mrs Jones requested and then helped her to dress. We put the right arm in the nightgown first as this was her bad arm then subsequently her neck and left arm, there was no need to lower the nightgown much as this was a hospital nightgown with an open lower half, we then placed a linen sheet and blanket over her to keep her warm at Mrs Joness request. We raised the head of the bed to a seated position so that Mrs Jones was sitting upright. As I attended to Mrs Joness oral hygiene Claire combed Mr Jones hear to her particular style. I then started t o tidy and clean the area and Claire began to document and update the care plan. Once I had cleaned and sanitised the table I replace Mrs Joness belonging on the table and placed the table close to her so everything she may need was of reach. FeelingsIn reflection to the incident at the time I felt as though everything went fine, but as I have had the opportunity to reflect on my experience in much more depth and detail I in writing this essay I felt as though I took the lead but only because I was given the opportunity to do so. Claire was fairly new to working as an Auxiliary Nurse and was somewhat inexperienced as this was the only ward she had worked on she had more knowledge of the ward setting and the type of conditions people are admitted with on the ward. I was quite confident in assisting in a bed bath of a client as I have worked in providing personal care to all type of client for a good few years now and believe that my experience as a Health Care Assistance helped me immensely. My uncertainty was of the clients abilities and reactions to what we were actually doing it, thats when I decided to talk to the client and guild her through what we were doing. The thoughts in my head at the time were that the client may not have experience the type of bed bath that we were performing and may have not been something she was used to. I felt calm but a little apprehensive due to this but could find the words at the time to ask her if this was the way her carers would normally perform a bed bath. It is important to remain professional at all times and make sure the client didnt feel too uncomfortable. I remember feeling somewhat responsible for the client as I was looking after her. I believe I acted in the best interest of my client and have acted in such a manner set out by the NMC Code of Professional Conduct. I felt that it would have been better for the staff nurse on duty to explain to the client in much more depth, why it was not possible to administer the drugs at the time of the clients request rather than just to say its not the right time and the drug round starts at 8:30. Although my client had told me the truth about her dislocated shoulder had been seen by the doctors and that it was safe to manoeuvre on as long as it was comfortable it was my responsibility to seek professional advice because of my uncertainty at the time. If for any reason had this not have been the truth there may have been serious repercussions. I dont think I would have known what to do if her condition had worsened due to the manoeuvre. The steps forward build on the steps backwards or sideways. They are also the steps necessary for self-reflecting from this statement emphasised by Tschudin (1999) I able to understand that confidence in the self is quite an important quality to be have in order to acknowledge setbacks and mistakes, your should be able to learn from them and even see them as part of the overall picture. EvaluationI have grater knowledge of such issues that can arise if set guideline, policies and procedures are not followed. There are very few bad points that had taken place during this reflective experience. I believe it is important to involve the client in decision making which I failed to illustrate wherever possible this was when we redressed the client after bed bathing without involving the client and allowing the client to choose. We all have a professional responsibility to provide care to all patients/clients to the highest possible standards of care that will not be compromised by infections standard set out by the NMC Code of Professional Conduct. I acknowledged limitations set out by the NMC Code of Professional Conduct, in that my knowledge and experience of the drugs on the ward was very limited and therefore I acquired help from a qualified member of staff. You must behave in a way that upholds the reputation of the professions outlined by the NMC Code of Professional Conduct this was maintain throughout the whole experience as I never spoke over the client nor did I ignore the client I showed the client up most respect. I was able to build a level of trust with theMy experience of working as a Health Care Assistance for and agency has enabled me to perform better in such conditions. By planning and discussing with the care team during handover and then with the patient about what our intentions are, what we are going to do and why, I was able to identify and minimise risks to the client. Seeing the way in which others behave or make mistakes allowed me to reflect on the point of view of others and to learn form them help me build on my knowledge. AnalysisI chose this experience as it is a procedure that I am quite confident with performing. Thiroux (1995) created his own set of principles of ethics, which can be applied to any situation. 1) The value of life, 2) Goodness or rightness, 3) Justice or fairness, 4) truth telling or honesty and 5) individual freedom. Ethical acts are executed in every day life even if we acknowledge it or not, the way we greet colleagues and clients even in the way in which we say good morning. Tschudin (1999) p175. As a training professional we are accountable for our actions and therefore must be able to backup any decision making with evidence I could see from my clients facial expressions that she was uncomfortable and was experiencing some sort of upset, during which in actual fact she was in a fair amount of pain. ConclusionI felt that the approach I took was in the right way and with the right intentions set out by the NMC Code of Professional Conduct. My reflective experience was very basic I felt and did not allow for much discussion, although a lot of the experience was preparation, planning and assessing which prevented the experience to go bad in anyway. I feel that as I am a first year nursing student I am very limited in what I can do and because of this little opportunity is given to me to experience other than what I have preformed as a Health Care Assistant. I felt that myself and the Auxiliary Nurse worked well together and were able to share the responsibility equally. Overall I found reflection on my experience interesting as it allowed me to look at legal, ethical and professional issues surrounding nursing practice. Action PlanIf a situation like this was to arise again I think I would like to try to take out more time to talk to the client about how they are feeling, at time I felt like I was prying too much as I felt like I was doing most of the talking. I also feel that it is important for me to work along side more experienced members of staff or qualified member of staff to be able to learn more whilst on my placements. Although I experienced in providing personal care to client I am not too familiar with ward setting. I do not think I have learnt an awful lot on the practical side of my experience but by reflecting on my experience in this assignment has allowed me to understand professional, legal and ethical issues of providing care and the dilemmas surrounding health care professionals. In the future I would not always go on the clients say so and seek professional advice and not just take the patient word. BibliographyBartter. K, (2001) Ethical Issues in Advanced Nursing Practice. London: Reed Elsevier Plc GroupBurnard. P, Chapman. C, (2004) Professional and Ethical Issues in Nursing. 3rd Edition. London: Elsevier LimitedGlasper. A, Grandis. S, Jackson. P, and Long. G, (2003) Foundation Studies for Nurses: using Enquiry Based Learning. New York: Palgrave MacmillamThe NMC Code of Professional Conduct Standards for Conduct, Performance and Ethics. Standards 07-04. London: Nursing Midwifery CouncilTschudin. V, (1999) Nurses Matter: Reclaiming Our Professional Identity. London:Macmillan

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Factor For Firm Formation Economics Essay

A Factor For Firm Formation Economics Essay Firms are all around us and are the main expressers of economic activity in the modern capitalistic world. We observe firms being created, growing, evolving, expanding into new areas by merging with others but also remaining stable, declining, getting acquired and sometimes declaring bunkruptcy. It is clear that firms activities vary a lot and as a result, multiple studies regarding them have been undertaken during the course of the years. This essays purpose is to address the, perhaps, most important element associated with a firms existence, its formation, and especially the conditions and the reasons under which firms tend to form. But first, in order to be able to explain the circumstances and the factors that lead into the successful formation of a firm, a definition of it will be given. According to Jensen and Meckling, a firm is a legal fiction which serves as a focus for a complex process in which the conflicting objectives of individuals are brought into equilibrium within a framework of contractual relations (1976 p.311). The feature of the firm that makes it unique, though, is its ability to supersede the price mechanism, one of the pylons on which the whole economic theory is based, with decisions taken by the firms agents upon real-life situations and which, in most cases, deviate from what the economic theory through the price mechanism dictates (Coase 1937 p.390). Of major importance in this essay is the attempt to present, describe and evaluate the existence of transaction costs, which is a key aspect of Coases, Arrows Williamsons and Di Maggios analyses of the reasons why firms are formed. However, although it is crucial in understanding the genesis of a firm and its explanatory capability is invaluable, economising on transaction costs theory does not provide a sole explanation of it and other factors must be taken into account in order for us to have a clearer picture of the situation. The purpose and length of the essay does not provide the possibility to elaborate in a thorough and complete way about those factors, but technological advances and entrepreneurial spirit and creativity will be outlined and briefly explained. Moreover, for a successful firm creation to take place, there are many conditions that need to hold true, some of which will be presented in the following analysis. These are: widely understood rules when it comes to go verning a firm, and analytical planning before the actual formation of the firm. Transaction Costs Theory: Both a condition and a factor for firm formation As argued by the title given above, the transaction costs theory can be seen as both a condition and a factor on which a successful firm formation relies, depending on how the reader perceives the situation. The existence of transaction costs is a condition for firms to arise, but the process by which the economic agents economise on transaction costs is probably the most crucial factor that drives firm formation and that is why it will be analysed separately from the other conditions and factors. The main reason for a firms formation is the cost of using the price mechanism by which the economic system is being run (Coase 1937 p.390; Arrow 1969 p.70). Or, according to Williamson, a firm is the product of a series of organisational innovations that have had the purpose and effect of economising on transaction costs (1981 p.1537). More specifically, organising production through the price mechanism enables an obvious transaction cost of finding out what the current prices of interest are. Even if specialist price finders existed, this type of cost would not be totally eliminated (Coase 1937 p.390). As it can be understood, this more realistic theory contradicts with the theoretical model of the economy, in which there is perfect price information to all agents. But what is understood of transaction costs and what actions do firms take in order to reduce them? Transaction costs are mainly the costs of deciding, haggling, arranging and coordinating actions that constantly take place in the market, as Paul Di Maggio has argued (2001 p.8). Furthermore, they include the creation of contracts for each separate transaction that occurs in the market. As firms are created, these contracts are not eliminated but they are greatly reduced, since the founder-manager of the firm does not have to create contracts for every single transaction in which his/her company participates, as implied by the economic theory. Through this procedure, multiple costs are avoided, because the so called marketing costs are strictly reduced. For example, only one contract per employee is needed, in which the relationship between him and the firm (and its agents) is clearly stated. That will include the amount and the way of payment, the working hours and the certain limits within which the employee will have to obey the employer (Coase 1937 pp.390-393). Further methods that firms use in order to minimise transaction costs are the introduction of repetitive and predictable activities for their employees, by giving duties to them through a clear job description, eliminating the possibility of negotiations about the allocation of tasks. As a result, employers have more time to deal with important issues and decisions concerning the firm. In addition, the fair treatment to employees provided by the firms environment guarantees the reduction of transaction costs, since there is a specified reward-punishment system that everybody abides by, that results to immediate elimination of conflicts (Di Maggio 2001 pp.8-9). Regarding the same topic, Williamson has argued that pre-contract negotiation and task and deliverables specification will reduce the necessity for periodic interventions to check the progress of the contracts execution and its successful comple tion (1981 p.1544). Another crucial question about the transaction costs touches upon the reason of their existence. Related to it are two behavioural assumptions: bounded rationality and opportunism. According to the bounded rationality theory, people are less competent in calculations and are not able to account for every issue that is contract-related and therefore are transaction costs created. Moreover, people are opportunistic and unreliable, because they, many times, act having just their personal interest in mind. Consequently, it is possible that they are going to behave in a non-trustworthy and irresponsible way (Williamson 1981 pp.1544-1546). As it has been presented above, a key factor for a firms formation is the deviation from the economic model that portrays humans as perfectly rational beings that make right choices and have no flaws. As a bottomline, Coases writing about firm growth and expansion should be mentioned, according to which firms grow as their entrepreneurs undertake additional transactions exchange transactions that are co-ordinated through the price mechanism and try to expand until the costs of organising an extra transaction within the firm, equals the cost of carrying out the same transaction by means of an exchange on the open market or the costs of organising in another firm (Coase 1937 p.393, p.395). This is important because we are able to grasp how the second major challenge that firms founders face, the growth of their firm, after, of course, the successful formation of the firm, is illustrated based on the transactions theory described earlier. Conditions under which firms are formed Apart from transaction costs, there are also other conditions that need to hold true in order for a firm to be successfully constituted. A set of widely understood and fairly applied rules is essential, because they deter employees from using firms to seek their personal interest and urge them to contribute to achieve the firms goals. Perhaps the most important rule has to do with the hierarchy of the organisation, that is who gives orders to whom and who has the last call, when decision-making is involved. Secondly, clear admission and promotion criteria need to be established, so that firms transparency is maintained, and lastly routines for the performance of work need to exist, in order for deliverables to be easily checked in terms of integrity. Generally, rules within a firm serve a double role by specifying who does what work and by dictating which behaviours are worth rewarding and which punishing (appraisal punishment system) (Di Maggio 2001 p.8). Of major importance, when it comes to explaining the circumstances under which a firm is brought to life, is the planning that the entrepreneur(s)-founder(s) of the firm has/have to do before he/she/they can actually start building it, since a business plan, according to Delmar and Shane, turns abstract goals into concrete operational steps and therefore is crucial for both a firms existence and success. What is meant with the term business planning is the effort that firm founder(s) need(s) to make so that he/she/they gather(s) the appropriate information about a business opportunity and the action of finding and understanding how this information will be used to give birth to a new organisation that will try and make use of this opportunity (2003 p.1165). Through business planning the founder(s)-manager(s) of the firm is/are going to be able to spot and capitalise in a more efficient and risk-free way on the reduction of transaction costs. Without planning, a firm can not in most c ases fulfill its ultimate goal, survival, and the most sought after one, profit maximisation. Factors that drive firm formation Why is a firm created and what are the key factors that lead to its formation are two closely related questions that will be discussed in this section of the essay. One of these factors is technology and its regime that, according to Shane, includes four dimensions age of technical field, tendency of the market towards segmentation, effectiveness of patents and importance of complementary assets in marketing and distribution which affect the trend for inventions to be exploited through new firms formation (2001 p.1188). This formation is the reaction of potential entrepreneurs when they observe that specific domains of tecnology exploitation are profitable. Concluding, technology is crucial because it has become the main reason for innovation and that is the force that drives firms to the creation of new products, services and processes (Chandler 1959 p.25). Yet another factor that leads to firm formation is the creativity that a person shows, when he/she observes an opportunity to make profits through the creation of a product or provision of some kind of service. This creativity is referred to as entrepreneurship and is associated with spirit, vision and alertness to business opportunities that a person needs to possess (Lee, Florida and Acs 2004 pp.889-890). Whether someone possesses the gift of entrepreneurship or not, is determined by regional variation and characteristics such as population size, industrial structure, human capital capacity and financing availability (Armington and Acs 2002 p.37). A useful claim about entrepreneurship was made by Stuart and Sorenson who argued that firms founding rate is affected by social ties and the entrepreneurs need to reside near resources that they find necessary to mobilise (2003 p.229). Finally Schumpeter, when talking about his concept of creative destruction, he underlined the responsibi lity that independently owned firms bear for reforming or revolutionising, another indicator of the importance of entrepreneurship for firm formation as well as growth (1942 p.132). Conclusion To sum up, although there is no doubt that the firm is an important and complex institution, according to Williamson there seems to be disagreement when it comes to examining the conditions and the reasons that underlie its formation (1981 p.1537). However, much of firms formation literature and analysis relies on the existence of transaction costs and the firms attempts to economise on them. The deviation from the markets theory of organising the economic activity to the firms alternative one, brings upon the two behavioural assumptions bounded rationality and opportunism that introduce reality into the model and cease portraying human beings as perfectly rational. Apart from transaction costs, more conditions and firm formation factors are described in order for the analysis to be more complete within the length limit of this essay. Lastly, since the firms will always be in the centre of the economic activity, and as the state of the world and peoples behaviour change through tim e, it is possible that when similar analyses are to be conducted in the future, new findings regarding the reasons and the conditions under which firms arise, will be discovered that might as well change our perspective.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay on Themes Pride and Prejudice: :: Pride Prejudice Essays

Essay on Themes Pride and Prejudice:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In this novel, the title describes the underlying theme to the book. Pride and prejudice were both influences on the characters and their relationships. Darcy alienated himself from the others at first because of his intense pride. His prejudice against the Bennet's because of their poverty was also something that he would have to overcome. For Elizabeth, her prejudice against Darcy came from his snobbery. It caused her to not see his feelings for her and to believe whatever Wickman said.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Darcy's fierce pride often alienated him from others. For example, he acted so snobby and superior at the first ball with the Bennet's that they were all turned off by him. His eventual love, Elizabeth, was disgusted at his behavior and formed a prejudice against him. Even after he fell in love with her and proposed to Elizabeth, he completely debased her family. Darcy realized eventually that he was going to have to change. He tried to look at his behavior and analyze why he acted as he did. In the end, he fought his intense pride so that he and Elizabeth could be happy together.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Prejudice was also an issue for Darcy in that he disliked Elizabeth in the beginning because of her low social status, poverty, and socially inept family. Darcy was forced to deal with his prejudice when he fell in love with Elizabeth. This was not easy for him to do but it was necessary. His snobbery was countered by his love for Elizabeth. In the end, he overcame his pride and gave in to his feelings by marrying her in spite of her and her family's shortcomings.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Elizabeth had her own issues with prejudice with which to deal. Darcy's cold arrogance and snobbery prejudiced her from him from the beginning and it took Elizabeth a lot longer time to overcome her prejudices than it did Darcy. This was because Elizabeth was a very caring person and did not like the things that Darcy had said about her and her family. When given the chance, Elizabeth loved to hear about how awful Darcy was, such as when she met Wickman, who was eager to slander Darcy. Essay on Themes Pride and Prejudice: :: Pride Prejudice Essays Essay on Themes Pride and Prejudice:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In this novel, the title describes the underlying theme to the book. Pride and prejudice were both influences on the characters and their relationships. Darcy alienated himself from the others at first because of his intense pride. His prejudice against the Bennet's because of their poverty was also something that he would have to overcome. For Elizabeth, her prejudice against Darcy came from his snobbery. It caused her to not see his feelings for her and to believe whatever Wickman said.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Darcy's fierce pride often alienated him from others. For example, he acted so snobby and superior at the first ball with the Bennet's that they were all turned off by him. His eventual love, Elizabeth, was disgusted at his behavior and formed a prejudice against him. Even after he fell in love with her and proposed to Elizabeth, he completely debased her family. Darcy realized eventually that he was going to have to change. He tried to look at his behavior and analyze why he acted as he did. In the end, he fought his intense pride so that he and Elizabeth could be happy together.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Prejudice was also an issue for Darcy in that he disliked Elizabeth in the beginning because of her low social status, poverty, and socially inept family. Darcy was forced to deal with his prejudice when he fell in love with Elizabeth. This was not easy for him to do but it was necessary. His snobbery was countered by his love for Elizabeth. In the end, he overcame his pride and gave in to his feelings by marrying her in spite of her and her family's shortcomings.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Elizabeth had her own issues with prejudice with which to deal. Darcy's cold arrogance and snobbery prejudiced her from him from the beginning and it took Elizabeth a lot longer time to overcome her prejudices than it did Darcy. This was because Elizabeth was a very caring person and did not like the things that Darcy had said about her and her family. When given the chance, Elizabeth loved to hear about how awful Darcy was, such as when she met Wickman, who was eager to slander Darcy.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Buddhism Essay -- essays research papers fc

Buddhism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For over 2000 years Buddhism has existed as an organized religion. By religion we mean that it has a concept of the profane, the sacred, and approaches to the sacred. It has been established in India, China, Japan and other eastern cultures for almost 2000 years and has gained a strong foothold in North America and Europe in the past few centuries. However, one might ask; what fate would Buddhism face had Siddartha Guatama been born in modern times; or more specifically in modern day North America? Would his new found enlightenment be accepted now as it was thousands of years ago? Would it be shunned by society as another â€Å"cult† movement? What conflicts or similarities would it find with modern science; physics in particular? The answers to these questions are the aim of this paper, as well as a deeper understanding of modern Buddhism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although I will stick with traditional ideas raised by Buddhism, one detail in the story of Siddartha Guatama must be addressed in order for it to be relevant to the main question being asked: What obstacles would Siddartha Guatama face had he been born in modern day North America. Primarily, it must be recognized that rather than being born into the Hindu religion (which in itself is mystical), Siddartha would have most likely been born into a Christian family. This in itself presents the first obstacle, that being that Christianity is a strictly monotheistic and non-mystical faith. Hence from the outset, although in the traditional story Siddartha faced a conflict with his father (Ludwig 137), in the North American scenario the conflict would have been heightened by the fact that his search for enlightenment was not even closely similar to the Christian faith.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As with science, changes in religious thought are often met with strong opposition. It is interesting to note though, that many parallels can be found between modern physics and Eastern Mysticism. As Fritjof Capra writes: The changes, brought about by modern physics . . . all seem to lead towards a view of the world which is very similar to the views held in Eastern Mysticism. The concepts of modern physics often show surprising parallels to the ideas expressed in the religious philosophies of the Far East. (17-18) Thus by examining some of the obstacles imposed by t... ...o overcome the problems of being born into a Christian family/society; a society not used to such abstract ideas of reality, the close- minded nature of western thought, and the problems posed by a media that likes to jump on anything new and unusual and tear it to shreds. However, if it were to overcome these obstacles it is quite probable that it would become a deeply rooted religion in North America due to the likely support it would gain from the scientific community. Bibliography Capra, Fritjof. The Tao Of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism. Berkley: Shamhala Publications, 1975 Ludwig, Theodore M. The Sacred Paths: Understanding the Religions of the World.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996 Niwano, Nikky. Buddhism For Today: A Modern Interpretation of the Threefold Lotus   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sutra. New York: WeatherHill, 1980 Richardson, Allen E. East Comes West: Asian Religions and Cultures in North America.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New York: The Pilgrim Press, 1985 Shupe Anson D. Six Perspectives On New Religions: A Case Study Approach.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New York::

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Financial Independence and the Single Woman Essay

Most, if not all of Jane Austen’s renowned novels feature the trials and tribulations of single women—from Pride and Prejudice, to Sense and Sensibility, to Emma. The focus is specifically on the concept of marriage as the only viable choice for a single woman, if she wished to live substantially in her later years. However, while the subject of being wed to a suitable gentleman is present in Emma, the main character possesses a quality different from those in the other stories mentioned—Emma Woodhouse is financially stable. Therefore, this discussion of Austen’s Emma will be done through a different angle, which runs contrary to the author’s quote above. Matrimony in Emma is thoroughly explored and its nature as a solution for an unmarried woman’s future, yet it apparently does not apply to the story’s protagonist. Further arguments will expose the same logic as it is perceived today—after all, Austen wrote most of her work during the mid- to late 19th century. II. Emma Woodhouse and Matchmaking The penchant of the title character for matching her women friends with possible grooms composes the running narrative of the story. Because of a previous success, Emma decides to do the same for her friend Harriet Smith, an innocent but socially-inept young woman. Emma pours all of her efforts in setting Harriet up with the pompous Mr. Elton, and cut all possibilities of Harriet’s consideration of a marriage proposal she had received from Mr. Martin, a young farmer. Eventually, after many plot twists and turns and appearances of more characters, her plans backfire as the arrogant Elton reveals his true desire for Emma, and not for Harriet. Harriet happily ends up with Martin, and Emma admits to her own affections for her longtime friend Mr. Knightley. It is obvious that Emma’s obsession with matchmaking does not cover merely attraction; she chose Mr. Elton for Harriet mainly because of his financial stability, being the local vicar. Compared to the income of a regular farmer, a vicar would ensure a better life for Harriet. Clearly, the era’s societal norms and economic potential for women are at play, for woman were generally not entitled to many occupational choices; the most common would be as a family teacher or governess, both which are not financially rewarding. But the biggest bane of women then was the possibility of being single until they reach an age unacceptable for marriage—which would be around the mid-20s. For Emma, born into a wealthy family and allowed to make her own decisions, the best way to make sure her less fortunate women friends would have good lives ahead would be to marry a rich man. This is not explicitly implied in the story, as Emma’s designs were disguised as just a bored, rich girl’s newest hobby. However, in analyzing her own conditions as well as her initial rejection of the poor Mr. Martin for Harriet, it is obvious that she subscribes to the concept of marriage being the only solution for women other than herself.

Discuss the value requirements" needed to gain the Diploma of Social Work

In my essay I will discuss the â€Å"value requirements† needed to gain the Diploma of Social Work and give 6 examples from my own work experience that I think are relevant from a legal perspective. Within the essay I shall begin by defining the term ‘values'. Values are based on the belief that something is good and desirable, the acceptable standard of a person, group or society within. It defines what is important, worthwhile and worth striving for. Values are very much influenced by the views that people have about how society should be organised and how social relationships should be regulated. Values are distinguished from knowledge. Traditionally Social Work values for examples are user or client self-determination, acceptance, non-judgemental attitudes and confidentiality these can also be a guide of conduct and actions of social workers. Ref. : Dictionary of Social Work I'm working in a direct access hostel that accommodates homeless men. These men are suffering from either alcohol or drug addiction and also from mental health problems. One of my values is not to drink alcohol or at least only in a considered amount. Also using drugs is something, which I for myself consider is against my value-belief. The implication towards one part of my client group, those men who are dependent on alcohol, could be that I preach them you should not drink so much and to do this and that . I could treat them in a disadvantage way because I disagree with their lifestyle. Putting them down and may make them feel there are â€Å"low† or even worse, not worth my time. They might be all alcoholics, drug-addicts etc. but I still have to treat everyone as an individual and according to his or her needs. They may have all different reasons while they depend on alcohol and drugs (i. e. loss of partner, marriage breakdown, repossession of house or flat, bankruptcy). I look at one persons life and look what happen in their life, the problems they had and if there are pattern and solutions to help that particular person to do one thing or another. I can put my own life experience into account if it is relevant and may help. Each individual is also unique in their way. Every human being is different like a fingerprint is, so is every ones values and diversity's (i. . sexual orientation, religion, culture, nationality, skin colour, class and age). Every one likes to be respected but this in turn should be a value for each one to respect anyone else. To recognise all the differences in each individual in each different case and use these differences and to help to help themselves and that promotes the people's right to choose. People who are dependent on alcohol and drugs can not be treated all in the same way. They are all individuals and unique and got to be treated as such. I have to use their backgrounds or beliefs and can not apply the same remedy for everybody to cure them. In the hostel we also have Muslim residents, who do not eat pork because of their religious beliefs. We have to advise the canteen staff accordingly to this to prepare different meals for them that do not came in conflict with their religion. Also to share a room with somebody who keeps an animal is out of question for a Muslim, because in their religion it is seen as â€Å"dirty†, not clean. So I have to make sure to put him with somebody else or in a single room to respect and value his needs. A client or resident comes to have a word with me in private. But he wants that what is said in private does not to go any further than between the two of us. I have to tell him that in my position I can not guarantee this. Than I have to take what he says to me on board and consider if this kind of information can really be kept away form other members of staff. In my working environment I have the duty to share â€Å"information† with my other colleges, team-leader, counsellor and management. If for example he tells me that while he is drinking heavily he also becomes aggressive and might sometimes â€Å"blow his fuse† if anybody annoys him, but does not anybody to know because people may start to treat him differently. This is a matter where I have to pass this information on. Even if he has a right to privacy but in these kind of circumstances the staff and other residents are put in danger. Information has to be revealed to staff only and some sort of precocious measures have to be taken. But if there is only minor disclosures than it will be kept confidential. If one of the residents has HIV/Aids this is a matter of strict confidentiality and will not disclosed to anyone else within or outside the organisation, or recorded in the resident's file, without the person's permission. The only exception in that case is if life-threatening injury or illness occurs. Disclosure to medical personnel is essential to treatment. Also if major blood loss takes place and there is a risk of transmission to other residents or staff. The way we assist people to improve there lives simply starts with befriending, providing material and recreational resources. Also activities like scrabble, pool, table-tennis, chess groups, darts and competitions, video and bingo nights, photography, football, craft. Registering with GP's and also at occasions go for day trips to the seaside and visiting theatres. Organising IT courses and helping with finding a job and resettlement. Health care and counselling is also provided. I speak to residents about any kind of problems or help they may want and advise them about referrals to other hostels, benefits and personnel matters. I come a lot of times in contact with people addicted to drugs and assist them in the counselling process to try to get them of drugs By trying them to get off drugs it helps them to take control of their life and their life takes a different direction. I have to speak to a resident on a one to one basis that if he is taking drugs on the premises he will lose his right to stay at the hostel and as a consequence be evicted. This will hopefully protect himself from using drugs and also protect other drug dependent residents who want to become clean with their addiction, to falling back into old habits. We also help in a way that we give medical advice and medicaments to residents in collusion with medical staff. One incident happen not a long time ago where a white resident went into the lift and just as the lift doors were closing another four black residents jumped in. He then got out of the lift and soon as the lift went up he complained to me that he could not go with â€Å"these† residents in the same lift. I asked why, and he responded â€Å"you know what these black are alike†. I said no and asked him the same question but he refused to explain to me â€Å"why†. It was in my view a certain racist behaviour. But he was not racist verbally (he has not spoken out what he really meant by this), so there was nothing I could do except speak to him and let him know that the black residents may see this as racist act and it might be hurting them. Another incident involved myself with one of the residents making Nazi-salutes at one day and on the next giving head butting signs. At this occasion an incident report was made and the resident being giving immediately notice to leave within 24 hours. When I encounter any racism, discrimination or disadvantage I pull the resident by side or take him to the interview room and have a word with him. Depending how severe the incident was I have to write an incident report and this goes than to the team-leader or manager who than decides what action are be taken. Our hostel policy states no person will be treated less favourably than any other person because of their race, colour, ethnic or national origin, appearance, gender, sexuality, marital status, physical disability, health status, age, religious, spiritual or political beliefs or offending history (Ref. Bridge Housing Association, Equal Opportunities Policy). A lot of people say HIV/Aids is a homosexual disease. If I have a homosexual resident at the hostel and can not stigmatise them by saying all homosexuals must have aids and treat him in a totally different manner then anyone else. Also a lot of people assume that alcoholics talk a lot of rubbish, is not very coherent, falls all over the place and looks shabby. If I deal now with an alcoholic who have these appearance I could automatically assume there is no point for me really to try to deal with this person because he do not know what I'm talking about anyway. The drink has got to him and because of the problems I may associate with alcoholism I could treat them all in the same way. With this attitude and thinking he is not worth my time because he would not remember anyway what I'm talking about I would just do enough (paperwork) without giving him the help he might really need. When a resident is totally drunk I give a cup of coffee or support him to his bedroom where he can sleep for a while to get sober. When he is in a state where I can talk to him I will do so he in private with no other residents present. Just because the person does have an alcohol dependency I do not treat him as that. I treat him as a normal individual and treat him in a way that if I would be an alcoholic, the way I would like to be treated. To have values is a good thing because at enables you to set goals for yourself and to achieve objectives. But there is also a down side where other people values can come into conflict with my own.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Essentialism: Gender Role

Essentialism refers to the belief that people or culture have and underlying and unchanging state. The concept of essentialism in gender states that there are innate differences between a man and a woman and an unchanged idea of what it means to be a man or a woman. Thus men and women are subject to gender role that is their define occupation, behaviour and role in the society. Non essentialism is that difference in men and women behaviour and role is culturally and socially constructed.The article â€Å"Scrap that single woman stereotype† (Ellie Mae O’Hagan 2012), illustrate the essentialist view of women role. That is women have limited option about their path. In the article the author illustrate that to be seen as a successful woman, women should subscribe to the gender role laid down by the society. They are less considered if they are not married even if they have achieved an independent economic status. In China, they are considered as â€Å"societal lepers†, outsiders of the society. Society do not accept woman to be totally independent financially and emotionally toward men.It is illustrated by the case of that woman who had to fly away from China as it was not accepted that at over 27 years old she was not married. The social system follows the essentialist theory and it rewards women for performing their gender role correctly and punishes them if they choose not to follow conventional gender role. Gender essentialism has been used to advocate and explain the conventional and natural role of women. Buss and Schmitt (1993) stated that women are generally more interested in long term relationship than men.That is women have more tendency to seek for marriage than men. The reason given by Buss and Schmitt for women to want a â€Å"long term mate† is to provide them with resources like money or food. It is an essentialist view of woman not able to provide themselves with money and food. However, increasingly women are independe nt and challenging the conventional idea that men who are breadwinner. That suggests that the roles played by the two genders are constructed by society and can be changed. Another aspect of essentialism is that roles are mapped out by nature.The role of woman is natural and exists outside of cultural and social conditioning, thus by nature women need to carrying, emotional or dependant. Women not responding to that view would be always questioned and depreciated by others. The author of the article suggests that women who are single are due to a â€Å"flaw† opposed to â€Å"life natural turbulence†. So by nature women cannot stay single and it is a fault if they stayed unmarried. Those are generalised statement which are asserted and taken for natural and universal.By consequence, as suggested by Marcia (1966), people think that gender roles reflect natural tendencies and do not consider themselves outsides these roles. It influences their decision, occupation and beh aviour. The author herself justifies her singlehood and her view of single woman was influenced by the essentialist view of single women, that they are unhappy and do not have a fulfilling life. Essentialist norms about natural traits of a woman, states that women would achieve happiness and satisfaction if the accept the traditional role in relationship.Thus it maintains gender inequity and patriarchy as a universal system. It manifests in terms of stereotypical assumption about role of women in relation to man. There are assumptions about what women are and what women should be. Even if a woman rejects the stereotypes, she is judge by others with references to stereotypes (Steele 1997). The singlehood is considered to be the woman fault and be blame for it. Singlehood in essentialism is considered also as consequence of women bad decisions, behaviour according to normal gender role and a assume decision of women.The feminist essentialism as stated by Irigaray, argues that women co ndition and role has been defined by a patriarchal society. According to feminist women are forced by men to play certain roles defined by feminine traits like passive, submissive, emotional or caring. Women are expected to be wife, mother and cannot transgress those expectations. Feminist have adopted non-essentialism to challenge society. Non- essentialism argues that culture shapes roles for men and women and that it is transmitted by culture through generation.So societies have pre-existing norms and expectations. According to non- essentialism men and women are socially and culturally grown up to adopt gender specific behaviours. Society maintains and reinforces stereotypes. The articles illustrate also that women do live a fulfilling life whether or not married. Even if researches shows that single woman achieved more in life than single man, society and people still view them as unhappy and faulty. Women like interviewed in the articles are frustrated due to these stereotypes .Society searches reason for their singlehood. Single women are considered whether workaholic or careerist. Essentialism associated these characteristic to men but no to women. Essentialism maintains gender stereotyping and inequities. Women are expected using the nature reason to behave in a certain way. Even if women now work and are independent they still are expected to fulfil their role of wife and mother. Non- essentialism illustrate that gender determined role is not natural but socially constructed. Reference list: Ellie Mae O’Hagan. 012. Scrap that single woman stereotype. The Guardian. http://www. guardian. co. uk/commentisfree/2012/jul/27/scrap-single-womanstereotype Buss, D. M. , & Schmitt, D. P. 1993. Sexual strategies theory: An evolutionary perspectiveon human mating. Psychological Review, 100, 204-232 Marcia J. E. 1966. Development and validation of ego development status. Journal ofPersonality and Social Psychology,3, 551-558. Steele, C. M. 1997. A threat in the air: How stereotype shape intellectual indentity andperformance. American Psychologist, 52, 613-629.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Journal of Operation Management Essay

A critical review using P.S. Adler, Mary Benner, David James, John Paul MacDuffie, Emi Osono, Bradley R. Staats, Hirotaka Takeuchi, Michael L. Tushman and Sindey G. Winer, Journal of operation management: Perspectives on the productivity dilemma The article focuses on the critical issue in the areas of operations management, strategy, product development and international business. Taylor and Deming had operation research on an organisation that can increase efficiency by adhering strictly to the proven templates. While Abernathy and March also research how efficiency can impose cost. March and Simon suggest an organisation solve problems but acquiring knowledge that can be reused to solve similar problems in the future. Further on to say knowledge captures the essence of what worked in the past enabling organisation to take short-cuts and avoid deadens, thereby abridging the problem solving. Abernathy also suggested a firm focus on productivity gains inhibited its flexibility and ability to innovate. He observed that the automobile industry, a firm’s economic decline was directly related to its efficiency and productivity efforts. He also suggested that a firm’s ability to compete over time was rooted not only increasing efficiency. Readability Apple Company shows a greater productivity in their creativity and innovation, but has been some critical issue emerging with the new CEO of the company, which have been a mass suicide threat, posed an ethical dilemma facing Apple and its new leader and the employees. Practical application The ethnical issue hit Apple’s new leader, showing a great crisis, workers threaten recklessness in protest over their working conditions where workers can have a safe work environment free of discrimination, and they can earn competitive wages and can voice their concerns freely. Apple’s suppliers must live up to this to do business with Apple. Reflective comments – Evidence of evaluation and critical thinking, i.e. ways in which you understand the academic/practical aspects of the paper (you may use additional pages) The journal describe the different component of work with evaluates evidence. It suggests a good example with Toyota having a good appreciation of different type of evidence and what is offered. Using (Abernahty) research as an evidence measures with the increase in efficiency and (David James Brunner, Bradley R. Staata and Michael L. Tushman) with practical evidence where I think organisation often finds them undecided between contradictory and conflicting goals regarding the issue about foxcoon increasing the monthly wages of employees making it difficult for Apple to deal with then on an agree based while such issue can be resolve with (David James Brunner, Bradley R. Staata and Michael L. Tushman) evidence and will come on good term to do business. Productivity dilemma highlights the tension between a particular pair of widely held goals: efficiency and adaptability. As in the article, the nature of such tension and approaches for handling situation with the employees in Apple wi ll be a constrcutive approach for Apple to resolve conflict to attain efficiency for the growth of the company. Adler argues that the structuring, systematizing and rationalizing associated with bureaucracy can enable creativity and innovation. However creativity and innovation such a tightly coupled systems required cooperation among interdependent participants, which depends in turn on a foundation of trust. This trust is always threatened by the possibility that profit pressure may undermine this cooperation by turning the tool of enabling bureaucracy into a coercive weapon. The CEO of apple can use the official procedure to fight against the workers and also gain trust in the working conditions. The conflict between apple and Foxcoon can refine efficient routines providing the building blocks for innovation. (Brunner and Staats) prose threat organisation can reconcile exploitation with exploration by intentionally destabilising their own processes through deliberate perturbation and by ensuring that disruptions are translated into learning and knowledge creation through exploratory interpretation. These arguments may help Apple and Foxconn suggest that dynamic conservatism identified by (Tushman and Benner) may be at least in part a property of inferior administrative technologies, rather than an inevitable consequence of disciplined processes.