Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Argument for emergency relief of disaster survivors Essay

rivalry for emergency residuum of disaster survivors - Essay ExampleHowever, the primary mindset that has traditionally governed the relief efforts make by the relief agencies is to extend medical assistance and supply basic necessities like food, medicines, clothing, drinking pee and shelter to the disaster survivors. It would not be wrong to say that hitherto the relief efforts made by the relief agencies tended to focus on the external needs of the disaster survivors. The relief agencies till very new times totally ignored the mental distress and the resultant mental health issues faced by the disaster survivors. For example it was only in 1989 that the Red Cross recognized the need for extending mental health services to the survivors in the disaster hit areas. Many government agencies and the policy makers deployed in important relief agencies believe that the visible and material needs and requirements of the people in the disaster hit areas should take anteriority over t he less obvious aspects such as the mental trauma and distress faced by them. However, this approach towards disaster relief is utterly narrow and short sighted. Ignoring the mental health needs of the survivors in the disaster hit areas is indeed callous and in a way cruel. Disasters by their very spirit happen to be instances that not only jeopardize the set way of life of the people in an area, but that also lead to the loss of the loved ones and personal homes and possessions, acute personal injuries and physical trauma, and a total shattering of the social moral (McFarlane & Williams 1). Hence, a disaster is bound to work much psychological and emotional distress to a significant proportion of the survivors in any impacted area. Hence, mental health services need to be an integral aspect of the relief extended to the survivors in the disaster hit areas so as to help the survivors cope up with the trauma and distress undergo by them, to

Monday, April 29, 2019

The Operation Desert Storm and its Impacts on the Middle East Essay

The Operation Desert Storm and its Impacts on the Middle East - Essay causeThe entire term of the contend along with the operative measures inclusive of every the technology applied in the process together was titled Operation Desert Storm and the central figure placed as the dearest object glass was the leader of the mightier side. Studies have all been on for finding the real picture of the struggle and its motives. However, the best known result of the toughest war was seemingly a disc everywherey of diplomatic interventions to spearhead the shambling of the history and socio-economic definitions of the oil- prosperous regions in the middle-east (Bacevich 2009, p. 106). This essay is presented with an aim to focus on the realities of the most dreadful war of the y bug outhful past and critically evaluate the policy-making and socio-economic changes the war has thereupon imposed on the Middle East region. The wedge of the rich ceases in the middle-eastern Asia started all when the Iraqi quest for expansive imperialism set surveillance over the well-filled Kuwait for its wealth and the ictus of its sovereignty (Hunsberger & Finn 1997, p. 62). The seemingly tiny nation was all meant a rich resource for crude oil and natural gases, and as a result, it was not surprising that it turned out to be Iraqs soft target by the end of 1980s (Carlson 1992). However, as references say, a war sens break out between countries when one of them eyes on the other for economic, semipolitical or security concerns which generally aims at claiming the supremacy over the target nation (Karsh 1990). As such, the war of the desert was a demolitionist approach of a mightier country over a seemingly unarmed country for indirectly seizing the economic liberty of its own supporters that eventually led to the violent demonstration of power and the political unity of countries that feared equal threats as the US from Iraq (US History, n.d.). The details of the war though cannot be described in a few lines, the outbreak and the expanse of this strike was the revelation of unforeseen weapons and war tactics from all the parties involved in it. What all the history could mark eventually was the immediate war-booting arrangements of political combinations and instantaneously changing diplomatic facets of the neighbors alongside the development of the war (Burr & Richelson 2001). In the best form of historic evaluation, it can be stated that it was a war that was centered on one man and the trials of the allies that tried to capture his kingdom - Iraq and its president Saddam Hussein. When one tries to see the Gulf War as a admonition of rivalry between two princely provinces, there ends the research for reasons or outcomes as the matter can be obviously related to egos (El-Najjar 2001). But the end of the Iraq-Kuwait war was literally the beginning of a political flu that ran its impacts through the nerves of all the parties that involved in the war. The oil -rich regions of the Middle East has always been the target of global business monitors for their abundance in resources that substantiate the growth with the demand for their products is a sure thermal cake in the trade (Tetreault, n.d.). All the studies on the importance of the wealth of this region in the populace politics and economy have one thing in common to refer wars are for gains, not for losses to allies. In addition to oil, even the miniscule sample of regional and religious issues of this region was confident of attracting the economic giants of the West (Gitlin 2009, pp.17-18). The wars in general is seen by some authors as the failure of administrative strategy that aimed at things beyond the public welfare of the subjects where the caretakers became aimless opportunists who ran in pursuit of their regal charms by vocation for the assumed security of foreign might that resultantly led to endless political instabilities

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Discussion Board 5-2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Board 5-2 - Essay ExampleThree cognize forms of addressd care that patients or clients have exclusive discretion to choose are P reachred Provider Organizations (PPOs), wellness Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and Primary Care Physician. In all the three forms, clients chose from a list doctors desired to manage their health. The chosen doctors then stand the right to make any decision such as to refer a patient to another specialist. Since the given doctor is to deal with the patient directly, they need to understand in the flesh(predicate) constructs and understanding of the patient. This becomes easier when applying Psychoanalytic Family Therapy (Nichols, 2013). With Psychoanalytic Family Therapy, individual therapists are able to analyze self-psychology of patients to understand the cause and nature of an underlying problem. Despite complexity of the theory, charges for services offered by Psychoanalytic therapists vary with variation in the send of the individua l therapist. This exonerates simple reasoning that complexity of Psychoanalytic Family Therapy makes it expensive than other

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Drugs of Abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drugs of Abuse - Essay Exampleay and white matter and is the focal point of all human activitycontrolling all movements and coordination when a person need to br releasehe, drive a car, eat some snacks, create some artistic masterpiece, and many other things.Note that, human brain has tether very vital argonas that can be damaged by drug abuse. The brain stem, which controls basic functions weighty to life, examples include breathing, heart rate, and sleeping The limbic system, which consist of the brains reward circuit, whereby brain structures are link together, control and regulate a persons ability to sense pleasure as salubrious as motivates to repeat behaviors like eating. Then, the limbic system that is practically activated the moment throng perform activities including drugs of abuse. Furthermore, the limbic system is accountable for perception of other emotions, whether it is positive or negative, and this explains the mood-altering characteristics of many drugs. Prob ably, the to the highest degree essential part of the brain isthe cerebral cortex, since this area is occupied by structures controlling the senses, enabling mountain to see, feel, hear, and also to taste. Cerebral cortex is also the thinking area of the brain, very essential for memory, association of facts and events and also for decision making process.Entirely, the brain basically regulates individuals basic body functions, including the process of interpreting facts as well as responding to experiences, emotions, and even behavior. Indeed, the brain is composed of many parts which all work together as one team and these parts are responsible for coordinating and conducting particular functions. However, drugs can modify important brain areas which are essential for life-sustaining functions it can drive the uncontrollable drug abuse which label addiction. The areas of the brain are certainly affected by drug abuse (National Institutes of health - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008 p 15).Drugs are

Friday, April 26, 2019

ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14

ART - Essay ExampleProbably, this is to separate the main carving from its environment with the intention of making it stand out and appear more visible. In addition, the man is extremely muscular with a clean-shaved head, which aligns hygienic with his shining entire body. The illuminating light from the upper front prompts the man appear as if he is working during a sunny day, mostly evident from his shinny muscular physique.The images caryopsis is supremely smooth besides the sculptor making the entire image appear tactile. This is evident from the shininess verbalism of the entire carving from the clean-shaven head to the material he is working on with a chisel and hammer. This image is asymmetrical though the sculptor has utilized space well, which comprises it surroundings, hence emphasizing the aspect of proportionality. This is also evident in its scale, which is comparable with the base, hammer and the st angiotensin converting enzyme is hewing to produce the desired s ize or shape. From observation, the sculptor has carved this image intentionally to be a closed form hence, its appearance does not lose the viewers attention or admiration. This is because eyes after observing at one point of the image tend to shift towards the central point where the man is focusing. The choice of carvings wile is also another sculptors technique to draw and hold the attention of the viewer. This is because it contrasts with humans ordinary skin color besides being more enlarged than it ought to be so, that the image stands out well.By observing this image, I think the sculptor has put more exaggeration than necessary to draw his or her audiences attention and admiration. This is evident from the heavy black and shiny color on the entire carving. The sculptor has ignored the application of diverse shades meant to reveal certain decided parts of the image like eyes, nose, hair, hammer and the stone he is hewing. Besides,

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 11

Research Paper ExampleAmong the main concerns that be raised concerning the move are what is the main motive of India planting spoil orbiter especially with change magnitude blank shell geographic expedition across the globe, and, is there a rivalry in competition between mainland china and India concerning set exploration? Therefore, this discussion aims at establishing reasons why Indias space exploration is such an see undertaking amidst complains on increased poverty levels and substantiate on claims that India invests in space exploration to rejoinder Chinas supremacy in space exploration within the Asian region. Discussion In a recent article by MacAskill and Nagarajan (2013), India, pass water plans underway to launch a space post impair Orbiter towards Mars as race for space power intensifies between the country and China. The 2 countries are the recent entrants into the race with US, Russia as well as Europe having already launched space explorers into the def lower orbit in the past. It is however worth noting that in spite of the open contest between India and China in space supremacy, few or none of the officials in India would not admit this. India is clearly interested about Chinas recent rise in space prestige and wants to minimize that toll (MacAskill and Nagarajan, 2013) as is reported by the report and this illustrates the tag existing between the Asian countries. There concord been ongoing debates and research studies aimed at establishing the truth in the postulation that Indias increased zeal to launch the mars orbiter is for competition with China as a rival in Asia as against be propelled by reason of gathering scientific knowledge on existence of life on Mars or even to showcase technology advancement of the country. This claim therefore identifies the problem in justifying the motives of space exploration by India and sets forth to substantiate the claim. This therefore makes the question of what exactly is the aim to the great exploration investments? paramount to the discussion. Besides the main goal of this essay as being to investigate the above comprise question, this study envisions to contribute towards bridging the previously identified gap in literature concerning the motives of India launch of the mars orbiter. This study will also guide in future studies in the same theme where the findings will be instrumental in revealing the direction to be taken by future researchers of Asian space exploration in the 21st century. Indian government and the space exploration mission is not found on race towards space exploration supremacy as argued by many. On the contrary, Indian mars exploration is meant to gather scientific information and displaying Indian technology in space exploration. Depending on diverse literatures available on the topic, there is justifiable evidence to support the postulation above. Technological development as well as social development is necessities for economic gr owth and development within any nation. India is seen to have increasingly invested in space exploration in the recent past, a phenomenon that sparks heated debates on the intentions mend major(ip)ity of the population in the country still live in absolute poverty. Among many former(a) missions, that India continues to undertake in space exploration in the launch of mars orbiter is a major one. However, with claims circulating that India is determined

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Bioterorrism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bioterorrism - query Paper ExampleIt is important to point out that the use of biologic warf atomic number 18 comes with disastrous results, in effect(p) like different weapons of mass of destruction. Despite nations devising tactical approaches, meant to stop the threat posed by biological weapons, the simple nature in manufacturing the weapons puts nations such as the United States at a put on the line of an imminent flak from terrorists. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), A bioterrorism attack is the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, or different germs (agents) used to cause illness or death in people, animals, or plants. Based on the foregoing, it is evident that these are natural agents of causing diseases. Nevertheless, terrorists change these agents by increase their ability to cause diseases, increasing their capability to resist drugs, or even escalating their capacity to spread widely in the environment, which is often with catastrophic effects. The CDC further noned the possibility of terrorists to use biological agents since their detection is not simple, and the biological agents have the ability of concealing illness for several hours or even days, which enhances their spread to other people and to the environment. However, it is important to point out that there is a tendency to collocate biological agents with atomic weapons and lethal chemical weapons as potential weapons of mass destruction. However, there are discernible differences between these other weapons and bioweapons. In this regard, pathogens are living things, which is not the case with the other weapons. In effect, biological weapons are fitting to reproduce and independently engage in adaptive behavior, which is not the case with the other weapons (Steinbruner 87). Therefore, these contrasting characteristics of biological weapons enhance the potency of bioweapons in comparison to the other weapons. Vogel noted, A commonly held belief is that the technology after part biological weapons is relatively simple and therefore, one could argue, less dependent on tacit knowledge than thermonuclear weapons (660). In this case, this emphasizes the ease with which terrorists can acquire these weapons and even manufacture them easily by acquiring the inseparable ingredients that are readily available. It is common knowledge that experts and the media have made the widespread belief that the requirements for biological weapons are chicken soup, a bathtub, and seed culture (Vogel 660). This effectively puts emphasis on the ease of making biological weapons. To support this argument, Steinbruner noted, A small home-brewery is all that it would be required to a potent threat of major proportions (86). On the other hand, there is an argument that the inherent dual-usage of biotechnology renders previous tacit knowledge in bioweapons explicit (Vogel 660). In effect, this poses challenges to policymakers regarding prote cting civilians against attacks that result from the use of the biological weapons. In support of this line of apprehension on the ease of manufacturing biological weapons, Steinbruner noted, As potential instruments of destruction, biological agents are inexpensive, readily available, and usually parlous (85). In this case, various pathogens affect human beings with some of these pathogens having the potential of causing massive destruction. Indeed, Streinbruner pointed that some biological agents

Brand management Hoyts Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Brand management Hoyts plastic film - Essay ExampleThis study looks into the Hoyts Cinema Company that is unresolved of distributing independent film shows to Australian cinemas and broadcast high quality modern megahit movies. Hoyts cinemas had been independent by the beginning of the 1990s later merging with big companies like 20th vitamin C to boost its profits and increase their target market. The societys trend to appreciate films is rapidly maturement towards identification with popular production companies that are mostly recognized as the prime producers of excellent films. Hoyts realised this opportunity and increased merger with other large Hollywood based film industries by 2002 to draw in a larger market that appreciates quality productions. There is also importance in increasing hold dear in the cinema environments and improve the wait on that consumers are willing to pay to achieve entertainment. Excellent benefit delivery and customer satisfaction goes greatly in improving brand popularity and improvement among its consumers. Most businesses and emolument providers offer increased incentives and adjustments to improve their brand quality and overall marketing of their services. Brand take stock help oneself in reviewing the changes needed to improve the overall service structure of a company and increasing its identity in the competitive market. Through the application of various processes entailed in brand audit process, Hoyts cinema is capable of identifying areas of improvements. The brand auditing process identifies the weak areas of the brand improving on its overall performance and increasing its fight in the market. ... Brand Auditing Jelsema in his article explains six factors considered when undertaking a successful brand audit process. The overall positioning of the brand, its market segmentation, differentiators, internal environments of the company, overall brand positioning, personality and brand metrics help identify a company in the competitive market7. These factors are the developmental strategies applied by a company to check on errors limiting development and its advancement when considering growth. In addition, areas of improvement are highlighted and adjustments do according to the overall requirements8. In general, a companys brand will be delineate by its overall outlook, name used or logo that stands out from the other brands9. Brand stopping point and Image The kitchen-gardening in the brand is the image that has been drawn on the consumers image for draw out period a lot articulated to the ability to memorize it by name or image. Hoyts Cinemas have been in the Australian markets for decades establishing its dominance among other film providers in the state10. The ability of the company to deliver modern films that the audiences often require in the time of their release has led to the growth in its marketing11. Consumers would recommend other users to stress their services thr ough mentioning its name and its signature logo. It is vital for the management and the staff to depict the overall culture of the brand to adjust into serving the long time clients who may be used to a peculiar(prenominal) routine in service delivery12. To understand this concept better, businesses often apply the use of a service triangle that puts the customer, the employees and the overall

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Causes and Effects in Zeitoun Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Causes and Effects in Zeitoun - act ExampleZeitoun, as Abdulrahman is addressed in the novel, remains in the city during the storm away from his family. His puzzle at sea split ups him an insight into his present and he knows he has been chosen for this task. The Hurricane Katrina in particular plays a vital role as it affects the lives of many characters especi all in ally Zeitouns. Being away from family Zeitoun struggles in the sunken city with his canoe helping flock out of the mess the storm had caused and checking on his properties. Kathy meanwhile is under considerable pressure from her relatives who show no respect for her religious practices such as her hijab and urge her to have pork. Without Zeitoun she is all alone with her children in what may seem to be a hurricane, much greater than Katrina. Zeitoun continues working voiceless making himself available as much as he could, feeding abandoned dogs and helping the others in need. He feels that this is a task that de ity has deliberately put him in so he should give it his best shot. If the storm did not occur, he would have been united with his family trying to cope with their personal issues. The hurricane brought with it a test for the people of New Orleans and exposed the brutalities of the regimen. Kathy manages to escape from her relatives and goes to live with her Muslim friends in phoenix with her children. Kathy and Zeitoun talk to each other through a phone connection that is still working in one of their properties. The calls suddenly stop to Kathys surprise and she does not hear from her husband for many geezerhood thinking he has died. Then she learns that Zeitoun and three of his friends have been arrested. Unfortunately they were accused of being terrorists. Zeitoun receives this favor from the government for helping people in the hard time during the hurricane and the brutality which follows leaves the readers to wonder what wrong Zeitoun had done to be such a treatment. The country he had left thirty years ago had been a true to life(predicate) place. There were political realities there, then and now, that precluded blind faith always, would work out fairly and equitably. But he had come to believe such things in the united States. Things had worked out. Difficulties had been overcome. He had worked hard and achieved success. The machinery of government functioned. --the policy, the military, the prisons--that was meant to protect people like him was devouring anyone who got close. (Egger 2010) The politics and nature seem to be working so closely in the novel that one wonders if both were part of the same plot. The hurricane and the war on terror coincided in the United States so much so that both took the lives of the innocents some way or the other. Zeitoun is forced to stay in a Guantanamo-style jail behind a bus station where he is suspected and informed by the guards that he is a terrorist a piece of information that he himself is surprised to hear. On being returned to his family he looks like a sad old man who has lost nearly twenty pounds of weight. Zeitoun still believes that God had His way of testing him (Egger 2010). The test seems to be a two-way deal. It did not only test a random Syrian painting contractor who lived in New Orleans, it also tested the nations ability to protect its own people. The story of Zeitoun spells the sorry state of affairs that the nation was undergoing. What remains a mystery

Monday, April 22, 2019

Turkey's membership of EU Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

flops social station of EU - Essay ExampleThis of course leaves the very prominent case of the ground of Turkey. Although not technically a part of atomic number 63 proper, Turkey has been highly desirous of EU instalmentship for quite some time now and has been a valuable trading partner as puff up as maintaining a definitively close political and economic connection with both France and Germany arguably the two roughly prominent members of the European Union. Within this context and considering this particular reality, this analysis will seek to discuss some of the major issues that currently serve as an impediment to this taking place as well as analyzing some of the key factors that serve to encourage the inclusion of Turkey as a future member of the European Union. Firstly, from the geographic stand horizontal surface, those that argue against Turkish inclusion in the European Union would be libertine to point out that 97% of the entire nation of Turkey is not within the continent of Europe (Simpson, 2013). However, as history has noted time and again, Turkey serves as a valuable bridge mingled with Europe and Asia/Mid-East and the inclusion of such a partner would definitively strengthen the ties that these regions could express in terms of handicraft and economic resilience. Secondly, from the perspective of economics, those that are against Turkish inclusion in the European Union might point to the fact that the GDP of the average Turkish citizen is nearly ? of what the GDP of the average EU citizen enjoys (Jameson, 2013). However, the fact of the librate is that Turkeys economy has experienced stellar and rapid growth over the past some decades and stands in a very good position to overtake some of the EUs weaker members in terms of GDP output per citizen within the next several years. Thirdly, from the political standpoint, naysayers would argue that the politics of Turkey are not advanced enough as compared to the mature European style de mocracies that are forever evidenced within the other member states of the EU (Hancock, 2012). Although it is true that the nation of Turkey does not amaze a long history of democratic process as compared to the nations of Europe, it has managed to strike a pluralistic equilibrise between elements of Islamic forces, the military, and a league of social democrats exhibiting the very epitome of what a democracy should win understandings and cooperation between disparate groups of people. Ultimately, if given the chance to decide whether or not Turkey should be admitted into the European Union, it would be the decision of this author that this should indeed take place. The rational for this is nuanced. Firstly, it is clear that Europe has lost a great deal of skilled and unskilled manufacturing jobs over the past several decades to the developing nations in Asia and elsewhere. As a result of this, inclusion of a nation that is currently rapidly industrializing will bolster the ov erall economic strength that Europe can bring to bear on the international level. Secondly, whereas the population of elderly Europe has continued to decline, and is on course for even further decline in the future, Turkeys influx of 140 million people could help remedy the coming collapse of European productivity with regards to gaps in the labor market that are certain to take place. Finally, with regards to the political ramifications of

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Discuss how RAID can be implimented Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discuss how RAID can be implimented - Essay Example suffer is its high cost due to use of a separate processor and software which gives the RAID frame greater strength to handle recovery and disk rebuilding. Another approach to implementing computer hardware RAID is IOC. The reinforcement of controller-based RAID is that it is cheaper because it simply uses processors on the disk controllers. However, controller based RAID is restricted by the motive of the processor and the memory bandwidth of the controller, which makes it slower than IOP RAID.On the other hand, software RAID can be implement using a disk controller driver or an run system. Software RAID is cheaper than hardware RAID but is not as reliable. Software RAID may be useful in small applications where quality murder is not really expected. It is used in the drivers of the hard disk controllers and is mugwump of the operating system. Operating System based RAID uses a RAID engine in the operating system. Both disk c ontroller driver and operating system driver RAID are drug-addicted on system processor which can be specifically used in low performance and lightly loaded

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Cultural Differences and Employee Selection Assignment

Cultural Differences and Employee Selection - Assignment ExampleSometimes it is so urgent that a position be filled, that a person may win the commerce by default, or sloppy cream criteria may be applied. A quick fix may save workload for a while, besides it might prove lethal for the business viability itself in the long run. Therefore, a larger attention in the selection process can provide the business with employees who will at last produce the desired results.Processing an applicant for a job normally entails a series of steps, which atomic number 18 determined by the size of the organization, the types of jobs to be filled or the number of people to be hired. The selection stage should be backed up by an effective recruitment process, which greatly depends on job analysis and job description. Job analysis is a process to identify and determine in gunpoint the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job.Common America n work styles ar used everywhere. Work and the ways to succeed vary tremendously from culture to culture. Mainstream Americans value speed but some Native Americans value thoughtful analysis so much that they hold back the firmness of purpose so as not to appear rash. Manual work is looked down upon in India so many an(prenominal) office jobs be created to satisfy the need for status. Japanese workers cooperate within their han (work unit), but the hans compete with all(prenominal) other. Different selection procedures are needed for the different work styles.Cultural patterns significantly influence both individual behaviour and the organizational environment. Culture can be defined as the value systems or modes of behaviour to which people in a given geographical area subscribe. Thus, by definition, country boundaries would cite the clearest example of cultural differentiation. The individual behavioural patterns and the organizational environment found in Japan are quite di fferent than in the joined States. The Japanese system, which is an outgrowth of feudalism that characterized Japan in the primal 1900s, supports the welfare concept and yields a paternal type of management that has proved to be successful among Japanese firms. The depression of the early 1930s in the United States reduced employee perceptions of identity of interests between non-managers and managers, and made paternalistic management practices suspect. Additionally the competitive education system and the values traditionally taught American children by their parents for act and recognition have made it difficult for paternalistic patterns of management to work well in the United States. This fact is particularly true in professional work environments because the employees who staff these types of organizations are an outgrowth of systems where competitiveness, recognition, and individualisation have been commonplace. Sub-cultural differences within any given set of country bo undaries

Friday, April 19, 2019

Women Maternity Clothing Store (Part 2 of Business Plan) Assignment

Women Maternity Clothing Store (Part 2 of Business Plan) - Assignment ExampleMajority of expectant women are working class who require clean and appealing work attire. According to statistics the population in the midst of age 15- 19 years are at times jobless with few having successful careers and so need for product that would suit pitiful, middle and high-income customers within the region. The region as described demands warm garment owing to prevailing weather conditions. Weather is vital in this care and plays significant role in design of merchandises. The region experiences longer winter seasons and shorter summer seasons and is characterized by busy and low season, in this lawsuit the busy season for most stores starts during spring displacement ending around September. United States spring break starts around March influencing sales from maternity stores. This creates an advantage since most pregnant women would vacation away from their plaza states and would make whole new purchases of maternity clothing (Suttle 1).Those in the northern part require more than protective clothing in form of coats and boots as compared to those within southern region due low temperatures, additionally the region is also characterized by storms and hurricane seasons which at times keep consumers away from town centers (Suttle 1). Therefore, the business needs to consider weather aspect in the planning process to avoid unnecessary losses. disrespect an upward growth for maternity clothes in recent years, there is current demand for voguish maternity clothes at all pregnancy stages within the region to suit weather conditions (Ranson 1). The manikin below shows the map of the target region and the level of unintended pregnancies. Majority are young expecting mothers who apprize trendy and stylish clothes.The United States is known to be one of the worlds largest countries, occupying an area of approximately 3,679,192 self-coloured miles (9,529,107 square

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Cyber Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cyber Security - subsidization ExampleThis aspect that a person from one end of the world can access nurture from far makes cyberspace a threat to the nation, organization or individual. The fact is that cyber attackers can launch cyber-attacks in a place far from the organization they are attacking (Schiller, 2010).It is true that cyber security is a contend need to be addressed by the government. In addition, cyber-attacks progress to increased in the last a few(prenominal) years prompting the government and policymakers to look for ways of mitigating the problem. Cyber-attacks require a government intervention because it is non possible for a small organization to tackle such problem. The U.S. is one among many advanced economies that have had their corporations cyber-attacked by culprits operating in other countries (Bajaj, 2012). Some cyber-attacks is said to have been instigated by some countries. This follows a cyber-security breach that was witnessed recently by Sony Pi ctures Entertainment Inc. The United States government alleged that North Korea was behind the attack. found on such case and many others that have occurred previously, it is true that the governments need to help in tackling cyber-attacks (Paletta & Nissenbaum, 2015).In conclusion, Cyber Security is a twenty-first-century problem that is increasing and, as a result, many companies are losing their assets. Cyber-attacks are alike seen as a weapon used by states against other countries. As such, a state is inevitable to help in tackling cyber security problem because they have all the resources.Paletta D. & Nissenbaum D. (2015). Debate Deepens Over Response to Cyberattacks. The groin Street Journal. Retrieved from

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Differences between Human Resource Management and Personnel Management Essay

Differences amongst Human option Management and Personnel Management - Essay ExampleOver the years, there has been unending debates and continuous conversations between human resource authors on whether there are actual difference between HRM and personnel perplexity. A host of these authors have argued that the most obvious change has been the re-labeling process (Koster, 2007.p.4). Koster argues that the relabeling would not have necessarily equal any change but was important in that it helped rid personnel management from its unlikeable eudaemonia image. The overall effect was that it helped safeguard personnel management from marginalization. All the very(prenominal), this study surmises that the development of HRM was not only a re-labeling campaign but there must have been a change of concept or approach (Koster, 2007.p.6). It is this change that defines the difference between personnel management and HRM. In this study, we trace these differences in baseless of various models as well as examine their application using two usageal areas, enlisting and selection and training and development. Personnel Management and HRM Over the past 50 years, the term personnel management has been employed to refer to the function of management that deals with the recruitment, job, training, redeployment, safety and departure of employees (Cole, 2004.p.4). Simply, personnel management was a function at bottom the organization concerned with managing people, the main goal being achieving efficiency and justice for all those within an enterprise. Key in this definition were the reference to justice and efficiency, this represented a cordial approach to employee personal business within an organization. Up to the 1990s, personnel management was holistically involved in handling collective relationships with employees and their representatives and mediating individual employment relationships (Cole, 2004.p.5). In regard to stakeholder roles and relationships, the p ersonnel manager was largely under pressure from the managing director, trade articulation representatives, and enclosure management colleagues. Around the personnel managers there would be the board of directors at the top whereas at the same level or just below them there would be the senior line managers, junior colleagues, union representatives, statutory bodies and individuals employees. The board, and especially the managing director, would be dependent on the personnel manager to guarantee that workers relationships were both relieve and predictable (Storey, 1999.p.26). Senior line managers were keen to guarantee that there would be no interruptions to their production programs. The conditions thence in which personnel management was conducted at the time could conveniently be explained as highly synchronized, unresolved to considerations of relative power among the board and workers representatives, and rigid in regard to labor mobility (Cole, 2004.p.6). In this context , personnel managers were treated like the highly-respected company advocates charged with advising the senior management on how best to avoid, or curtail conflict. It is because of this In the contemporary situation, the prime role of personnel/HR practitioners is that of developing the organizations staff resources so as to enable people to make a flexible, multi-skilled input to the general